(almost) a 1st timer here - hotwife (vixen)/ stag - our lives are consumed by this...


I did post about possible bull meeting next week. But let me tell you OUR Back story. in early June hubby told me about his fantasy of seeing me with another guy. since early June there has been wild sex, long talks, more sex, more talks... fantasies, mind blowing sex, bondage, spanking, anal play! At some point (day 7 or this) I think I asked hubby at 3am "Are we dead?" is this episode of Black Mirror? if not IT SHOULD BE! closeness we have now with hubby feels like it's insane. yes, all the boundaries are gone and we are as we are in front of each other.
FAST forward to today. we may be meeting that bull. but we are not sure and our lives are still revolving around this! who went through this? yes, it feels like we are doing some ...... together, getting high on it and effects are lasting... I got so many stories and so many POV that I may need to write short story about this. it turns us both ON, BUT then during times of lucid mind (between 5pm and 9pm) I Feel like we should not do this! Also can we concentrate on something else in our lives? yes our kids are safe and they eat well... but luckily I am home with them. Not sure if I could keep my job at the current rate. Any experience and advice appreciated!
oh ok that's good then thought you were going to say it was like a church place and could get fired if you do it maybe after you do it you both will settle down a little and be able to focus more
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oh ok that's good then thought you were going to say it was like a church place and could get fired if you do it maybe after you do it you both will settle down a little and be able to focus more
Probably good it isn’t a job like a church bulletin proof reader! I can only imagine what might slip through for “prime time reading” Sunday morning!
Hi Yes we went through this. hubby replied to an ad in a mens magazine (local)Years ago . and i chatted to the guy after hubby and a few messages. internet wasnt like it is now. I was bloody scared as id only ever been with hubs. cant rember all chat but i remember him telling me he was about 8" and thick. (hubby isnt unfortunately) but we arranged a date. hed pick me up and take me for a drink Then we would see what we wanted no pressure and hubby stayed home. Well he picked me up at our house and he was nice. clean very presentable and hubby kissed me said ill see you soon.
We drove to an outskirts pub and had good chat. then said better get you home to hubby.
But on the way back i told him to pull into a sort of layby clearing up a hill for workers.
obviously he knew what i wanted. within minutes i had my dress which buttons down the front open and my basque especially bought by hubby with press studs undone ( women know what i mean)) and he had a good feel. I thought about it then just said take me home i want doing properly, sounds crass but true. rang bell hubby opened and i tried to run upstairs. hubby was qiuck. put a hand up my dress and just said "had a feel has he" that was it.

Its hard to start but once you have you will feel different> Hubby was on edge for days beforehand. But as he said it was all about me. Even to this day he is all about looking after me. He changed and as he says as long as im happy then hes happy. btw I i dont ...... with many men. but he likes me to dress up and we have fun with each other that had dissapeared for a while. even a sly wink or glance has us in fits of laughter cause they dont know.
Definately recommend it if your marriage is strong enough.. if theres any doubt at all please stay away and be happy. it isnt for all x
Hi Yes we went through this. hubby replied to an ad in a mens magazine (local)Years ago . and i chatted to the guy after hubby and a few messages. internet wasnt like it is now. I was bloody scared as id only ever been with hubs. cant rember all chat but i remember him telling me he was about 8" and thick. (hubby isnt unfortunately) but we arranged a date. hed pick me up and take me for a drink Then we would see what we wanted no pressure and hubby stayed home. Well he picked me up at our house and he was nice. clean very presentable and hubby kissed me said ill see you soon.
We drove to an outskirts pub and had good chat. then said better get you home to hubby.
But on the way back i told him to pull into a sort of layby clearing up a hill for workers.
obviously he knew what i wanted. within minutes i had my dress which buttons down the front open and my basque especially bought by hubby with press studs undone ( women know what i mean)) and he had a good feel. I thought about it then just said take me home i want doing properly, sounds crass but true. rang bell hubby opened and i tried to run upstairs. hubby was qiuck. put a hand up my dress and just said "had a feel has he" that was it.

Its hard to start but once you have you will feel different> Hubby was on edge for days beforehand. But as he said it was all about me. Even to this day he is all about looking after me. He changed and as he says as long as im happy then hes happy. btw I i dont ...... with many men. but he likes me to dress up and we have fun with each other that had dissapeared for a while. even a sly wink or glance has us in fits of laughter cause they dont know.
Definately recommend it if your marriage is strong enough.. if theres any doubt at all please stay away and be happy. it isnt for all x
What an instreresing story and journey. Yes, its not for all... I am pretty sure. Are we one of those people? I still can't tell. Hubby tells me he thinks it helps him deal with extreme jealousy he always felt with all his partners. Even me. But now 15+ years of our marriage... has passed and he loves me deeply and I love HIM! I DO NOT want to mess up what we have. Many people say it brings great marriages even closer. We did go through many things... never cheating or anything like that. I am still very jealous and it makes me SICK to think about him leaving me for another girl. Wow. So much on my mind.
Question did you share anything about this with your friend's? Close girlfriend? ... I feel like I can't
that's good do you text him at work and tease him?
yes she does 🙂
its good to find someone to talk to about it, here or in person. some will judge but got to ask the question if they do are they are good or real friend after all. did you and him talk about "rules or guide lines" to follow what is expected and what is not ?
its good to find someone to talk to about it, here or in person. some will judge but got to ask the question if they do are they are good or real friend after all. did you and him talk about "rules or guide lines" to follow what is expected and what is not ?
Yes. We extensively. I think. Unless we forgot something. Any suggestions? Condoms a must, safe words should be set... also no exchanging phone numbers. Communication is all open on line between Vixen/Stag/Bull.
use kik so you don't have to give out numbers. How did you guys meet him? has he sent a pic to you holding a sign with your name on it or something that can't be faked so you know he is real
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Yes it is an intoxicating ....... Makes you feel so close and so intense but then you can have the downer too when you feel dirty and ashamed and how could we and all that. Push, pull. But then it always comes back.
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