Does your wife like older guys?

oh i do very much! Since i started to have sex, most of them were atleast 10years older! And for me it was so easy to get them. Just a bit teasing and they go crazy! Most of older men are dirty and know how to get me wet. My first time anal was with a dirty older guy. He started with fingering, then licked me and then started to fuck …
OK, not to totally change the subject but how many of you men out there prefer older ladies and why? As I mentioned in an earlier post young guys seem to really get into an older lady. At my age I certainly won't complain but just why is that?
I'm 73 now but when I was in my late teens and 20's I found that I preferred older women. I did because I was in the learning mode then and the older women were not shy about telling me what they wanted me to do and were willing to teach me how to do it. Conversely, the ones my age were not sure what they wanted and most were afraid to tell me what they wanted to try so I wouldn't judge them.

Later in life I occasionaly found my self with a younger woman and I then became the teacher.
Thanks for chiming in. I really just posted that in fun but there's a lot of truth in it. We are both in our early 60's. It amazes me how many young ladies just totally reject him because of that. On the other hand when I tell young men my age invariably they will come back and say they love older ladies. Go figure. 😊
This is what sets you apart from any other person on this site. You genuinely care about your husband having fun too. I can tell from your posts that is very important to you. I have an incredible crush on you! You look like so much fun to be around! I’m sure your husband knows he’s blessed! I would trust you, I’ll bet your husband does too. You should keep playing until you just don’t want to anymore.
oh i do very much! Since i started to have sex, most of them were atleast 10years older! And for me it was so easy to get them. Just a bit teasing and they go crazy! Most of older men are dirty and know how to get me wet. My first time anal was with a dirty older guy. He started with fingering, then licked me and then started to fuck …
I am 56 and you I have 9 inches for you!! My ex wife used to tell me I could be a porn star lol


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oh i do very much! Since i started to have sex, most of them were atleast 10years older! And for me it was so easy to get them. Just a bit teasing and they go crazy! Most of older men are dirty and know how to get me wet. My first time anal was with a dirty older guy. He started with fingering, then licked me and then started to fuck …
I'm pretty certain whatever Lolla wants, Lolla gets
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Just scanning through this thread made me really feel old. Almost like a 'we should just hang it up' old. I guess our attitude that people are only as old as they feel is just a defense mechanism we use just because we are old. Bob has always, and still does it for me but maybe that's only because I'm old too. Then again, has been with many ladies 30+ years younger and I didn't hear them complain. Geez! I'm so confused. Is that because I'm old? 😉🤣
Age is just a number once you get that the word old does not come into it 😍
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This is what sets you apart from any other person on this site. You genuinely care about your husband having fun too. I can tell from your posts that is very important to you. I have an incredible crush on you! You look like so much fun to be around! I’m sure your husband knows he’s blessed! I would trust you, I’ll bet your husband does too. You should keep playing until you just don’t want to anymore.
What a sweet post. Yes, I do care very much as we both do. We met when I was 15 and he was 17. Inseparable since.
I must also say that if you ever get to Indiana.........................😍😍😍
I met my wife to be as she turned 16, freed of her virginity months later she chose to go out with a man whom she had ,had a crush on since she was 14. He was married and in his mid 30s. They met when he worked at her school. Sat in his car topless one evening she bottled doing what she had intended, though as i found out later there were external reasons for this and it was not that she didnt want and was not prepared to do this. She told me that same evening of this mistake omitting a lot of the details.

Does 35 go into 16? well it nearly did.

Years later i told her what a cock teaster she was, she said he continued to chase her even when we were married when she was 18 and then when she was pregnant at 19, i suppose he still felt that he could/should still claim his prize and mount her from behind on all fours and fuck a pregnant teenager.

As she later made me into here cuck husband it me made me feel she should have invited him to our wedding and as she later admitted i was probably always destined to be her cuck husband that would have made a fine start.

