Help/Advice Fiancé Going Back on Indulging This


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I find myself in a difficult spot. My fiancé has been aware of my fetish since the beginning of our relationship, and at first would indulge me with teasing stories from her past (she has much more experience than I do and I find that so thrilling). At one point she even indulged my fantasy entirely, meeting up with two black and well endowed strangers at a hotel for some back to back fucking. She sent me the videos and I busted the largest load I have ever experienced, when she returned to me I reclaimed her well used pussy 7 times in a 24hr period so safe to say, being cuckolded is my kink. Since then we broke up, spent some months apart during which time she slept with some other guys. When we reconnected and I couldn’t resist asking about those encounters she was deeply triggered. Fast forward to a few days ago and she unleashes a torrent at me saying how disgusting it is that I should want that for the woman I want to be my wife, and how she’ll never be enough for me simply because I will always find her more attractive when another dick is involved, she demands I never speak of it again. She says that if I even think about it I would be violating her boundaries by putting her in a position in my imagination she would never willingly submit to, and basically that if I can’t shut this off I must be sick and not actually in love with her.

I love her, I want her to feel safe and secure in our relationship. I’ve long been accepting of her desire to stay faithful to each other with no others involved for the rest of our days, she’s more than enough for me in every single way. But I just don’t know if I’ll be able to shut this down inside of me, it feels so deeply rooted. I’ve long been ashamed of my kink and only recently became accepting of it as simply a divergent sexual preference that somewhere along the way became a part of who I am. And now my own fiancée is all but telling me I ought to be ashamed of these desires and repress them at the cost of losing her, I just don’t know what to do.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any tips for how I can talk to her? How can I explain that it’s the very fact that she is perfect for me and means the world to me is the reason the taboo of sharing her bears so much potency? Any help would be much appreciated.
Well, she's a "fiance'", not a WIFE. She has already broken up with you once. She has no reason to stick around if she thinks you re "weird" sexually and won't listen to how she feels. The sure way to get her to fuck somebody else forever is to keep pestering her about it. Then she will leave you and find somebody who suits her wishes. Then you can think about other guys fucking her all the time...

Всем привет, я оказался в затруднительном положении. Моя невеста знала о моем фетише с самого начала наших отношений и поначалу баловала меня дразнящими историями из своего прошлого (у нее гораздо больше опыта, чем у меня, и я нахожу это таким захватывающим). В какой-то момент она даже полностью потакала моей фантазии, встретившись с двумя чернокожими и хорошо обеспеченными незнакомцами в отеле для нескольких трахов подряд. Она прислала мне видео, и я кончил так сильно, как никогда раньше, когда она вернулась ко мне, я вернул ее хорошо использованную киску 7 раз за 24 часа, так что можно с уверенностью сказать, что быть рогоносцем — это мой извращение. С тех пор мы расстались, провели несколько месяцев порознь, в течение которых она спала с другими парнями. Когда мы снова встретились, и я не смог удержаться, чтобы не спросить об этих встречах, она была глубоко возбуждена. Перенесемся на несколько дней назад, и она обрушивает на меня поток ругани, говоря, как отвратительно, что я должен хотеть этого для женщины, которую я хочу сделать своей женой, и как она никогда не будет достаточной для меня просто потому, что я всегда буду находить ее более привлекательной, когда в дело вступает другой член, она требует, чтобы я никогда больше об этом не говорил. Она говорит, что если я даже подумаю об этом, то нарушу ее границы, поставив ее в положение, в котором она никогда добровольно не согласится, и, по сути, если я не могу это отключить, то, должно быть, я болен и на самом деле не люблю ее.

Я люблю ее, я хочу, чтобы она чувствовала себя в безопасности и защищенности в наших отношениях. Я давно принимаю ее желание оставаться верными друг другу без участия других до конца наших дней, она более чем достаточно для меня во всех отношениях. Но я просто не знаю, смогу ли я закрыть это внутри себя, это кажется настолько глубоко укоренившимся. Я долго стыжусь своего извращения и только недавно начал принимать его как просто отклоняющееся сексуальное предпочтение, которое где-то по пути стало частью того, кто я есть. А теперь моя собственная невеста почти говорит мне, что я должен стыдиться этих желаний и подавлять их ценой потери ее, я просто не знаю, что делать.

