Ever meet the guys who dominated and used your wife in her past?

I (husband) have met three of them.

Two were met unknowingly of the fact at time, they were her cousins (well, they stiil are lol). Wife used to fool around pretty dirty with them in the past of very early days of sex discovery and I met the first one during a family reunion and the second in our own wedding party. I just didn't know anything about their fucking in the moment. Now I know.

Another one I met already knowing the guy used to play hard with my wife. He is a friend of hers who lives in her hometown. They reconnect and see each other from time to time, also.
For mine:

First was when I first met her seeing her leave a bar with the guy she was fucking before we got together. He was a CrossFit/martial arts guy, over six foot and nicely jacked.

She referred to him as the jackhammer a few times when I asked her about him, said he was all stamina and no nuance.

Later one she told me he liked to throw her around and use her across all the surfaces of his apartment while she was completely stripped down.

She also told me that despite hating facials she’d let him do it to her because it made her feel like a total whore for him.

The second was a guy she went to college with who’d take her to the bathroom at parties and do all kinds of dirty ...... with her. Similar to the first guy he also liked to cum on her.

My favorite story is that he wanted to watch her rub her pussy, so he was standing over her while she did that and he was so turned on by it he couldn’t help himself and blew his load all over her hand and pussy.

My wife wasn’t finished yet so she just used his cum as lube and kept going until she finished herself off with a rocking orgasm.

This dude was a bar tender at a local bar in our neighborhood for a few years so I’d see him pretty often.
she sounds A LOT .like me..I really have no will power when it comes to the next guy who demands i fuck them..i do it i luvv it!


One of her past fucks told me all about this slut he had been fucking from work a few years earlier. He did not know i knew her or was married to her. He was a bragger and told me about how during a conference he got her ...... and fucked her in front of 2 others. I was so turned on hearing about it. he described in detail what they did to her and that she was hardly 'there'. He was a bit ...... when he told me, which is not surprising in view of the cohesion aspect of the encounter
My wife and I met a much older man at a bar. He seduced her in the bar in front of me and then we went back to his place. I watched this old guy use my wife and get off she enjoyed it too she got off. Fast forward several years we ran into him with his friends at a different bar and he recognized us and came up to my wife said hi. He goes back to his table and tells his buddies they all look over I did feel a little humiliated but also turned on at the same time. Inside of me I was hoping it would happen again and him and his friends would use her while I got the watch but it did not happen unfortunately. I would love to do it again.
she told me after we met.
Outstanding experience.
Someone came up to me when i first started seeing my ex Filipina gf and told me she had been a bargirl back in the Phils, but this just turned me on even more. The sex between us was amazing and up until that point it was just me and her, but after the revelation I suggested going dogging and swing clubs, which she readily agreed too.
We had an amazing 7.5 years together and everything I suggested regarding sex, she was up for it


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I met her last ex, she had 4 before me. He is a nice guy and we are in good relationship as well as my wife. He has got his own family now and less likely he is going to play with us but he knows we are cuckold couple.
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My wife and I met a much older man at a bar. He seduced her in the bar in front of me and then we went back to his place. I watched this old guy use my wife and get off she enjoyed it too she got off. Fast forward several years we ran into him with his friends at a different bar and he recognized us and came up to my wife said hi. He goes back to his table and tells his buddies they all look over I did feel a little humiliated but also turned on at the same time. Inside of me I was hoping it would happen again and him and his friends would use her while I got the watch but it did not happen unfortunately. I would love to do it again.
Fast forward several years we ran into him at a bar with a friend. They were smiling at my wife and I. I was turned on but also a little humiliated. I wanted her to do both of them but she acted like she didn't remember. We talked about it later but wasn't interested. So she said.
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My husband has been around 4 of the men who have fucked me.

First was an ex boyfriend early in the relationship at one of my friends birthday party. They got along fine. The ex was a good guy but nothing to write home about in the bed.

Second was during college,one of my flings and him had a class together , what's funny is they had to be partners in a project together lol. Unfortunately this guy has a decent sized cock but has ZERO clue on how to please a woman. I remember watching the TV he had on when he tried to ...... with me lol.

Third was testy. It was an ex boyfriend of mine that had cheated on me but tried blaming me. He also tried guilting me saying it was my fault and treated me terribly.
Well one day I bumped into him at college and he made a comment about me "missing his d". Hubby was right behind him. He swung at my hubby and hubby took him down. It got broken up.

I rode my hubby so hard that afternoon 😂 😂 😂

The last guy was the fling before I got with him. Much older guy, had done time and was just a guy you don't mess with. I've since admitted to hubby that he was probably the best pure fuck I've ever had. Dominate,nice size cock etc. whenever I was around him I just wanted to get naked and submit.

They met back in my hometown because he was helping build my mom a new deck. It was cordial but awkward. My husband knew we had been together and I think he was intimidated.
Turns out he also felt submissive around him and excused himself to jerk off in the bathroom with thought about him fucking me back then. This was before he admitted the cuck fantasy.

He's one of our go to bedroom talk guys. Unfortunately he's married now so no chance he's a bull for us lol.
very interesting. these posts seem to cover all the possibilities when meeting a previous lover.
I absolutely love these conversations, the sexiness of a wife who was a total slut before just rings my bell in a way few things do,

If you enjoy that kind of thing, I made a discord server for more involved hotpast conversations

Join if you’re interested?? https://discord.gg/PHsMAutP
Many times, few days ago we've crossed by one of her past bulls a real hung black guys full of masculinity, she told me about him before how he go too hard and rough on her ( spanking, spiting, verbal, pissing on and in and even drinking his ******** insertion things in her holes he was into gaping alot) we had a beers together ended with a blowjob in his car while i was waiting her in my car
Yes! A few years ago she introduced me to a guy (let's call him Ray). I had no idea who he was, but shook his hand and was cordial. She walked away to talk to someone else and left us and after a few minutes of chatting he says "You know I miss going to seminars and trainings with your wife." After a hit second it hit me who he was. She had gone to numerous events with him over a 3 or 4 year period and even though her boss paid for a room for her she always stayed in Ray's room.