I am a man, a dominant man at home and at work. I am 6ft 3 and 17 stone and the head of our family and thats what she wants too. I am a law enforcement officer and often lead my team into areas of conflict where control has to be established, one way or another.
However i am also a cuck husband and have been for 30 odd years. The subject of feminisation was never on my radar, we play away from home and never discuss our occupations or anything other than i am a cuck husband, i have often been told i dont seam the sort to want my wife to have a lover.
She commenced feminising me about 15 years since, first asking me to wear a pair of her panties that her lover had just removed, yes i liked the feel and the kink. She also said seeing me wearing them, i want you to wear panties from now on, nice but hardly possible or practical. However the following day i found laid on our bed a pair, she told me those are for you, so i wore them to work and the day after another set both black. She said i should wear black incase i bent over. I liked this as a kink. It wasnt long before i migrated to bright colours though. Very risky kink verus practicality, the kink won.
Not long after this however embracing her long term lover in our bed she presented me with a CB, questioning would i like this to wear? indeed why not i thought, its kinky but gives her complete control over me as a cuck husband, a man who should surrender his sexuality to his wife. It was also so kinky and removed any desire or requirement to play too as a true cuck and finally i liked wear this.
It wasnt long before i was being fitted with this CB and panties everyday and so it has been ever since, i get a tremenous kink briefing a team stood at the front thinking if only they knew what was under my trousers, the kink drivings me.
One night after a joint bath she decided to paint her toe nails, she appeared unsure of which colour and decided to try both out on me, i found having painted toe nails so naughty and kinky i left them on. I have had painted toe nails ever since. I like them, 99% of the time bright girlie pink.
It would be quite a while before one evening mid fuck she removed her suspenders, she paused then said i want you to put these on, this hurt me as my cuck throbbed in my CB, was she serious? WOW. I couldnt get the back straps on so suffered the humiliation infront of her lover of dropping my jeans whist she lent over the bed naked doing the rear straps.
About 10 years since we were in a store, i was wearing my regular shopping fitment, suspenders, CB and ladies panties and mens jeans. She waved me over and holding a pair of womens jeans asked what do you think? i suggested she try them on but she replied... i wasnt thinking for me, i was shocked and turned on. So it was that we queued at the changing room her holding those jeans and me with a pair of mens jeans i wouldnt buy anyway. I asked the assistant could we try them on together and presumably as a respectable couple she agreed. So it was that dropping my male jeans i squeezed into my first ever pair of ladies skin tight jeans, she liked them said it gave me a real pert bum, i liked them too but was shocked she did. My first set of ladies jeans arrived.
I have worn these items since and wear ladies jeans 99% of the time if not at work, i am locked 7 days a week and sometimes overnight, together with panties and painted toe nails this is more than a kink, but daily wear for me and yes i like it.
She allocates me suspenders sometimes to wear under those tight jeans, if we are in public thats risky so i wear a coat unless im feeling horny then i dispense with the coat as a personal kink.
So where will this stop?
A few years since and another lover for her into BDSM, he asked me to wear full lingerie, i took that to mean the above and a bra top, i chose one that gave me a A cup nothing obvious as i am not an exhibitionist, under my shirt. My kink is nobody knows what i am wearing. I wore these as my wife took him and nothing was said, as normal i didnt get undressed anyway.
The following day i picked her up wearing the same clothing, new panties i will add, before we left she insisted as has become common that we swop panties me getting her sticky ones, another mans cum sticking to my balls and hairs. I have gained a real liking for this too, so kinky. However she decided we needed to go the supermarket, that was difficult for me wearing a bra top, but she didnt notice and i presume nobody else did. I liked this kink too.
Days later i mentioned the bra top, she looked at me repeating NO, NO, NO i married am alpha man and want you to remain one so thats obviously a red line.
I agreed not to repeat even as i explained i assumed full lingerie meant just that.
I have asked if she will paint my finger nails as a treat, but she says you get enought treats, and refuses even though its just whilst we are at home.
I find this strange as she has no issues in taking me shopping or to see family wearing tight ladies jeans, suspenders, CB and panties, anyone that has worn these knows that a CB and large padlock are visable as a bulge especially in womens jeans but a invisable bra to NO, NO and any request to have painted finger nails for a night is met with a identical reply.
So i know her limits.
I find these bizzare, at home when its hot she allocates me either ladies shorts, or bikini bottoms if we are alone and ive worn brightly colour ladies shorts in front of visitors thats fine, but a hidden bra top not a chance.
Its has since struck me that when i met her as she turned 16 and untouched one of the things that appealed to me immediately was she was a fine wearer of tight jeans encasing her 33 inch legs and small cute bum. By the time she was 17 she was at my request wearing suspenders under those jeans, visable not just to me but to other men and possibly her parents. I liked this she didnt. Photographs show her wearing the same style of jeans she now likes me wearing. Is there a kink somewhere?