Willing wife

Make sure you’re ok with it before giving the go ahead. But if you like the idea and y’all relationship is good then you will love it, it’s natural to worry and you may feel a little jealous but that adds to the excitement, and trust me if she wants to get fucked there is plenty of willing guys to help out
She have no problem finding a big dick to fuck her! She very sexy! I bet she love to have a 8 inch thick new cock to fuck her so hard she squirts and cums so much she gets addicted to it!
The guy my wife fucks is a good friend and she cleaned his house and I dared her to flirt and the fucked that night he was big though and she had to ease into it slowly but he makes her cum like 10 times in 30 minutes or less and they been fucking for 3 years, she callls him her fuck toy, it’s so hot hearing her cum so hard and then I make her cum more when she comes home,
Like I said I brought up the whole thing. She wasn’t sure about it at first but the longer I have kept bringing it up the more she’s wanted to do it. She says she’s down to do it as long as I’m ok with it. She doesn’t want it to cause pop problems in our marriage

It's so awesome your wife wants to try it. So many husband/boyfriends on here would love to be in your shoes. I managed to convince my wife. She said no in the beginning but now is super happy she decided to give it a try. Now she has a bull that she see's regularly. I can honestly say this was one of the best things we did for our relationship.
Let her do by herself and audio tape it or video too it’s exciting

I agree... having them make videos is super hot. You think once you've convinced your wife the rest is easy, but it's surprisingly hard to find willing guys who fit all your criteria - and that criteria doesn't have to be very high!

There's going to have to be a mutual attraction. You probably have an age range in mind. You'll probably want him to have an above average dick. And then he'll have to be comfortable having sex with her in front of you. Believe it or not, it can be hard to find all that. When we started I wanted to be there, but we found that it was just easier to find guys who wanted solo sex with her. It's so hot hearing about her adventures after she's been on a date.
Take a nice vacation away from home, let her pick some guy and let it happen. The ideia of a stranger that you will never see again makes it easier.
Suck his cock, she´ll love to see and its a turn on for her
That´s a valid option. Or you can find a friend you trust that join you. It depends on how much you trust them and how comfortable she would be...
Always is her call. Bring her options...
I was like you, wife agreed to try it, I was still not sure how I would feel. But I would get really hard and cum fast talking about it, or even masturbating when I was alone. I would picture her taking BBC's in any position and I knew I wanted to see it. The first time, yes, plenty since, it was just amazing. We found a site and were looking for guys, no rush, one that she was attracted to and had a big cock. We chatted a bit and agreed to meet. When he pulled out his dick and I saw how excited she was, I was hard instantly. I enjoyed every minute of that night as much as her lol. I'm always there when she plays taking pic/video, she never plays alone (for safety reasons).

My suggestion, make sure you talk about your rules/boundaries before anything happens. You both need to be on the same page on what you guys want to do, see, and fee. If you want it, and she wants it, you'll both enjoy.