Curious to the hotwife in this lifestyle what type of person were you when growing up


I’ just curious for the hotwives in this lifestyle now. How were you growing up. Were you very shy, introverted, what about your sexual life growing up were you very active or didn’t have sex until marriage. Or were you outgoing, extroverted, very horny at an early age having sex all the time. Just curious because majority of the hotwives i been with or cuckold couples that started this lifestyle the wife was not so active at a young age and was shy, but i have been with some sluts that have been sluts since high school or college just wanna see. Would like to know
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I’ just curious for the hotwives in this lifestyle now. How were you growing up. Were you very shy, introverted, what about your sexual life growing up were you very active or didn’t have sex until marriage. Or were you outgoing, extroverted, very horny at an early age having sex all the time. Just curious because majority of the hotwives i been with or cuckold couples that started this lifestyle the wife was not so active at a young age and was shy, but i have been with some sluts that have been sluts since high school or college just wanna see. Would like to know
My wife was very reserved and had the occasional relationships we most have growing up. But!! About ten years ago we started talking about sexual things that made us both curious and one thing led to another and we decided to look at relationships outside the marriage for some added spice. We knew we were both comfortable in our relationship and this would only be for fun and adventure. With this we started going to more bars and just hanging out with new friends and seeing where things would go. With that she started making new friends fairly quickly and the fucking began. She now has several she enjoys and plays a lot!! She is willing to try anything, at least that’s what she’s telling me. And honestly I believe that to be true! She fucks now like you can’t imagine and she has fun doing it. Hopefully this gives you an idea of how this can all happen.
My wife was very reserved and had the occasional relationships we most have growing up. But!! About ten years ago we started talking about sexual things that made us both curious and one thing led to another and we decided to look at relationships outside the marriage for some added spice. We knew we were both comfortable in our relationship and this would only be for fun and adventure. With this we started going to more bars and just hanging out with new friends and seeing where things would go. With that she started making new friends fairly quickly and the fucking began. She now has several she enjoys and plays a lot!! She is willing to try anything, at least that’s what she’s telling me. And honestly I believe that to be true! She fucks now like you can’t imagine and she has fun doing it. Hopefully this gives you an idea of how this can all happen.
So would you say being in this lifestyle it changed your social life
We are from a Conservative society. My wife has a very high sex drive and a rebelious nature. She lost her virginity when she was 18,had a bf but then quickly moved to dating another guy, his friend. For brief period she was having sex with 2 guys. The first guy found out and broke off. Later, she went overseas and started with another guy. He was fucking her when I met her. So again for a brief period she was fucking 2 guys. She dumped him and then got married to me when she was 20. Within 6 months or so of our marriage, she became a hot wife.
We are from a Conservative society. My wife has a very high sex drive and a rebelious nature. She lost her virginity when she was 18,had a bf but then quickly moved to dating another guy, his friend. For brief period she was having sex with 2 guys. The first guy found out and broke off. Later, she went overseas and started with another guy. He was fucking her when I met her. So again for a brief period she was fucking 2 guys. She dumped him and then got married to me when she was 20. Within 6 months or so of our marriage, she became a hot wife.
Thanks for sharing. Sounds like the wife hasn’t changed much lol constantly having sex lol
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I’ just curious for the hotwives in this lifestyle now. How were you growing up. Were you very shy, introverted, what about your sexual life growing up were you very active or didn’t have sex until marriage. Or were you outgoing, extroverted, very horny at an early age having sex all the time. Just curious because majority of the hotwives i been with or cuckold couples that started this lifestyle the wife was not so active at a young age and was shy, but i have been with some sluts that have been sluts since high school or college just wanna see. Would like to know
My exwife was sexually active from the age of.. well I can't say on here but she started early, but she didn't diverse until she got with me. After that she got VERY active.
My exgf came from a very Catholic background and had very little in the way of sex, again until she met me. I must have opened the flood gates because within a couple of months she was dogging and going to swing clubs.
My present wife was training to be a nun, or so she says. I told her that the fact she had a ...... seemed to have fucked that idea up. She too was quite reserved and had only had sex with 3 guys before she Met me, now she has had sex with more than 20 guys and still counting
Is it me or am I simply opening a door?
When my wife was 14 she had a boyfriend of 19. She wouldn't have sex with him because she was under age, but he basically said, well you've got to give me something, so taught her how to give a blow job and swallow. Then her first job on leaving school was in the motor trade, for a small company which was totally male apart from her, and all of them significantly older. "Flirting" as she called it, was an everyday occurrence. They were different times, as these days what happened would be considered sexual harassment at work and not allowed, but for her it was just normal to be touched. But she loved every single minute of it as she will be the first to admit. But, it all meant that by the time she was 18, she was very well versed in the ways of being a slut and she has remained very sexually active, pretty much ever since.
I met Bob when I was 15. He was 17. I only had one sexual encounter before that. I didn't know at the time but it wasn't good. The date with Bob was a double date and I was just filling in because the girl that was suppose to go had to call off. A few days later we had our second date and he introduced me to his cock. From then on we were like bunnies.
My wife and I grew up together. She was way out of my league as they say. She always went with the top guys (captian of the footbll team etc.) Where I was a weak effiminate type. I liked to wear girls clothes.She and I were neighbors and she would do some housework for my ....... Anyway she had a very dominant side to her and enjoyed humiliating me.She jumped at every chance to have fun at my expense while still making me feel like we were fiends.I was willing to take this kind of treatment just to be close to her I had such a bad crush on her.
I was HUGELY shy when I was young, and completely self conscious about my breasst that were 36C in 6th grade, my mom made me HATE myself. They were bigger then than hers have EVER been. I had NO dates all the way thru high school (mostly because of my shyness and clumsiness at relationships), was a wallflower in College until one guy paid some attention to me, had sex the first time at 19 and married him........he did the same thing my mom did, made me HATE myself because I wanted to have orgasms during sex and thought he should be able to last more than 30-60 seconds, then roll over, grab a cigarette and go to the bar.........he said I was oversexed and needed "help". That lasted 5 years, until I found out he was having an affair with a ugly woman with 3 kids, he was an alcoholic, and noncompliant with his diabetes meds and diet. Self Confidence in the tank...

