Wife wants to play as a slave for a dominant couple

Is allowing my hotwife to be a slave to another man perfectly fine.

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Rereading....it sounded like you had said " he wanted her to agree to a contract and come up with a safe word by Friday" and I understood Friday to be the first meeting. Anyway my thoughts on that still stand...a contract for me isn't something rushed into....the things she won't do I always call " HARD LIMITS" and MUST be made PERFECTLY clear from the start. It's good your involved. I'm flattered at the thought of being her Dom, thank you! But we both know of LDRs lol they seldom work out, and since the passing of my last sub, I haven't been involved in the lifestyle. But I am here, and will pass on what I can, ( sometimes even if you don't want to know it! LOL) Hopefully this is something you will both enjoy!

Wife giving me play by play while she is at work at some of their text messages. He is having her show her panties at work, then taking them off all while taking pics in the bathroom and playing with herself and not letting her cum. So far she is embracing it fully. She even had me help her take a pic of her dress and panties she is to wear tomorrow for the first meet.
So, what does a true dom do on a first date, when will he finally make her have sex with him or someones else.
Wife giving me play by play while she is at work at some of their text messages. He is having her show her panties at work, then taking them off all while taking pics in the bathroom and playing with herself and not letting her cum. So far she is embracing it fully. She even had me help her take a pic of her dress and panties she is to wear tomorrow for the first meet.
So, what does a true dom do on a first date, when will he finally make her have sex with him or someones else.
First, as far as " true doms" I speak of myself and my friends...lol. but certainly no sex or playing on a first meeting. It was in unwritten rule in APEX ( Arizona Power EXchange) that a Dom who is sincerely interested SHOULD not play at a first meet. It shows an amount of self control, and starts to build trust.
As far as " when", it's a matter preference. Sometimes during training, sometimes after training... And as far as you not being involved.... I get that. You shouldn't be involved in the training, unless he is training her for you. My question to you is this.... How do YOU feel about his restrictions on YOU?
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First, as far as " true doms" I speak of myself and my friends...lol. but certainly no sex or playing on a first meeting. It was in unwritten rule in APEX ( Arizona Power EXchange) that a Dom who is sincerely interested SHOULD not play at a first meet. It shows an amount of self control, and starts to build trust.
As far as " when", it's a matter preference. Sometimes during training, sometimes after training... And as far as you not being involved.... I get that. You shouldn't be involved in the training, unless he is training her for you. My question to you is this.... How do YOU feel about his restrictions on YOU?

