Do other cucks have to set up dates with her boyfriends


Last night my wife told me to arrange a visit from one of her boyfriends
I was wondering if other cucks have to arrange dates for their Hot Wife
This guy she requested me to arrange a visit from is a guy I had met and she wanted me to suck his cock.
He is straight but I told him my wife wants to watch me suck his cock and he agreed to it.
I sucked his cock three different times while she masturbated and he enjoyed that.
The last time he came over I started sucking his cock and my wife walked over to him and she started kissing him and he began playing with her tits
To my surprise she asked him to lick her pussy
He got up and got down on his knees and began eating her pussy and I laid down between his legs and continued sucking him
And then asked him to fuck her
When he was about to cum he pulled out not knowing if he was allowed to cum in her and began to shoot cum in his hand and I started to lick his hand full of cum
Afterwards we sat around nude talking about how much we enjoyed each other
Tomorrow he will be cumming back for more
Sean here. While not a cuck (more of a stag vixen) I find the men to join Jennifer and I in the bedroom. Jennifer does have the final word and if she says no, we don't meet and I find another.
I help set up dates by informing my wife or her bull on a upcoming free weekend or if she’s busy and I will text him to set up a session. I love doing it.
For the first year or so that we got into cuckolding I set up all the dates. But eventually she really connected with one of her Bulls and the next thing I knew she was going out with Him all the time. No need for me to arrange anything. They spent entire weekends together and even went on week-long vacations together. It continued that way with Him for 7 years.
After my cuckoldress confessed to two affair when we were younger she asked that i sourced a boyfriend for her, if that was what i wanted.

Well it was what she wanted and i have sourced everyone of her lovers over the last 30 years, most have become regulars but contact has remained through me.

I have come to realise that this is how she squares her guilt in her mind and as its me doing the arranging she knows i am ok with what she enjoys and craves. In doing it this way its not cheating is it.

I would like her to find her own lover, tell me she had done so, but for him to be a man, or women i would never meet, unfortunately she has refused.
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My wife chooses whom she'll have sex with or date, but sometimes she asks for me to be present on her first meeting with a guy. We always used hotels for the first date, for safety's sake. If she indicated sex was likely, I'd go rent the room in advance if I could, and get the key to her somehow before her date. That saves her from dealing with the desk and puts her in control of the room. From time to time when she was really horny, she'd ask me to "call someone" for her and invite the man to our house but these were guys she knew and had been with before.
My wife is exactly like your wife.
She loves me suck her bf, cum on my face and watch me being gay fuk.

I m bi, and she turns me to this and you can see her eye she gets high from it.

She loves to bring me pleasure, and ...... me in front of others.

She order One bull cum on her feet and I lick them dry. The other time she order to bull fuck deep throat me and she peg me. Swallow is like my every time job.
Sean here. While not a cuck (more of a stag vixen) I find the men to join Jennifer and I in the bedroom. Jennifer does have the final word and if she says no, we don't meet and I find another.
i love ur sexy wife and wish u2 lived in my town. Ive secretly fucked friends wifes, But after learning about u2 id love u2 to be my 1st wife with hubby rite there. I always go bare naked and never ever pull out of another mans wife , all ive ever been with wants 2b deep seeded for the ultimate Thrill.,
I’ve arranged for my wife multiple times. My favorite was when she was 21 and I took her to a 47 year old complete strangers house, she stripped down and immediately went and started sucking him. He fucked her while she sucked me, and I came in her face after he shot on her big ass. He fucked her two more times and she sucked me once more and I jacked off to completion watching them fuck. Was super hot. She had never met or talked to him ever.
My wife picks all her own from a website. She'll arrange a social first which she'll tell me about and if all goes well she'll arrange to meet up again usually the following week for sex and again she'll tell me and ask if I'm coming along to watch.