I can recall several times when I’d initiated sex with Robin, especially if I happened to be somewhat suspicious about her details of how she spent her day or night. There were many occasions where she’d put up resistance when I started going down on her. She would try to stop me and I would have to use more pressure, and she would seem to kind of stop trying so hard, as though she were afraid of being too obvious. I would always make sure to get a good look at her pussy, looking for any signs that weren’t normal. I remember times where her pussy looked more swollen and a darker color of red from her regular appearance. I can only remember one time when I picked up the slightest hint of what smelled like sperm, but nothing that made it completely obvious. I also remember a few times when I picked up the scent, and taste of what I knew was from a condom. It was also a totally different feeling when I started fucking her! As soon as I entered her, I immediately felt a difference in her natural lubrication. I could feel what I believed to be the lubrication from a condom! It had the all too familiar feel of being unnatural and seemed to make it a little bit more difficult to penetrate her as easily as normal. Then there were the times when she was really wet, more than usual so early on, and once I was all the way inside, she felt a little more slippery! It was never enough to make it perfectly clear, that she had been fucked and cummed in at some point earlier. Although there were times that I had absolutely no doubt that she had fucked another guy, or more, I never once told her about what I had suspected! I didn’t want her to be aware of what I knew, so she would continue thinking I don’t have a clue. What she didn’t know, was that I would get so turned on and excited, just from the thought that her pussy was, or might have, just had another cock pounding inside her, as she begged him to cum in her pussy! It’s kinda funny because she knew that I absolutely loved getting sloppy seconds immediately after getting her pussy filled full of cum, from another guy! You’d think she would know that I knew what it felt like, lol. Also it was clear from the very beginning when I met her, that neither of us liked condoms, and that they actually would make her sore. She ended up having to get a hysterectomy, which was one of the best things she could have had done! Besides the fact that we still had to be careful of STDs, she never had to worry about getting pregnant, and she just loved being able to make guys cum, and especially cum inside her, which I absolutely loved too!! There were guys that would wear a condom, especially when we first started, and so I knew the exact feeling of how her pussy felt! In most occasions, even if a guy started out wearing a condom, it was never that long before she was begging them to take it off, or the guys asking if they could take it off, because of how amazing her pussy felt, and just how much more amazing she would feel, if they could feel her raw!! Of course a lot of that had to do with me telling them if they thought she felt incredible now, they didn’t know what they were truly missing. Lol.