I guess if its increasing her sexual energy and playfulness, in the short term it is worth it, but if long term he intends to deprive me to control my behavior, then not cool with it at all, but by then my wife could be so into this guy it would be too late to do anything except find a new woman to play with on the side....which isnt that easy or not easy finding one you would want to play with regularly on the side without the drama.
You will both know more after her meet today. She could be getting excited over the the "idea" of the control.... But if he is balls to the wall when she meets him, it could truly scare her...or she could see how your being deprived is adversely affect in you, or she could just not like it...any way you look at it, there could be many outcomes. Good luck to both of you today.. and I will be back on Monday hopefully things go well!
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She is physically there with him right now as of 30 minutes ago. She had me touch of her pussy by shaving the few hairs she had so its smooth, put on her nail polish, light makeup and put on the panties and dress he picked out for her. She looks amazing. I should put the pic on here for everyone to see if it ends up being a good date for her.
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She is physically there with him right now as of 30 minutes ago. She had me touch of her pussy by shaving the few hairs she had so its smooth, put on her nail polish, light makeup and put on the panties and dress he picked out for her. She looks amazing. I should put the pic on here for everyone to see if it ends up being a good date for her.
Yes, you should! Lol let us know what happens !
Ok everyone who is following this story. I was hoping to get some pics but they didnt take any for me to share. I do have information though. They met at a starbucks and he drove there in a large truck in which after some light conversation at the starbucks, they retreated inside the cabin of the truck. They did more talking, he played with her hair and sorta lightly made out. She caressed cock outside the dress pants . He stopped to talk some more and asked her if she was ready to fully commit to him and she said yes. He then asked her to give him her panties as a gift to him. The story behind those was he made her play with herself at work and get the panties wet for him before the meet. Anyways after she gifted them to him, he put a very nice gold anklet around her, it had a decent sized gold ring attached. Definitely looked expensive. He made it clear that she is never to take it off unless its an absolute emergency and she promised. They made out a bit more and he had her take off the top of her sundress to show off her breasts and pulled up the sundress to her waist for her pussy to be exposed to him and anyone who might have looked in the truck. He commanded her to play with herself and guided each motion and even added his fingers inside her until she almost came...he stopped her just before and told her she will never be allowed without his consent. She stopped, he pulled his pants down to his knees and she went instinctively to his cock to suck it and she got scolded for not asking permission. He then had her wrap her hand around his cock and ordered her other hand on her pussy and her job to get them both to the edge. When he was close he ordered her mouth on his cock and he exploded in her mouth within a minute and she swallowed every drop. She never came though, but was fine with it. Long story short they got dressed, talked another half an hour then she came home to me with her new jewelry. He gave her after instruction orders and instructions for her regarding me and what she was allowed to do with me. Apparently he wanted her to stand over me and make me lick her pussy as a way to show she dominates over me now per her SIR instruction. I then was allowed to fuck her but only allowed to cum outside her pussy. He didnt want my cum in her since he owns her now. He said she could eventually sometimes let me cum in her. He set a small date for her, him and his wife and her guy friend to all play together next month. He will be gone for a week, but will be giving her homework assignments possibly daily while away. The wife and I had great sex afterwards and said he was a gentleman and kind and she really liked him so far. So we shall see whats next.....shes happy right now and I am intrigued.
Sounds like you became his sub by default. As long as you're ok with it, then see where it goes. This may be the greatest thing in your sex lives, who knows. Everyone has different things they are into so it's hard to give advice.
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Sounds like you became his sub by default. As long as you're ok with it, then see where it goes. This may be the greatest thing in your sex lives, who knows. Everyone has different things they are into so it's hard to give advice.

I think your right, might make me the reluctant cuck sub, no idea if your right. If i end up having amazing sex or just simply a more attentive wife who is more sexual over all then its a win....if he takes over and makes me have less sex, then thats a loss and not happy. I guess i will see in the next couple weeks what direction she goes.
1 sweet, if your good with it for now, then all is cool. I will express my concerns, and you can take them as you will. 1) it seems to me he is offering her "training on the fly" or no training at all. 2) jewelery from the first meeting, not knowing how this will go, iF it will go at all. Do you know if in Thier conversation, he told her what is expected of her? Did they discuss limits? .... Again, I stress, if your ok with this, then for now it's ok by moi.
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He definitely is going on the fly with his own rules. He did give her an anklet. He did order him to suck his cock on the first date. My wife is naive to the rules and is going along with it since hes being nice and giving her stuff. He gave her a couple hundred to go buy an outfit for an upcoming date. So she says why not....but she is realizing what you said that hes faking being a true sub, so she will play along as long as she is having fun with it, so I will do a wait and see. I have not agree to anything yet or a contract, just the rules between my wife and I going forward. She did list her limits and safe word, but its subject to changes. He said its ok with him, so time will tell. I will update later.
Here is what is now interesting......she is doing more and more research on what a dom should be like and submissive roles, plus she is taking to heart everything you said, and is really believing what your saying and questioning this guys motives. She will see how it plays out a bit further and even told me that maybe what she is wanting more than a dom is a bull.

What do you think, which ends up being a better situation for me, honestly the two seem very similar.....what are the key differences and knowing what you know about me so far, what should i consider....even possibly just finding her a REAL dom like yourself.
First thank you for the compliment. I worry alot about how the " players" give is Dom's a bad name. As far as what you and her are truly looking for.. check out a bull. It may be the thing, altho research and caution are always a must. I'm flattered you and she are taking to heart my cautions, but honestly, anyone who is truly into the lifestyle would have told you the same things, none the less, I am flattered. I agree if this guy is willing to Shell out cash, he and his wife may just be into playing and getting Thier kicks from portraying themselves as such. Check out the alpha bulls here, some are great guys! You may find a local who will fit the bill! And please.... Continue with the research. I'm not sure if a full time Dom is what your misses is looking for,and a bull may be perfect!
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