Ever meet the guys who dominated and used your wife in her past?

After hearing that, I needed to know more.
I stopped picking her and asked if she liked wearing it.
She said she did. What did he tell you when you wore it for him.?
He said I was his property...she moaned.
Her hips were coming up of the bed as I liked her
Did you like him owning you I asked.
She came hard and fast as I licked her. All over my face. I held on and heard her say she loved it.
That reminds me of a woman I saw for a while. I am submissive and she was getting into domination very well, But she really wanted to be dominated. I can switch and would have loved to do so but the relationship ended before I had a chance. But thinking of what I could have done to her is fun 🙂
I have met four of the men who have fucked my wife at one time or another. Two were from before we were married. The first was very dominant and introduced her to sex as a teen. She was very innocent and naive and the perfect subject for his games. The second was an ex-boyfriend who coaxed her into three-somes with some of his bar buddies. The other two were both former co-workers. It was hot seeing them with her at company parties knowing they had both fucked her.
I hope I get to meet one or two of the guys who have fucked my wife especially one of her ex bosses I need to thank him for showing her how to use her tits and I'd bring up the there past to talk about it
Not a guy. But I was banging one of my ex-girlfriends...party girlfriends. (Kind of thought ex was bi...as she was bodybuilder).Found out by the name on the box she kept a 9 inch dildo in. I know have sex with them both.


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Maybe not dominating in some sense, but certainly seduced her into having sex with them. Two men are friends and neighbors. The one still drops in for coffee and a visit on occasion (no sex). The other is someone who helps a bit on the farm, to get away from his normal job. The past week he has been deer hunting on our land and stops by every evening to visit, and sometimes stays for supper. He remarried and we are happy for hiim. There is no sex between them anymore, but he remains one of her fantasy men she goes to when she has her vibrator!
Just one who "dominated" (in that sense of the word) her - her ex, who continued to enjoy her after we married - she needed it as much as he did. I ran into him often, mainly when doing the kid exchange once a month for his custody weekend. We (he and I) never discussed it, but he was 'kinda smug about it as he knew he could have her any time he wanted. That said, I've met guys who fucked my wife before she and I met. Only one of her former sex partners talked about sex with her and it was a bit strange, even awkward at first but I could tell he wanted to be in her again. Strange as it was (I didn't quite know how I should react) I had an erection as he told me how the inside of her vagina felt and how they liked to fuck. We were talking openly about it at the bar in a mutual friends house during a party.
OK this is amazing coincidence. My wife and I were in a Manila bar recently and I left her for 10 mins for the CR. When I returned she was talking with a guy about 10 years older than her, I'd say in his 50s. We introduced each other. He said he thought he'd met my wife about 20 years before in Hong Kong. My wife looked uneasy as he recalled the bar in Wan Chai. She reached out her hand to mine. I knew immediately it was true. My wife was then a Filipina maid and escorting most weekends to supplement her wages. Almost certainly he'd been a customer and immediately I was turned on imagining him between her spread legs, pumping his cock up her young cunt.

I invited him to stay for drinks, which he did. Nothing happened. But that night I got her to open up about it. She did remember him and before I'd got back he'd already promised not to expose her past, assuming I did not know about it. Apparently he had been a regular over about two years when he would visit ever few months for a week or so while managing an engineering contract. She was about 22 and he was 35ish.

It seems he was quite a stud and she enjoyed the sex a lot. He was very strong and dominant I sense. He would pay her a week at a time to be 'on call', sometimes asking her to visit when she was out shopping for groceries. He had her most days of the week it seems, day and/or night.

