HotWife or Swinger


When I was chatting with couples, some claims that hotwifing is more potentially harmful than swinging for the marriage. A relationship with a single guy is not stable. They say you’ll have problems either in short or long term. However swinger relations are more balanced. Sides has equal conditions in all respects. There is a high probability that single man will violate boundaries regarding his role in a hotwife relationship. On the other hand I read great stories about hotwifing but I am not sure about they tell the whole story. Couples with experiences, what do you think?
When I was chatting with couples, some claims that hotwifing is more potentially harmful than swinging for the marriage. A relationship with a single guy is not stable. They say you’ll have problems either in short or long term. However swinger relations are more balanced. Sides has equal conditions in all respects. There is a high probability that single man will violate boundaries regarding his role in a hotwife relationship. On the other hand I read great stories about hotwifing but I am not sure about they tell the whole story. Couples with experiences, what do you think?

I think it all just depends on the relationship and if there is trust and communication. I have shared my wife and the guy was saying he was in love with her she told me about it and we stopped playing with him.
Each relationship is different. What may work for one may not work for another. I have been in a number of relationships where my partner has been shared before, during and after my time with them. My relationship with my ex fiancee lasted 7 years and even though we played around a lot when we were apart, we always talked about what we had done and how we had done it while we were having sex. We broke up because we hrew apart and still chat to each other. Same with another gf of 3 years, she loved to tell me what she got upto on her nights out with the girls and she knew I got off on it. We broke up due to her work moving abroad. Then my wife of 20yrs we were swinging and swapping from the word go, she was doing group sex before I met her and I met her at 17. A lot of our early swinging was done in the same room one or two full swaps in different rooms, but always discussed later. After a few years passed she didn't want me seeing other women so our sexual activities became male only. Eventually she left to go live with her male cousin.
Then came my now exgf, she was sex mad. Anything to do with sex was OK by her, but again she didn't like me with other women so it was based around other men. We lasted like that for 7.5 yes until she found a richer man. Sex if based on what it is and that's just sex is fun. We all do it, we all love it and as long as outsiders do not involve themselves into your life, no problem. Most of them just want to fuck your partner and as you and her feel the same then it's fine. I am now with my present wife that fucks other guys as and when she chooses. She tells me all the ins and outs and I am more than happy with that.
So it works for some and others not so much so
Mid 50s couple here, been enmfm fun with a guy we know off and on for 5 years. It's become a semi regular thing for us with him.
One other guy once, different guy 3 times, neither were nearly as much fun as our regular friend.
We're very conservative, not stingers at all, we've never gone looking fir fun, it just happened.
Met a couple on a cruise, they were our age, polite, fun to spend time with, we met couples, enjoyed drinks and visiting many times. Was last day of cruise, we were in their cabin enjoying wine on their deck. My wife, and his evidently, likes to sun topless when appropriate. The moderately ...... wives take tops off. No big deal. Girls get to talking, turns out they had done mfm. Wife and her really hit it off swapping experiences. Other hubby and I are like WTF? More wine, soon we're all naked on their balcony. I really don't know how but we were on the bed, his wife kissing my, mine kissing him. Very awkward buy exciting as hell. We end up fucking each other's wife then fucked our own. Both girls really got off with the whole deal. It was fun but I like our mfm fun with our friend.
I will say it was damn hot messing with his wife, different than mine.
Mid 50s couple here, been enmfm fun with a guy we know off and on for 5 years. It's become a semi regular thing for us with him.
One other guy once, different guy 3 times, neither were nearly as much fun as our regular friend.
We're very conservative, not stingers at all, we've never gone looking fir fun, it just happened.
Met a couple on a cruise, they were our age, polite, fun to spend time with, we met couples, enjoyed drinks and visiting many times. Was last day of cruise, we were in their cabin enjoying wine on their deck. My wife, and his evidently, likes to sun topless when appropriate. The moderately ...... wives take tops off. No big deal. Girls get to talking, turns out they had done mfm. Wife and her really hit it off swapping experiences. Other hubby and I are like WTF? More wine, soon we're all naked on their balcony. I really don't know how but we were on the bed, his wife kissing my, mine kissing him. Very awkward buy exciting as hell. We end up fucking each other's wife then fucked our own. Both girls really got off with the whole deal. It was fun but I like our mfm fun with our friend.
I will say it was damn hot messing with his wife, different than mine.
If you had to choose only one, which would it be. mfm fun with your friend or swinging?
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I'm a and my husband are also are swingers.. and are Stag/vixen, and he picks my dates and joins in....end of it all i love cock, my husband loves to see me take labels really are out the window.
make the most of your kinks while you still can x

