Eat Your Own Cum?

I love kissing my wife after she has been sucking cock. I can taste cock on her lips and tongue even if the guy did not cum in her mouth, of course, it is always better if the guy did cum in her mouth. I like to kiss Kate in front of the guy who's cock she was just sucking. I want the guy to know that I am not embarrassed to kiss the mouth he just had his dick in.
I love kissing my wife after she has been sucking cock. I can taste cock on her lips and tongue even if the guy did not cum in her mouth, of course, it is always better if the guy did cum in her mouth. I like to kiss Kate in front of the guy who's cock she was just sucking. I want the guy to know that I am not embarrassed to kiss the mouth he just had his dick in.

agreed - a very erotic act that sends a big signal to wife and her lover, she plays has a very naughty look in her eye too
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I have been swallowing my own cum, practically, from the day I first masturbated as a young guy. I didn't care for the tasted at first, but over time I started to like it. When I tasted another man's cum for the first time, it didn't phase me a bit as I swallowed his.

Luckily, my wife loves that about me. I try to never miss an opportunity to devour my wife's cream pie after her lover pulls out. Plus, I have always enjoyed sucking my wife's lover's dicks, lol.
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I wanna clean my wife after i cum.. But im like 2wheel once i cum i don't want to.. I know she would like it cuz when i rub my precum on her lips or nipple or even her pussy and lick it she gets super horny.. I wanna do it but when i cum it's over and bedtime... Lol help me get over it lol

If anyone gives you the answer, share it with the rest of us. No matter how horny I am, once I cum - it's over.
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Post Orgasm Blues. So many times I filled the palm of my hand with all intentions (before I cum) of licking it clean, but once the deed is done so am I.

BUT, a few weeks ago I did 'forse' myself, I kept reliving my wife's gangbang and it kept me excited enough to lick my cum. Unfortunately after a medical procedure I cum only a few drops which is only occasionally, so it was a 'meager' meal but I liked it, I taste different for other guys. Not better not worse just different. Since then I've done a few times, I mentally keep my brain IN sex mode staying away from DONE mode.

Too bad my loads are so small if any. Just when I learn how it's too late.

Also there were a few times in the long ago past when with her encouragement I did clean her after I emptied in her. But it took a lot of encouragement.

My main issue still remains Post Orgasm Blues, I lose interested in sex immediately after I cum. I NEVER cum while I watch her play, I'd be concerned of the consequences.
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I first started eating my cum as soon as I started masterbating, I was only 11 but intrigued what it twisted like. I was hooked.
I then had a quite few bi experience at school and it even got round I loved to swallow cum. funny thing is I had the ******** taken out if me for it but loads of offers for me to bj guys in secret fir them! I was cuckolded by my first girlfriend at the age of 16, she had a reputation for being promiscuous and this turned me on to ask her out. She cheating on me quite a bit, she’d always apologise but we’d make up by having sex, and I’d clean her up, we both got to love this and we agreed she could fuck who she wanted as long as she told me and I cleaned her every time. We broke up two years later when we both went to different universities. Funny thing is I was always attracted to easy women, I married one and was a cuck to her and now I have a girlfriend who is a self confessed huge cock cum slut, her words not mine, and she cucks me too, which we both love and she loves to watch her bulls be cleaned by me and them service me, so being bi and loving cum had come in handy with my sex life. And all this started by eating my own cum when young. 😂