We are a long term cuck couple my wife having taken a lover within our marriage when she was about 21, we had met as she turned 16 and she was untouched, once she had given me her virginity she naturally wanted to explore her sexuality but wanted me as her BF too.
It was never about me having a small dick more about my lack of experience using it and put simply she wanted more than i could give her having taken another boys cock when she was 17 and confessed immediately to me, a strange thing to admit to your BF. In reality overtime she has said i probably was always destined to be her cuck husband.
It was she that wanted this and she using my then best friend converted me into accepting she liked a bit extra, or as ive always said it was she that made me skillfully into her cuck husband, a 6ft 4 masculine man who watched his wife being seduced and sat and enjoyed and watched this mindblowing experience. Then later accepted her desires lay at the hand of another man a skillful bit of female manipulation over several years.
However she remained insainly jealous and possessive about me even looking at another women, dispite accepting and enjoying i allowed her to have a lover.
Over the years i admit i drove this as much as she liked doing this, with a string of long term lovers sourced by me, she always has acted as if reluctant doing this "for me" as she knew now i liked this LS but has never wanted to portray herself as enjoying the benefits of a lover.
Years since she commenced semi feminizing me, bit by bit, knickers, CB, painting my toe nails and more, time has shown me her defence mechanism to prevent me from straying and as she has always said, you like this too, yes i do. Her long term lovers do too, effectively removing me from her sex life so they remain her exclusive lover.
We remain deeply in love and intune with each other as best friends, i am her cuck husband she still portraying herself as semi reluctant but then kneels when her lover walks through the door in complete sub to him but would not do this to me.
One problem overtime was my realisation that whilst as normal people we are both very dominant characters, sexually we are both very submissive, so neither of us sexually dominant over the other. She has lost respect for me as her lover, she doesnt need my cock and we both know this, why? after seeing her having multi orgasms over many hours at the hand of skilled lovers has distroyed my sexual confidence completely, so i remain a locked cuck husband gaining mental stimulation from her plays.
Its a dangerous game we have played over 30 plus years, the loss of my active sexuality painfully surrendered to my wife who didnt need me sexually.
We chatted about this and she said, i had become more of a brother or sister to her now and found this so very sad, but what did she expect???
As i replied you turned me into what you wanted me to become.
The following day i dressed in my daily allocated knickers, girls jeans and was allocated suspenders for a treat. My CB being semi permanent fitment, my collar is permanent and we went shopping as normal, but in reality we are anything but a normal couple and we acknowledge this to each other.
Thankfully we have kept our hobby hidden from those we know so can just act as everyone else does, the only thing that our friends have commented on is we always kiss and hold hand even after all these years.