Then I met Hubby #2.....first night we had sex, he wanted to know what I needed to do to have an orgasm during sex!!!!! OMG!!!! It did require me rubbing my clit to cum, but he lasted long enough for me to have my first THREE orgasms during intercourse!! He talked about se, asked me what I liked and what I wanted and what me deepest darkest sexual desires were. I told him EVERYTHING I had done sexually (short conversation, LOL) and everyhing I wanted to do or at least fantasized about. We would lay in bed ALL DAY talking, fantasizing, watching x rated videos we both liked....the best description I have heard is he "awakened my inner slut!!".

Then a guy at work started paying attention to me.....and whole new chapter of my life opened up!!

J (the wife)
I was HUGELY shy when I was young, and completely self conscious about my breasst that were 36C in 6th grade, my mom made me HATE myself. They were bigger then than hers have EVER been. I had NO dates all the way thru high school (mostly because of my shyness and clumsiness at relationships), was a wallflower in College until one guy paid some attention to me, had sex the first time at 19 and married him........he did the same thing my mom did, made me HATE myself because I wanted to have orgasms during sex and thought he should be able to last more than 30-60 seconds, then roll over, grab a cigarette and go to the bar.........he said I was oversexed and needed "help". That lasted 5 years, until I found out he was having an affair with a ugly woman with 3 kids, he was an alcoholic, and noncompliant with his diabetes meds and diet. Self Confidence in the tank...

Then I met Hubby #2.....first night we had sex, he wanted to know what I needed to do to have an orgasm during sex!!!!! OMG!!!! It did require me rubbing my clit to cum, but he lasted long enough for me to have my first THREE orgasms during intercourse!! He talked about se, asked me what I liked and what I wanted and what me deepest darkest sexual desires were. I told him EVERYTHING I had done sexually (short conversation, LOL) and everyhing I wanted to do or at least fantasized about. We would lay in bed ALL DAY talking, fantasizing, watching x rated videos we both liked....the best description I have heard is he "awakened my inner slut!!".

Then a guy at work started paying attention to me.....and whole new chapter of my life opened up!!

J (the wife)
Well JMNBABE it looks like you are making up for lost time. I'm so happy for you. I assume that you are not shy anymore. If you wish to, please continue where you left off with your facinating story. I've known of cases where the wallflower in highschool turns into the beautiful butterfly later on and all the guys who once rejected her are like OMG I want her.
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Its amazing reading all your posts and some of you have changed drastically from your childhood.

For me i would say in elementary and middle school i wasnt much of a player i had friends but wasnt the type to go out i rather preferred staying home and playing video games. I did do sports but was always chubby. Then i stopped doing sports and was gaining weight at 14 my mom told me you need more exercise and got me a trainer for the gym. When i started going to the gym and my trainer was helping me i got hooked i started seeing changes in my body and felt so confident. Then freshman year high school met this girl also a freshman we dated for a year and we were both virgins i lost my virginity at 16 to her. I noticed ever since that always been alpha and dominant. Then i had 2 other girlfriends one last 2 years and the other a year a half.
My junior year in high school was when i started going out to parties and hooking up a lot.
Girls i knew since elementary and middle school would say i changed a lot. I was more extroverted, and said i was really hot. I guess when i got older change was positive for me.
Its amazing reading all your posts and some of you have changed drastically from your childhood.

