Cucks and sex

On the money. There is so much BS around cuckolding. I’m a cuck because my wife has sex with other men, end of. It has nothing to do with me being submissive, it has nothing to do with wanting to be humiliated. I love other guys fucking my wife, it’s a huge turn on for both of us. Whenever Lynn gets laid, whether I’m there or not, it nearly always leads to us having great sex afterwards. Cuckolding adds to our sex life, it’s not a replacement for it. And as to having to wear a condom to fuck my own wife when she lets other guys cum inside her, I think I’ll pass on that one, thanks.
Other couples may include denial or humiliation into the way they play and hey, whatever rocks your boat is fine if that works for you.
Very well explained. Cuckoldry comes in as many different forms as there are people practicing it. Lust and pleasure are what we think it’s about and with two or more swollen cocks around why not use them to the best advantage.
For my hubby and I it’s all about my sexual desires and I’m in charge. Hubby is only allowed to orally pleasure my pussy and arse, sometimes he’s allowed to touch and suck my tits but he’s not had sex with me in over 15 years. The only sex he’s allowed is to be ass fucked by my bulls. I’ve noticed a massive difference in cuckoos relationship’s from couples to couples, it’s what works for the couple in question.

Sally. Xx
Cuckolding, cuckolds, and cuckoldress behaviors are as broad as the spectrum of individuals involved.

There are no hard and fast rules. I'm not a fan of labels. That said, by the semantic, technical definition, because my wife has sex with other men, I'm a cuckold. I still enjoy regular, frequent sex with my wife, including one-on-one, as a traditional couple, MFM, FM+, and voyeuristic encounters. She also engages on her own, "dating," meeting men during business travel, etc. I still engage on my own, including two long-term affair partners, and other sexual encounters.
Your marriage is the kind that I wish I had. Seems extremely honest and satisfying for both of you.
This is, after all, an Alternative Lifestyle which to me means that we are not interested in a lot of rules. However, as a Bull I believe that it is incumbent on me to do everything I can to heighten her pleasure and the erotic nature of the Triad. I tend to defer to the wife on denial but I also believe that there are cucks who will find more erotic fulfillment in denial or being caged. However, that can also be flexible as it can be very hot for a Cuck to be released from the cage and allowed sloppy seconds, ditto with denial. Likewise with regular sex for the cuck but that tends not to happen often in my relationships due to the deep emotional bond that usually develops between the wife and I.
Bottom line is that as a Bull who has always valued LTRs believe that you have to understand that wants, needs, and desires can change and I have to be aware and open to either initiate or accept change to ensure that her fulfillment and pleasure is paramount and that the cucks legitimate needs are met. The only thing that I ever really push is clean-up as it is the most loving, intimate, and dramatic manifestation of his acceptance of her taking her sexual and emotional freedom.