Your wierd kinky successes and failures.


I thought i would try something different,

There are many men here with fantasties most will never happen perhaps not for the lack of trying or maybe those fantasties never go any further than a post here.

I consider myself lucky as my teenage bride as she became my wife was already unknown to me in her mind sure that at some stage she probably would become my cuckoldress, even if neither of us knew the term and i didnt know her desires. She did however give a clue once, saying we married too young and she would have liked to have played the field a bit more, i understood this, so i agreed she could from within the marriage.

Our history is documented elsewhere so i wont bore you with the details other than by 21 she made me her cuck husband had i known it then.

So we have lived the cuckold lifestyle and later she more as a hotwife for over 30 years, during which i have shared, watched, allowed her nights and weekends away and done every permutation my mind could think of, whilst i become a semi feminised, collared and caged male at her hand.

So thats her "kink" and mine too however i have always had kinks of my own, as she knows: namely a love of the jean clad females and uniforms.

She was 16 when we met and i remember a few months later asking if she still had her school uniform, that spooked her and she replied no, why???.

My kinks havent left me though and by the time she was in her early 20s she was inside at least wearing army trousers and a green t shirt, but not quite figure hugging enough for me and she didnt find it sexy one bit, she said she felt quite masculine wearing it, i liked that too.

It would take her long term lover by then a good friend of mine too into BDSM and the like who had collared her to him, to ask me one day;

What would you like her to do? as if he had more power over my wife than me, sexually i knew he had, so i set him a task, i knew she wouldnt do,

I would like her to wear a fully authentic school uniform, that shocked him but he said OK, then she will, yeah right.

(He said it didnt float his boat but later admitted he bought his wife one.....)

Days later she told me, xxx says you want me to wear a school uniform and he says he is going to take me for one, well if thats your kink you should take me, i was shocked.

At the next opportunity we stood in a school suppliers, i was very nervous as i knew the middle aged women was sure the unform my wife was trying on wasnt for our ...... but her, she asked what year our ...... was in a question ignored, if my wife was nervous she didnt show it. Trousers and skirts came from ebay.

Now i will say i have no interest in the genuine wearers of such items, it wasnt sexual attraction for me more the opposite the uniform of the rightly untouchables and as he often asked me to abstain from sex with my wife whilst she was collared to him, you can look but not touch, the uniform indicates the same. It was also a test of his influence over her, she wouldnt do this for me, would she for him?

Another product of my kinky mind........

As a fabulous tall jeans wearer with 33 inch legs i have often seen men looking at her tall body and nice ass encased in denim, i have always liked this though she hasnt.

One day seeing a man looking at her ass, i wondered how many men over the years have eyed up that nice body, maybe even wanked over the thought of touching...wouldnt it be kinky to blindfold and handcuff her facing a tree in a public wood wearing jeans and find a stranger to stand behind her, feel her up as he wished and he then cum over her jean clad ass? wierd stuff yet kinky. Neither of them must speak at all, then afterwards he cums then leaves immediately.

I put this to her and after a pause she asked, definately someone we dont know? i confirmed, a pause then she said OK.

Game on.

I already had a location in my mind, quite busy at times too, finding a man to do this took the time.

As you see, the act was done, several times actually, then we would go for a walk, passing people as we held hands, back in our normal world of married life with his cum clinging to her jeans, both thinking if someone turned around..... The first time as he left she asked me to remove the keys to my cage from her neck, unlock and add my load to his, the second time she said, NO, your enjoying this too much we will play later.


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However its was not always successful, i had one kink she said yes to, then circumstances changed her mind, as women do.


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i had two chances of doing DP from the back end and blew my load in under 5 seconds. I couldnt even get it in. It was touch and cum.
At least i can say i had a chance
I was very successful beyond expectation with my ex. Had people over to ours for a BBQ, a number staying. End of the evening we headed to bed, both tipsy and horny it wasn't long before we were playing. i started fucking her doggy she put her head in the pillow to moan. I quickly lifted her head up and said no everyone needs to hear you being fucked. Sure enough she moaned away.

After we finished, she said, so you like me being known as a naughty girl then. I said yes i do, but thought i would push my luck and said, not only by people that know us. Tomorrow we are heading to the park you will wear your short denim skirt and no knickers so everyone can see your pussy.

Next morning slightly hungover i cleared away the empties etc everyone left, Deb went up to get changed and down she came in the skirt. Best go to the park then! It was so hot having her accidently show off!