I’ve been helping my wife choose her first guy, shes been taking her time and was nervous about meeting up with him for a drink but we finally did last week. I think she’s made up her mind and hasn’t said much yet. It was a pretty laid back vanilla type conversation we had with him so I’ve written this note up to let him know our intentions, I don’t think he’s ever done anything like this before and acted rather nervous towards me. I’ll show this to my wife before I send it, we share everything.
We really both loved the swinging lifestyle, I really miss getting it on with the lady’s (and most definitely Marsha!!) but I’m dealing with surgery related ed, have the manhunt.
Hey there Carl I just thought I’d send you a note. Marsha really enjoyed meeting you the other night, after all her anxiety over meeting someone for drinks she was surprised at how relaxed she was and after we left the bar she was feeling very happy. Her and I have a fair amount of experience in the swinging lifestyle together but looking for a partner for her only is a new one for us, she’d like to play with/as a couple but with my condition it just won’t work. As opposed to a swing party hook up she’d like to get to know the guy a little before moving on as opposed to introducing ourselves and shaking hands after the act 😂. From what I see I think she likes you, it’s a little strange to be seeing this, it’s sort of like a fathers concern for a daughters new boyfriend but I love Marsha very much and want to protect her and see her happy….and she does love sex! As far as sex goes, if it does come to that, she has total control and I’m comfortable with whatever she wants. She may want my involvement, me just watching (possibly a little weird) or maybe some privacy. Ultimately she’s the boss, the only hard rule we have is this must not damage our relationship. Hopefully it just enhances it and you both enjoy it. What am I getting out of this? First of all I really enjoy seeing her happy and fulfilled, secondly its a huge turn on for me and I’ve always loved watching her “in action”. During a full swap with another couple once I was actually scolded by an attractive woman I was with for not paying enough attention to her because I was focused on what Marsha was involved in, she looked so beautiful and sexy! I felt bad for the lady but I couldn’t help myself.