My feminsation is for me and my girlfriend more a kind of neutralization (being less a man) and fulfilling a not manly role then a matter of appearance.
So not especially wearing woman's clothes.
My girlfriend and myself agreed that the ultimate feminisation/neutralisation would be an orchiectomy and removal of the scrotum.
Till now we can check off:
- wearing overalls and short denim shorts
- body completely hairless
- always ******** sitting as a girl
- having had a vasectomy (my previous girlfriend wanted that and then left me ...)
- 2 X a period of HRT but stopped itbecaus of health issues
- chastity cage
- wearing diapers
- pussyfree almost 12 years
- almost impotent (ED & PE)
- never cumming wit a hard-on
- pegging
- serve other men ( sucking and bottoming)