Do your friends know ?


We have regular visits with a guy we know for mfm sexy fun. We've done it many times with him over about 4 years.
None of our friends know and we don't want them to find out.
He was with us last Friday. Next day, Saturday we were at a pool party at a nearby home. Just 4 couples, us being the oldest but everyone was late 40s - early 50s.
Everyone was good looking, not fat. Gals looked great in swim suits.
Somehow the subject turned to swingers and how swingers might have a purple light on the porch. I have herd of an upside down pineapple but never the purple light.
Two of the wives quickly said they would never do anything like swing. Other couple didn't say anything, nether did my wife.
I just wonder how many people like us, have a secret side they keep to themselves ?
When your with others, drinking, gals in swimsuits....hell yea I'd fuck them, wife probably thinks the same about some of the guys but it could turn into a huge disaster.
We keep it quiet.
....also...say you see a purple light or an upside down pineapple....what do you do ? Knock on the door and introduce your selves as fellow swingers ? WOW
.....more....when wife and I are around others and the subject of sex comes up, usually in a joking manner, I know what's in my mind but what does my wife think?
I have the image in my head of my wife getting it from our friend and how sexy she looks and how she seems to love it. I'll look at another wife and just wonder what she's done in her past...or last night for that matter.
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We went to a AANR nudist resort in FL. Even in the brochure given to 1st time visitors, it's mentioned to not talk about swinging with other members. We wore our name necklaces with the small hedo beads. In the hottub, the subject came up rather quickly, lol. One couple in the tub, we didn't realize this until after we had left the resort, were members of the SLS site. Seemed if others in the tub were swingers, they didn't admit to it in that conversation, same as us.
We went to a AANR nudist resort in FL. Even in the brochure given to 1st time visitors, it's mentioned to not talk about swinging with other members. We wore our name necklaces with the small hedo beads. In the hottub, the subject came up rather quickly, lol. One couple in the tub, we didn't realize this until after we had left the resort, were members of the SLS site. Seemed if others in the tub were swingers, they didn't admit to it in that conversation, same as us.
Most resorts that are AANR will frown on any open talk of swinging. We have noticed over the last 20 years that many resorts have dropped AANR and are openly "Lifestyles Friendly" even though open sex play is not allowed during the daytime or in common areas.
We visit a AANR resort close to us we prefer the resorts that are adults only and at least "Lifestyles Tolerant" if not " Lifestyles Friendly"
My wife has told 5 of her friends and her niece. Her niece is in her 20’s and just moved to NY. Niece was telling my wife she didn't think monogamy was for her because she gets bored with the same guy. My wife decided to spill the beans and tell her about being a hot wife. I’ve not told anyone.
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Only one of my wife's friends knows about out lifestyle. Apparently they discussed sexual adventures, so my wife told her that she fucks other men and that I know. Her friend and her husband have swung a few times. She told my wife that her husband thought my wife was sexy and my wife told her friend if she was okay with it and her husband wanted to have sex with her, to let her know. As you can imagine, she ended up getting fucked by him.

Being around them became a little odd after he fucked her.
Most resorts that are AANR will frown on any open talk of swinging. We have noticed over the last 20 years that many resorts have dropped AANR and are openly "Lifestyles Friendly" even though open sex play is not allowed during the daytime or in common areas.
We visit a AANR resort close to us we prefer the resorts that are adults only and at least "Lifestyles Tolerant" if not " Lifestyles Friendly"
Yes, that's in the aanr rules. Family friendly. This particular resort is the 'home' of aanr, so, is particularly strict. But - is very nice, has reasonable prices and seasonal deals. Why we prefer LS friendly places also. Hedo being the most fun, lol. But, heck, here i'd be happy if there was even a aanr resort, lol!!
Only one of my wife's friends knows about out lifestyle. Apparently they discussed sexual adventures, so my wife told her that she fucks other men and that I know. Her friend and her husband have swung a few times. She told my wife that her husband thought my wife was sexy and my wife told her friend if she was okay with it and her husband wanted to have sex with her, to let her know. As you can imagine, she ended up getting fucked by him.

Being around them became a little odd after he fucked her.
That sounds so natural. Its great that your wife can confide in her friend.
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We don't swing but my wife has had other men for the last 40 years she also enjoyed flashing a lot, an old school friend of mine that also knows her from primary saw her flashing and asked me about it I explained about our life style and he asked who she was fucking at the time as she was always on her phone so I told him that as well. She would just stop whatever she was doing to answer his text and he sent anything up to 30 a day , our ...... asked her ...... who she was always texting so she told her, our ...... told our ...... and his wife. My mate told his ...... so her partner knows as well. So all together most of our family and friends know a well as most of the people in the village we live in, the guy that lives across the road from us definitely knows as well as several of his mates, so no secrets here they all know she has been fucked multiple times by multiple men, she has never been discrete so nobody thinks anything of it when she was seen out with someone else.
One of her sisters and a sister-in-law know as well as a few of her co-workers, both female and male also know.
She has also told another couple that we frequently go out with that I have a small willy. They got a laugh out of it and now they always bring up that he is big when we have a few drinks. I told her I think they are swingers and he wants to fuck her. She is hesitant to bring it up but hopes that they do because she is attracted to him and would love to fuck him but doesn't want to ruin our friendship if we are wrong about them.
My wife has told her sister in law. She also told her childhood friend. Her childhood friend is rather promiscuous, which gets her in trouble with her husband. Then she asks my wife for advice. When my wife told her about our arrangement, fun, kink - whatever - she didn't believe. Until my wife showed her videos I'd taken of my wife fucking different men.