Would you let wife x bf cuckold you?

I have already had her done this to me found out by accident when I went around one Sunday morning and he turned up because he had 'forgotten his watch'. He turned up and caught us taking naked pictures of her as she was still horny and needed to fuck me. I was happy for her to carry on after that.
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My wife's boyfriend is her highschool sweetheart. They've been fucking on-and-off for 20+years. I in no way feel threatened or intimidated by her relationship with him. Obviously they have great sex, but he's not husband material. She chose to marry me (we've been married 14 years), and not him.
My wife won't even brag that he's bigger or better than me in bed, even though I know his cock IS bigger and thicker than mine.
As she says, it's just "different" with him, and that him and I meet completely diffetent NEEDS/desires for her
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If your wife gas or plan yo date her x bf as her bull, will you take it?
Stand a watch
Be sub to him
Clean him
I would have no problem with that, at all. My wife is allowed to have whoever she wants as her bull. The only reason I would ever put an end to it, is if her bull was miss treating her. But, in that case, she would probably put an end to it before I did.
I would enjoy watching her with some of her exes. No M2M contact for me. They are all married so its tricky. Given the chance she would love to hook up and i'd love to watch. She always went bareback with them including one of her fuck buddies so i'm sure thats how it would go down again.
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