He gave me his card and I'm thinking of suggesting we meet up.
love that
I'd really like to meet her ex's. I know she had a bad experience with one of them but I'd love to know what they did together
Fun topic! There's all kinds of variations on the marriage dynamic, but what my wife and I have learned is that there's many couples who are very compatible sexually, but who just can't live with one another for other reasons. But after a while, the "other reasons" begin to have a negative impact on the sex that has been so good. When the couple divorces and each of them are living on their own, their sex reverts to the way it was: very good. So in their new relationships, the get the best of all worlds: the good sex their ex provides them and the good (hopefully) sex they have in their new relationships. Sex with the ex becomes something they look forward to again, is safe and can take place on short notice with the desired results. As my wife told me about her ex: "I couldn't live with him any more, but he can bring me to orgasm faster than any man I've ever been with." Other times, she told me: "I always cum with him, he makes sure of it." (She was also letting me know I needed to up my game). Until her ex found a new girlfriend, I was the frequent benefactor of, and enjoyed "seconds" every two or three weeks. I'd watch the kids and she'd tell them she was visiting their dad to deal with paperwork from selling the house, etc. etc., then she'd have sex with him in their old marital bed (until the house sold, then they had sex in our bed while I took the kids to a movie or something). I can see why she orgasmed so easily - it was all very comfortable and took place in a warm familiar setting. After he married his new girlfriend he still wanted to have sex with my wife but it was less frequent as he was "sneaking." My wife grew tired of dealing with that and cut him off. It helped that we moved further away and the logistics became more challenging.
I have met four of the men who have fucked my wife at one time or another. Two were from before we were married. The first was very dominant and introduced her to sex as a teen. She was very innocent and naive and the perfect subject for his games. The second was an ex-boyfriend who coaxed her into three-somes with some of his bar buddies. The other two were both former co-workers. It was hot seeing them with her at company parties knowing they had both fucked her.
I learned only recently, and NOT from my wife, that one of her ex-boyfriend's bar buddies she had engaged in three-somes with... is her first cousin! I've met him at family functions many times... weddings, funerals, graduations, birthday parties, etc. I won't treat him any differently at any future family get-togethers. But it will be soooo much hotter knowing that he's seen her naked AND his cock has been inside her on more than a few times! Also hotttt is the fact that my wife doesn't KNOW that I know. I'll have to be more mindful of how they interact when the families are together. Maybe they still have something going on?
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Outstanding experience.
Someone came up to me when i first started seeing my ex Filipina gf and told me she had been a bargirl back in the Phils, but this just turned me on even more. The sex between us was amazing and up until that point it was just me and her, but after the revelation I suggested going dogging and swing clubs, which she readily agreed too.
We had an amazing 7.5 years together and everything I suggested regarding sex, she was up for it
v lucky situation.
Met one guy from same company that she had been in long b4 we met and he had taken advantage of her after getting her ...... on a business conference. He has basically raped her and he was confessing this to me when he saw her at party we were all at. He didnt know i knew her and didnt know she had told me the story. It was highly exciting to here this prick brag about getting her ...... and fucking her. He told me what he had made her do and how he had let the hotel waiter wank over her ...... body. All v kinky but v exciting to hear the full version of what happened to her that night.
Long story, but my submissive Asian wife's good friend is a (mostly gay) dominant bi guy. While my wife and I were dating, the two of them worked together. They were never romantically involved but did have a FWB relationship when he went through a brief straight phase. They worked long hours and would basically just fuck like rabbits afterwards to blow off steam, nothing more. I had a vague notion that they were more than friends but it never bothered me. I met him a few times, seemed like a nice guy. Anyway, before we got married he moved out of the country. They still chat occasionally as they are still in the same line of work ,and know a lot of the same people. He is full-on gay now, and distant, but they remain friends. Anyway, he recently rang her up for a video call she was at work and her iPad rang with his name on it. Curious, I picked it up and we started chatting. Didn't take long for us to reminisce about old times and, being of the cuckold mindset, I asked him about all the sex he had had with my wife. I could see the twinkle in his eyes and he confessed that he had power-fucked the ...... out of my wife around a dozen times, and they both had a lot of fun. His dominant side came out, and he asked me what I thought of that - I couldn't hold back and confessed that I thought it was super-hot, knowing she had been his slam-piece back then. He smiled and said - are you hard? I was. He said - show me - I won't tell your wife. I was a bit breathless and dropped my pants. I was as hard as steel. He smiled and said "now i know why your wife always told me to go easy at first". He proceeded to drop his pants and show me a cock that was substantially bigger and longer than mine. "Well, great catching up he said with a smile" - "have to run". And with that he hung up.. I did manage to grab a screen shot of the exchange. I won't lie, I have jerked off many times to this pic and the idea of him dominating my wife's little Asian pussy with that big white prick. Now I think of that dick touching my wife's cervix every time I fuck her and it makes me cum even faster than before (and I was already a quick cummer!)

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Long story, but my submissive Asian wife's good friend is a (mostly gay) dominant bi guy. While my wife and I were dating, the two of them worked together. They were never romantically involved but did have a FWB relationship when he went through a brief straight phase. They worked long hours and would basically just fuck like rabbits afterwards to blow off steam, nothing more. I had a vague notion that they were more than friends but it never bothered me. I met him a few times, seemed like a nice guy. Anyway, before we got married he moved out of the country. They still chat occasionally as they are still in the same line of work ,and know a lot of the same people. He is full-on gay now, and distant, but they remain friends. Anyway, he recently rang her up for a video call she was at work and her iPad rang with his name on it. Curious, I picked it up and we started chatting. Didn't take long for us to reminisce about old times and, being of the cuckold mindset, I asked him about all the sex he had had with my wife. I could see the twinkle in his eyes and he confessed that he had power-fucked the ...... out of my wife around a dozen times, and they both had a lot of fun. His dominant side came out, and he asked me what I thought of that - I couldn't hold back and confessed that I thought it was super-hot, knowing she had been his slam-piece back then. He smiled and said - are you hard? I was. He said - show me - I won't tell your wife. I was a bit breathless and dropped my pants. I was as hard as steel. He smiled and said "now i know why your wife always told me to go easy at first". He proceeded to drop his pants and show me a cock that was substantially bigger and longer than mine. "Well, great catching up he said with a smile" - "have to run". And with that he hung up.. I did manage to grab a screen shot of the exchange. I won't lie, I have jerked off many times to this pic and the idea of him dominating my wife's little Asian pussy with that big white prick. She never told me he was bigger than me but the photo doesn't lie!

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it is great to hear what other men think of fucking your partner