When I was way younger sometimes I'd get a bj in my car from a girl, sometimes she'd swallow and I loved it. I was OK kissing her after she'd had my dick in her mouth but not after she swallowed. Once I'd cum in her mouth the fun was over and I'd drive her home. One night this girl swallowed, came up, smiled at me, went back down on me for a minute, came back up and shoved her toung in my mouth. I thought I was going to puke. I didn't and we had a super hot make out session. I learned real quick that girls loved to kiss after.
Later on I was seeing a good looking young lady, I was 21, she was 20. On about our 4th "date" after we fucked she asked if I'd go down on her. I didn't want to but she wiped off best she could and I started to lick her clit. She loved it, after maybe 30 seconds she grabbed my head and held me tight against her puss, there was a LOT down there. She got off pretty quick. That became our routine. We'd make out hot and heavy, some oral on each other, we'd fuck till I let it go, she'd wipe off then I'd go down, she'd cum hard. We'd kiss while she rubbed her puss till I was hard again then we'd do it all again. I didn't like locking my sperm but she was into it so I did it.
Same deal with other women.
Present day, wife and I get with a friend for mfm fun. Wife can't get pregnant so we don't use rubbers. We most always cum in her. She absolutely loves the kink of the mess. Him and me have no problem going down on her after we've fucked her. We've both kissed her after she's swallowed. She is a friggin mess down there even tho she wipes off between (sometimes).
Thinking about it...it's weird sliding into her after he's had her but she's SO turned on for next guy after one of us finishes. That's why it's fun.