Will my wife be the same after her first bbc

"Strange sensation" indeed. We are not into cuckolding, we are just very liberal, but in the end is the same when it comes to "share" your partner or "open" de bedroom. It's a very intimate thing that you are kind of opening the window to. The thing is: be prepared to a mixture of feelings and sensations: lust and jealousy, desire and anger, the wanting of going forward and the fear of loosing something, etc. But, you know what? that's why it is not vanilla but rather a complex flavour with bitter sweet and strong scent.
Pd. Don't forget to communicate with her. Is the most important thing.
Pd2. Enjoy.
I didn't experience any anger. I did experience some embarrassment as I watched and my cock was dripping. To me, that's always been the moment when I ceded a great deal of power in the relationship to my wife as she watched me dripping and smiled. I was speechless as it was breathtaking. Frozen, couldn't speak.
My wife and I grew up near a major urban area, and she dated black guys in high school as well as college - so I didn't get to deal with a "first time" of the kind being discussed here. She married at age 17 to a white guy with a nice penis - 6 - 7" she says, and so until she divorced him, she'd never experienced a smaller penis. While size isn't everything and we both tire of these endless "penis size" musings, my wife has said more than once that size is important to her. She says the black guys she dated were all "large," but not "huge." I said to her "define huge," and she said "over 7, bigger hurts." In that one statement, I knew she's experieced over 7" and I left it at that. I'm 5.5" by the way. Barely adequate in her view but she says my "other qualities make up for a lack of size where it counts." She was laughing as she said this.....