Becoming a HotWife

My husband wants me to become a hotwife. I’ve never been with anyone but him and am really nervous. Any tips on how to get started?
keep the communication open and honest. it can be a delicate balance on the path to get started. Don't be afraid to admit what you like, want, or the opposite - don't like or want. What thoughts have you had but not yet shared? Does the idea turn you on inside and does your husband know too?
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Try to mention things that you would think he would like, like it's your idea. Sometimes for a guy it's a turn on hearing how his other is also into it so he knows he's not alone in wanting to explore.
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Just allow yourself to be in a situation where you’re relaxed and comfortable and let your body tell you when it’s time and once you begin you will definitely enjoy it. Sometimes it helps if you have a couple or few drinks to lower your inhibitions and when the moment feels right, go for it! Keep us posted please and good luck!