We are a "normal" genuine couple, we married when she was 18 i was 21/22. We have been married for 36 years and have raised two children and both had rather successful careers.
However interwoven into this "normal" marriage is the fact that we have always quietly been a cuckold couple, it was her choice rather than mine and my young wife took her first lover unknown to me then by the time she was 20.
She and my then best friend converted me into liking the idea of being a cuckold and the pleasures and excitement this would bring to me and us, having a third person in the background but openly within our marriage. Unknown to me, he my best friend was already her second long term lover.
Acceptance of my role as a cuckold husband has enhanced our sex lives but not in the normal way, when i was in my late 20s i accepted that i couldn't satisfy her body or her perverted and very adventurous young mind. It was not my dick size that drove her, it was partly my lack of experience, but more that she wanted to explore and expand her sexuality but wanted me involved and the secrets to end.
She has admitted she is very happy married to one man for life, but would never realistically accept limiting her sexual pleasures to one male.
She has said; all men are different, bring with them a different kissing ability, touch, feel and oral skills, giving her the excitement and thrill and multiple orgasms she craves. This expands her mind and body of a female eager to learn and experience, more and more.
When the kids were at home we either shipped them to grandparents or she went to her lover miles away in a hotel for the night. I watched, enjoyed listening and everything surrounding this, then often returned home or went to work. These meets were normally every month or so to fit into her sexual desires and their itinerary as most of her long term lovers have been married.
The "extra" in my sex life, this plays out in me gaining a hugh emotional kink and mental stimulationbefore and when, taking, or allowing my wife to go to another man to pleasure her, completely different to my "normal" life where i retained control of everything i do. I like NOT being in control of this dispite us both being very dominant people, time has shown me we are both also sexually submissive.
When the kids were older and away our marital bed became our favourite play location with another regular lover, it was here that she first asked me to wear her knickers and then soon after on another occasion presented me with a cage. I liked both. The cage brought about a realisation that i didn't want to be physically involved. Watching or just knowing what she is doing gives me intense mental stimulation. The knickers as she directed became my new permanent underwear and still are.
She took a lover, sourced by me who was into heavy BDSM, but still a fantastic lover, through him i have seen my wife tied, fully restrained, suspended, heavily spanked, electrodes in her pussy and ass, wearing a breathing hood, tied to a bench fully immobilised and having uncontrollable, multi orgasms. Yet he still hadn't removed his trousers. He took her regularly to a new height in debauchery and she loves this.
She as she always has, repaid me with pictures and continued semi feminising me, i liked this and still do. Her allocation of varied different items of female underwear increased and then crossed into my normal life, driving both our kinky minds, we both like this.
My fetish has always been the female figure in tight denim jeans and she bought me tight female jeans for wear at home. These soon became for outdoor wear too, other pairs followed purchased by her. She is a jeans wearer most of the time so our differences in clothing has blured considerably. We ...... in the same PJs.
So are we a "normal" couple? to those that know us i would say yes. To those that we have meet on first meets, most say: we weren't the type and question why do i want someone to fuck my wife, often questioning quietly, “does she know? ”well... you ask her discretely.
The only clue really in normal life is though my wearing for many years of a permanent collar and tighter jeans than normal men wear, with a bulge in the front for my now permanent cage. Add that sometimes her keys to my cage pop out onto the outside of her clothing this may suggest to those clued up that we are rather a kinky couple.