Hello, my wife and I recently started to dip our toes into this kind of stuff. We've had 2 encounters with a guy we found and vetted for literally months. He's a good guy, respectful. We're starting slow and taking baby steps.... Nobody wants to get hurt or feel like they hurt someone.
When we play, I'm in charge of what happens. I have sex with my wife and use the other guy as a second set of hands to help me pleasure her. I have him feel her body, squeeze her tits, spank her, insert her plug, use dildos on her, etc. She loves it and gets extremely orgasmic. It's fun! Last time I felt brave enough to let her play with his cock at various points during the fun. However, when I picture in my mind, her actually sucking his dick or me standing aside and watching him fuck her, I feel a sense of panic and distress. Is this normal?
I have a huge fear that if the other guy is bigger than me, has a better body, stuff like that, that she will have better orgasms with him than she does with me and she might consider him to be better than me sexually. I love my wife deeply and I want to be nothing less than number one in all areas for her. That is our current situation right now. I am in wedded bliss.
I brought my concerns to her and she said I am worrying about nothing, because she knows that I will always be her best sexual experience and her best orgasm. It warms my heart to hear her say that, but I have trouble accepting it because she has almost no sexual experience outside of me. She had sex with one guy one time before we got together. So I fear she may not really know what she's talking about.
I'm happy to show her a good time and introduce a little variety and new sexual experiences, I just don't want her to prefer those experiences over her sexual experience with me. I feel that this is a very basic desire for a husband that truly loves his wife. So my long-winded question is basically, for those with experience, is my wife correct? If I could truly accept that I would always be number one sexually to her then it would give me a massive amount of confidence to press forward. But if there is a chance that she could prefer sex with another guy or think he's better than me in bed then I'm not so sure this is something we should be doing. If that happened, my masculinity would be shattered and my confidence would completely evaporate. I would not feel like a man anymore.
Apologies for the long post and any advice would be appreciated thank you!
Edit: I forgot to mention a couple things that might be relevant. My biggest opposition and source of anxiety is the thought of being on the sidelines while the other guy takes her one on one. If I'm still intimately involved then I feel less scared of it because I'm still helping to give her those orgasms.
The whole reason for us doing this is to throw gasoline on our already hot sex life. I thought I would be really turned on seeing her do stuff with another guy. And I am! But what I've discovered is that my biggest source of pleasure comes from how hot and horny she gets in those situations, not necessarily her doing stuff with the other guy. I can give her so many intense orgasms because she is already highly aroused due to the kinky nature of our situation. It makes me feel like a God among men when I'm giving her massive orgasms back to back to back, etc. We want to keep the focus of our play on each other. The goal is the enhance the already great sex we have together, not to find "better" sex with someone else. We're laser focused on each other as we do this.