Кто-нибудь сталкивался с чем-то подобным? Есть ли у меня советы, как мне с ней поговорить? Как мне объяснить, что именно тот факт, что она идеальна для меня и значит для меня весь мир, является причиной табу на то, чтобы делиться ее потенцией? Любая помощь будет высоко оценена.
Нет Братан.
всё, пизда!
Ты ее
смирись с этим
пусть идет с миром !
Hello all, I find myself in a difficult spot. My fiancé has been aware of my fetish since the beginning of our relationship, and at first would indulge me with teasing stories from her past (she has much more experience than I do and I find that so thrilling). At one point she even indulged my fantasy entirely, meeting up with two black and well endowed strangers at a hotel for some back to back fucking. She sent me the videos and I busted the largest load I have ever experienced, when she returned to me I reclaimed her well used pussy 7 times in a 24hr period so safe to say, being cuckolded is my kink. Since then we broke up, spent some months apart during which time she slept with some other guys. When we reconnected and I couldn’t resist asking about those encounters she was deeply triggered. Fast forward to a few days ago and she unleashes a torrent at me saying how disgusting it is that I should want that for the woman I want to be my wife, and how she’ll never be enough for me simply because I will always find her more attractive when another dick is involved, she demands I never speak of it again. She says that if I even think about it I would be violating her boundaries by putting her in a position in my imagination she would never willingly submit to, and basically that if I can’t shut this off I must be sick and not actually in love with her.

I love her, I want her to feel safe and secure in our relationship. I’ve long been accepting of her desire to stay faithful to each other with no others involved for the rest of our days, she’s more than enough for me in every single way. But I just don’t know if I’ll be able to shut this down inside of me, it feels so deeply rooted. I’ve long been ashamed of my kink and only recently became accepting of it as simply a divergent sexual preference that somewhere along the way became a part of who I am. And now my own fiancée is all but telling me I ought to be ashamed of these desires and repress them at the cost of losing her, I just don’t know what to do.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any tips for how I can talk to her? How can I explain that it’s the very fact that she is perfect for me and means the world to me is the reason the taboo of sharing her bears so much potency? Any help would be much appreciated.
What does she look like?
I love her, I want her to feel safe and secure in our relationship. I’ve long been accepting of her desire to stay faithful to each other with no others involved for the rest of our days, she’s more than enough for me in every single way.
It seems to me that she isn't enough for you. You want her to fuck others and she doesn't want to. Sounds like if you just talk to her about it she'll be off again.
It seems to me that she isn't enough for you. You want her to fuck others and she doesn't want to. Sounds like if you just talk to her about it she'll be off again

It seems to me that she isn't enough for you. You want her to fuck others and she doesn't want to. Sounds like if you just talk to her about it she'll be off again.
I struggle with this though cause it’s like ordering a delicious ice cream sundae but sending it back because there was no cherry on top. I don’t NEED her to fuck others for me to be happy, I just feel like I will never escape the desire to do so, if that makes any sense.
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Well, she's a "fiance'", not a WIFE. She has already broken up with you once. She has no reason to stick around if she thinks you re "weird" sexually and won't listen to how she feels. The sure way to get her to fuck somebody else forever is to keep pestering her about it. Then she will leave you and find somebody who suits her wishes. Then you can think about other guys fucking her all the time...

I understand what you’re saying here, I just wish it wasn’t put to me so harshly by her, and if I can understand her not wanting to do it and respect that, why should she not respect my wanting her to do it even though we both know she never would.
I understand what you’re saying here, I just wish it wasn’t put to me so harshly by her, and if I can understand her not wanting to do it and respect that, why should she not respect my wanting her to do it even though we both know she never would.
Maybe she doesn't envision a lifestyle like that. She's clearly sick of hearing about it. Perhaps she wants a more traditional and settled down life and family. She may want to cut ties and find somebody more suited to her than you. You can't forse the woman you're going to marry into this stuff and it's disrespectful to her for you to keep begging her to do it. Simply said...she has no interest in being a porn object for you...

If she has any sense at all she will leave you, cut ties and go back to finding a man more suited to her. Hate to say it, but if you can't see it by this time, then there's not much hope. You either change and revisit this after many years of a HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE or go find somebody to be a sex object for you. This lifestyle can impact many aspects of a married, family quality of life. Both of you must be on board. She is not.


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