Cleaning The Bull

Having hubby clean up my cock before cleaning his wife is the showing of his total acceptance of me fucking and filling his wife. It is very enjoyable and also gives the wife that assurance that he is all Ok with the situation.
I have always wanted to see my hubby do this but it has never happened. I know he would do it if I asked especially if I told him he couldn't lick me clean (which he loves to do) until he cleaned my Bull first. But never had a Bull that would allow it.
I have always wanted to see my hubby do this but it has never happened. I know he would do it if I asked especially if I told him he couldn't lick me clean (which he loves to do) until he cleaned my Bull first. But never had a Bull that would allow it.
You are unlucky. Myself and a lot of other Bull's I know enjoy having the wives watch hubby clean cock before getting to feast on a cream filled pussy. It is good for all involved.