The oldest she has been with was a man in his 70s, he couldnt get it up so she wanked him off.
Are you victim shaming? I think it is total gas lighting for a man to blame a woman because his dong doesn't work as well anymore. It is similar to a woman trying to blame age or ...... birth for not being in shape anymore.
It's reported in the psychological literature. Make of it what you will. My dong works fine at 62, it just responds to different stimulus, which is what I said in my post. If you found shame in that, then I suspect you may be projecting?
I had met Larsen several times before at similar parties, and I thought he was just gorgeous. So when the opportunity arose to talk to him at length, and privately, and, frankly, to flirt with him, I was delighted. We started in a little group, then the group faded away and we just moseyed into a corner to be alone. Not out of sight, not hiding, not at all, just in a corner spot that physically did not invite anyone else to join us.

My guy was still out there, busy talking to a lot of people. He and his fellow geeks find no end of topics to debate. Oh, and the geek group includes a lot of girl geeks, too, so he wasn't wanting for female company. Not that he should have been wanting, given that he had just fucked my little tail off like half an hour ago.

My pussy was still hot and dripping, I was still glowing from my recent lust-filled session with my guy. I could feel that my panties were soaked with his cum and my juices. Every time I moved a little, I could feel the wetness, and it turned me on even more. I would squeeze my legs together so feel the damp panties, then stand with my legs more apart, to try to cool the goodies. And I know that a deliberate legs-apart posture is enticing to most men. So I tended to relax with my legs well apart in my tight straight skirt.

As we talked after a few minutes, Larsen rested his hand on my arm. I liked that. When he moved his hand to my waist, I liked that, too. Even more. I checked the crowd to see if anyone was watching. No, no one could see him touching me in this position.

I didn't do anything to discourage him from this approach. In fact, I tried to push my hip on that side farther into his hand. When, a few minutes and another glass of wine later, he felt down my hip and onto my ass, I was hardly surprised. I was delighted. He pressed on my butt to pull my hips closer to his. What a good idea! With just a little movement of my feet, my hip was firmly pressed into his hip. And with just tiny movements, I could feel the end of his erection in his pants, pressing into me. Oh, yummy!

We were so close that I didn't think anyone could see between us. I scanned the crowd again, my guy especially, and still no one was watching us in any obvious way. He took advantage of that, raising his hand ever so slowly up to my breast. His touch was electric! My nipples were already hard, protruding, and ultra-sensitive. Thin blouse, thin bra, my pointies were standing out waiting to be touched. I gulped when he pinched my nipple, and I pressed my breast hard into his hand.

Our conversation from then on was much more personal. He wanted to call me, he wanted to see me. He knew that I was engaged to Tommy but that did not deter him. Oh, I wanted so much to kiss him and hold him, but that was not possible in this public place. Our little corner nook was private-ish but still very visible to the large room. So when he suggested that we might sneak away for a few minutes, I was all for the idea.

We planned to meet upstairs, in the other bathroom, where I had been laid not long before. (Can you really call it "laid" when you're standing the whole time?) I tapped lightly on the door and whispered, "It's meeeeee." And there he was.

He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately, and I responded with equal passion. I glued my breasts and hips to his body as he pulled me to him. He reminded me that we didn't have much time. I agreed. I stepped back, pulled my skirt up to my waist. He pulled me to him again, ran his hand over my hip and thigh and cupped my crotch. I pushed my pussy hard into his hand so he could feel my heat. He pushed his fingers in hard to separate my lips. I could feel his fingers through my stockings and panties, I wanted to feel more, and inside. The coverings had to go. Down went the pantyhose again, and the panties, and the shoes, all of it. From the waist up, I looked respectable: Aren't I pretty? From the waist down, a tart: Please fuck me. His pants fell to the floor, too, in response.

