Eating creampie

Also, a skill to have as a cuckold is to give really good oral sex. Watch videos, take a class or read online and learn. The better you are at it the more play you get, and you garner value and respect from bulls and your wife. She can brag to guys on how good you are at giving head and get more play. In other words, you have value other than just being the househusband.
My husband asked me during sex if he could lick my pussy clean after cumming in me. I said okay. He backed out. This happened several times then one night after we had cleaned up from sex he said I wish you had forced me to lick you clean.
The next day I started researching this topic. I found out about post orgasmic blues and how popular this act is. So for a Father's day present a few years ago I strapped him down to the bed and did my usual aggressive play. Then I slowly started riding him. As I did I tweaked his nipples pinched them pulled them. I told him I was going to ride him until he fills me up with cum and then I will sit my cum filled pussy on his face and mouth and he will swallow everything I push out and then lick me clean. He could not back out. He exploded deep in me then he tried to talk his way out of it. I grabbed his balls and twisted told him to open his mouth wide. I sat down on his face and mouth and pushed his cum out into his mouth. He swallowed twice then he started licking. I loved it so much that he has swallowed his cum from my pussy almost every time since.
Biggest thing for me anyway is don't cum before hand. You will lose the desire to do it. Then when the time comes just go for it. It's a delicious combination of his cum and her pussy juices. I've cleaned her pussy and licked the bulls cum off her tits,ass, belly and face all in good fun. Added plus is it shows the pecking order of the relationship. respect to the bull!
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