look after each other have fun be safe its a great ride x 😈
I'm a and my husband are also are swingers.. and are Stag/vixen, and he picks my dates and joins in....end of it all i love cock, my husband loves to see me take labels really are out the window.
make the most of your kinks while you still can x

look after each other have fun be safe its a great ride x 😈
You sound alot like us i help.her get ready to go out bath her help her get dressed, clothes jewelry lacing up her boots butvwhen shes getting ready in not allowed to touch her tots or her pussy . Its frustrating but makes reclaiming TOTALLY AWESOME i even make dinnner and hotel reservations and pay for them It woukd be great to chat with you here or Pm me Bob
I did a lot of swinging and wifeswapping with my first wife. It caused drama and jealousies. I knew I could not live a monogamous LS but started falling in love with Elaine. The Hotwife LS as worked great for us
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No matter what name you put to this, it can lead to emotional feelings developing. Some people you are just attracted to more than others. We have had two situations that could have resulted in us breaking up (we are a cuckold couple I guess, I have no interest in other women but I LOVE her having outside relationships).
First was during a REALLY low period in our marriage (everyone has them), she was traveling constantly for work, I really could not have cared less and rarely even knew where she was or when she woudlbe home. She got emotionally close to a guy from work that traveled with them regularly but nothing much sexually ahd happened at that point. Then I got a call at 4 AM from her, ...... as all hell, and EXCITED more than I had ever known because she had gone out with him to a strip club and ended up making out wiht the "hostess" for a couple hours, which scared her potential boyfriend off (WEIRD!!) and when I asked "why are you calling me about this?" she started crying and said "you are my husband, who else would I call?".........not sure to this day why she called me, but it turned our marriage around and things worked out quite well. Once she admitted her interest in this guy, and we started discussing it, we had a GREAT time together trying to make something happen.......turned out he was gay, and the only reason he hit on all the women at work was to hide it, but it was FUN while it lasted. LOL

The other one was a Black Lover she had and got REALLY close to emotionally. They were discussing having a baby together (with my blessing) and the seriously discussed leaving the marriages for each other, but in the end could not handle destroying their families to be together. Helped that his wife caught on to them and gave him an ultimatum and they stopped seeing each other. She regularly admits that if he came back around today, she would go right back to where they were and would DEFINITELY have his baby this time!!

Be careful what you wish for, this lifestyle cna be HARD on a marriage. It takes a lot of effort on both parts to maintain your relationship, and guys that are involved are NOT the weak spined milk toasts everyone thinks they are......letting your wife have these type of relationships take a LOT of balls and strength on the part of the husband. The guys that claim to be panty-wearing cocksucking simpering pussy boys are mostly liars and freaks who wish for something like that, not real people actually involved

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It can happen in both. We were swingers long before we were in the hotwife lifestyle and really still consider us both, just not as active in either as we used to be. We know of several swinger couples who had issues and it eventually ended their relationship. We have also had a single man break one of our boundaries multiple times. After giving him one pass, he did it again so we booted him. It's about you and your wife. You have to have trust, communication, and respect to make this work. Once any of those starts to faulter, you have to step back and reassess. As soon as one of you begin to have doubts, stop and reassess. If any outside partner, whether a couple or single guy, breaks a rule or trust, you have to end it with them/him. Your relationship with your partner has to be number one at all times.
A mí esposa la empecé a compartir con los amigos, desde hace 12 años y todo se dió por un fantasía sexual de cómo sería y se vería mí esposa tenido relaciones sexuales con otro hombre y está fantasía se me fue metiendo más cada día de verla con otro hombre, hasta que se lo comenté y propuse a mí esposa no quería pero me encargué de estarle insistiendo y animandola me costó muchísimo pero al final termino aceptando y lo hicimos y el verla teniendo relaciones sexuales con otro hombre me excitó muchísimo y a ella también le gustó y así fue que después de ésa primera vez seguí compartiendo a mí esposa con los amigos y la hemos pasado muy bien ella gozando de placer y yo excitandome de verla como se la cogen me gusta verle sus gestos y muecas de su carita de felicidad y de oír sus gemidos y jadeos del momento en que se la están cogiendo
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