Christian couple

ditto. However I don't find that to be a dichotomy. God never seemed to be prudish about sex, after all He GAVE it to us. Ever read Song of songs? David, "God's beloved" had multiple wives, and had he been honest and not had Bath's hubby killed, He would have been ok. In fact the soldier himself would probably have given her to the King himself if asked.. Abraham traded Sarah out at least x2, and it wasn't until God decided to found a nation that He intervened. Ever notice God seemingly sanctioned slaves, concubines, and while thankfully times have changed some, women were treated like property.
The New testament says "love your neighbor as yourself"...and "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". While there IS a command to be the husband of one wife..but adds the caveat ..IF you are a Officer of the church..
If sex with my wife makes me feel so good, and if the opportunity arose to have someone else feel my wife's incredible body, making all three or more of us feel just as good.. works for me. I've always felt, she doesn't BELONG to me, I am just incredibly lucky to have her and if sharing is a pleasurable uplifting experience done without deception or fraud..why not? God knows every thought so there's no sense being cagey. God is big time against lying or deception. So as long as you're upfront....He DOES want us to be happy and enjoy the fruits of our labors. best of luck!
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This is one of the areas I have kind of struggled with as well. Have searched and searched for answers and I honestly think it is probably not biblical and not very Christian. However, I do still enjoy thinking about it, talking about it and participating. It just cannot consume you and the love between husband and wife must remain strong. So many different views on this when it comes to Christianity.
What is it with you and all of the dick pics all over threads all the time? Just post them in your profile unless someone asks.
Samething if you put your hotwife pics don't get jealous if someone have bigger thing than you and what I post is my dick not a pics from internet like u probably and I'm not here to start a arguments or fight with you is easy if you don't like what I post or whatever people post is easy don't look probably your wife was looking at my pics and you got jealous cause mine looks better and bigger not one put a gun in your head to make you looks at it ...Sorry to come at you like this but I don't see anywhere that's saying we can put pics or comments on anyplace till that Have a nice day and enjoy the weather and hot pics thanks .....
Don't apologize....the more you talk...the less I need to say anything. I made a simple observation, if you don't like it fine. Yes, you got me...there's no getting anything past you....all of our stuff is just ripped from the internet....including all of that stuff with our copyright marked on it.....Yes, I'm very jealous of you....and my gorgeous wife (who comes on here and posts frequently) can hardly contain herself because of her desire for you. If only she was hot enough to score a guy like you....sigh....No doubt you score hot chicks day and night with your subtle and charming, seductive photography skills and your mastery of prose and the written word in general.
Love u 2
If I write in Spanish you won't understand ....S I the lo digo en español tú no me entiendes por lo menos yo hablo español y inglés tu tienes que callarte la boca porque lo que hablas es mielda y te llenas la boca detrás de tu mujer mira ver si entiendes esto ahora 😀😀
Absolutely. I can't recall the chapter and verse, but there is a passage that says something to the effect that if you lust for someone you have already committed adultery. Wouldn't it be much better to enjoy extramarital sex with each others permission than to think about it and hide it from your spouse. That's when it is cheating and a sin.