I sat briefly on the sink with my legs out wide so he could get into me. He reached into me with his fingers while we kissed, and felt my hot, swampy, wet femaleness. In turn, I reached for his hot, twitching erection and pulled him closer to me. He used my wet mixture of cum and juices of arousal to lubricate his cock.

His arrow found my labia, and he pressed his manhood into me! It felt wonderful when he sank his cock deep into my love tunnel. I loved it! I cried out a little. My cheek was glued to his. I murmured to him how delicious his hot, hard flesh felt stretching my insides. Oh, god, that wonderful cock! Hot and hard and hungry for my sex! I was so slippery from Tommy's cum and my lust juices that he slid right into my tight hole, easily in and out.

He picked me up by the butt, I locked my legs around his waist, and he moved me up and down a little by the hips, pumping inches of his steely cock into me and out and in. It was in so deep, he hit bottom and stretched my vagina length and width, over and over. He was so strong, holding me impaled on his cock like that and pistoning his hard rod into my womb.

He came, and I came when I felt him pulsing his cum into me. I had to bite on my finger to keep from crying out. People downstairs may only have suspected that we were fucking up there, but my cries of orgasm would have proved it.

I held onto him, exhausted, for a minute, and then we really had to go. He put me down, standing, and as he pulled out of me, a small stream of hot cum and hot juices just fell out of me, some onto the floor but mostly down my leg. Two loads of man juice, mixed with my sex juices, a nice mess. A wonderful mess, you bet, a thrilling mess.

I had just fucked two men, one of them my lover and one almost a stranger, in the middle of a party. And half the people at the party probably knew or suspected. Where else could we have gone? There's nothing else upstairs but bedrooms and the bathroom. Either would have been most suitable for such an assignation. And the evidence was flowing out of my sex, into my underwear, into my stockings, down my leg. God, what a slut!

I quickly wiped up the puddle on the floor, and the streaks down my leg a little, got my clothes back on. I looked in the mirror: mussed hair, wrinkled blouse, makeup. Holy hell, how long have we been in here? Everyone will know! What will my fiance think of me? Will he forgive me, that I just got "carried away" (ha ha)? What will they *all* think of me? And what will they all think of him, too? I'm the one who fucked up, but will they think badly of him? No choice, though, I have to go back down and face the music.

Larsen repaired his clothes quickly and went out first, to give me a couple extra minutes to put my appearance back together. As I went down the stairs, I looked for the disapproving smirks in the crowd. Not many, whew. I went to the bar to get another wine. I could feel the juices sliding down from my crotch, past the panties, onto my leg. God, I hope that it doesn't show too much. The skirt was not long, well above the knee, and soon the little stream would get down that far. If they saw the sperm of two men going down my leg, that would become a tale of legend that I could not live down.

I walked purposefully but not confidently over to my guy, who was waiting for me. And what did he do? He hugged me, he kissed my neck, whispered to me, Did you have a good time? All was forgiven? Oh, frabjous day! That's why I love this guy so much! But what must the crowd think of him? His fiancee went off in the middle of the party to fuck this Norse god of a guy. And he forgives her? Wow, what a... wuss?... cuckold?... nice guy?... saint?

I have seen Larsen only a couple times since then, at similar gatherings. We talk politely like old friends. It's clear that the spark is still there. He still wets my pants. But we haven't acted on it. Yet. I get a twinge in my pussy whenever I see him. He can see that my nipples strain visibly toward him, craving his touch. I would like him to scratch my itch again. We've talked about it obliquely. If he called, I would answer. If he wanted to meet, I probably would. And willingly, happily spread my legs for him in whatever hotel or motel or back seat we could find.
oh i do very much! Since i started to have sex, most of them were atleast 10years older! And for me it was so easy to get them. Just a bit teasing and they go crazy! Most of older men are dirty and know how to get me wet. My first time anal was with a dirty older guy. He started with fingering, then licked me and then started to fuck …
i love it to be teased and controlled by a naughty younger sexy wife as you,just ask whatever you want to know