Seeking help/advice Fiancée going back on things


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I’m in a hard spot and am seeking advice. My fiancée has known about my kink since we first got together. She even would tease me with tales from her stories past (she has much more experience than I do), later on in our relationship she even went all the way, renting a hotel and taking two well endowed black lovers back to back in what was to be the peak of my sexual experience. When I receive the videos real time I experienced the most prolonged and intense orgasmic experience, which I would follow up with reclaiming her well used pussy 7 times in a 24hr period. Then we broke up, she saw other people, and when we reconnected and I inquired about those encounters she was deeply triggered. She says I’m only desiring of her when there’s another dick involved and I’m sick for wanting to hear about her with others, and that even to fantasize about it is to disrespect her boundaries.

Am I fucked? Am I doomed to be denied the very thing that singularly turns me on most? How can I explain the fantasy revolves around her being the love of my life being shared, and the taboo nature of that and the feelings of insecurity and jealousy that come from being directly compared with another man sexually. Has anyone been in any similar situation? Any success? Thanks for all the input