Wife is on a date


My wife is on her first real date with her boyfriend. The three of us have being fucking around for better than a year but she has never gone off alone with him. He asked me first and i was excited about it.

So its been an hour and a half. Had a txt some time ago saying they were at the theater and they had been kissing in the truck. Super excited for when she gets dropped off.
Mann does that hit home. My wife and I were in the lifestyle for a good two or three years before she actually went on a date with a guy and I was so fucking excited until an hour and a half into the date. Now I watched my wife get fucked multiple times I had prepped her bowls. I had even cleaned her out but I was so nervous. It wasn’t until I finally got a text message from a phone number that I didn’t recognize and it was videos of her getting fucked that I actually got turned back on on again. Now, since then I’m hard from the minute, she leaves the minute she gets home so you definitely get used to it.