For me i would say in elementary and middle school i wasnt much of a player i had friends but wasnt the type to go out i rather preferred staying home and playing video games. I did do sports but was always chubby. Then i stopped doing sports and was gaining weight at 14 my mom told me you need more exercise and got me a trainer for the gym. When i started going to the gym and my trainer was helping me i got hooked i started seeing changes in my body and felt so confident. Then freshman year high school met this girl also a freshman we dated for a year and we were both virgins i lost my virginity at 16 to her. I noticed ever since that always been alpha and dominant. Then i had 2 other girlfriends one last 2 years and the other a year a half.
My junior year in high school was when i started going out to parties and hooking up a lot.
Girls i knew since elementary and middle school would say i changed a lot. I was more extroverted, and said i was really hot. I guess when i got older change was positive for me.
Comming of age can be the best part of someones life. Did you thank your ...... for making you train at the gym?
I was very responsible, driven and quite "OCD" about everything, including school work. I began a lifelong obsession with "fitness" at an early age, played tennis, had tennis instructors (who made me what I became sexually) and began training with weights and running/hiking. I was EXTREMELY sexually driven at an early age as well. I developed breasts early and had a fascination with sexual pleasure and masturbation and loved the sensation of anal stimulation. I had orgasms at a very young age. I discovered porn magazines my dad kept by the tons hidden out in the garage. I obsessed over the men and girls and as you've read in my stories, always wanted to have sex with girls. I was just very afraid that others in school would find out. I experimented with girls at an early age. I began making out and exploring with my friend Cher, who stayed over at my house and slept with me (innocent enough at that age, right?) frequently. I read "romance" novels at an early age and they turned me on. I was pretty much horny all the time. But then again, maybe most girls coming of age are as well.

My parents were gone quite a bit so my sister and i were left to explore sex with our neighbor friends Matt and Jay. You've read about them. With me, it was pretty much anal and oral with them but other things would happen along. My junior year of high school I started a relationship with Matt's late thirties year old father (Matt and Jay were off to college) and he was basically my secret "boyfriend" that year. I "allow" that it was him who officially took my virginity when I was 16, know....

My senior year of high school I began working for one of my former tennis instructors (Steph's husband) doing billing for his doctor practice. There is WAY more to this story and that relationship began with his wife Steph (who was in her mid twenties and my initial tennis instructor). I really wish I could relate this story but I don't think I am allowed to do so on this forum. I can tell you that she "groomed" me from an early age as a "nymphet". She was only 14 when she had met her future doctor husband (Dr Bob) and was a nymphet as well. They eventually married and I had an affair with her husband my entire senior year of HS, with Steph's full knowledge. They had an "open relationship" and she had lots of boyfriends over. She "groomed" me to be a sexual "play thing" for her, her boyfriends and her husband. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret a minute of it, it's just that I can't tell any details of this situation (I don't think). I will reveal that unlike my stories have stated, Steph was very involved with me sexually when I was a nymphet as were her boyfriends and husband. Everything else about my stories with girls is pretty much true, but I hope it is ok with the mods to reveal this.

I really had no interest in dating guys my age or at my school. I also found my first "girlfriend" who I met at the gym. I owe her an apology for calling her "girlfriend" because she was very adamant that we were not "lesbians" (even though we had a sexual relationship) and she did as much as possible to discourage me from being too "sexual" with her. Daize (Daisy) was very instrumental in many ways and she slept over with me as a "friend" frequently. I will eventually tell the story of how my dad became very worried about what the two of us were doing! lol She was wise and she was concerned that I might start down a path toward becoming a lesbian and miserable if she promoted it. These were far different times than today but still, I would have fallen in love with her, I probably actually did so. She knew I was in to girls and her problem was that she was so attracted to me so completely that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop ...... with me. She did her best to do what I did with Cher, but in the end she would eat my pussy but not allow me to eat hers. But you know how that goes. Just like Cher, I did taste her quite a bit. Mostly I masturbated her with my fingers and kissed around her pubic area. She did whatever she wanted with me, and that was everything! We had a great time. She was college age, I was still in HS.

I was older than Dolores Haze, but not by much, when all of this started. I was like her in some ways too. This is probably too long and a bit convoluted for the topic, but it would be much clearer if I could have spoken freely from the start on this site, on my lifestyle sites and in my LSM articles. It's just difficult to say enough for people to read through the lines but not reveal that which is prohibited or frowned upon. My nymphet days pretty much came to a close soon after I started high school and playing with Matt and Jay.

I only had a few actual (more than just a nymphet plaything) sexual partners until I married my husband. He and I were very adventurous from the start and soon after we married, ( by "soon" I mean immediately after), I began cheating with other guys and did so constantly. I had told him on our wedding night that I would be faithful too him in every way except sexually, and that he was going to have to share my body with other men (in so many words). He accepted that but didn't think I really meant it at the time. He would soon find out that I did. I turned into an actual "slut" in the few months after my marriage and I have remained so the entire time. I was married and so confident in my sexual freedom at that point. Eventually he just sort of "figured out" that I was cheating and it eventually became an open secret and then accepted. We eventually entered the lifestyle with mixed results. I settled on "hotwifing" as our primary sexual dalliance these days.
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After my last relationship which ended badly due to cheating and i found out by friends after that. I went out with friends one night and met my first hotwife and from there is when she introduced me to this lifestyle