I actually had a discussion about this with 3 female guests I went to dinner with at Dorsia on Friday night. BTW - the sea urchin ceviche was to die for but I digress. For the sake of argument, we considered older to be over 60 years old. I realize that older is a sliding scale depending on the woman's age so, I felt it important to fill you in on where we set the the bar. The women were between 33 and 38.
Of the 3 women, 1 said older men were always gross because it made her think of her father. Another said if it is George Clooney yes, but that the average suburban slob with extra pounds, a bald spot and no fashion sense, has no chance with her. The final lady said yes but.... prefaced it with a statement that the man would have to be tall, in great shape, and also be very wealthy. She also said he couldn't be "old guy creepy". All three also mentioned that dealing with age associated limp dick was a big no-no.
It really sounds like it is an uphill battle for the over 60 crowd especially if you are bald, short, need ED pills, and are only middle-class.