Wife finally tried something

Hey let’s get one thing straight now. If it was not for the rules of this forum, I would call you a lot worse than a dummy. You are an individual who is ok with lying and therefore morally and ethically corrupt. I don’t like people or accept individuals like you. You make me sick. It’s just a shame I can’t tell you how much of a complete wannabe dickhead you are on here.

A picture of my wife for you to admire.

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to be fair you seems pretty sus to me, probably you have a good source of pics about text and that so called "wife" and untill I will see your user verified you will always be sus no matter what, other than that with a good research skill I think it's possible to expose everything you post here as fake. Now I don't want to argue with anyone but I couldn't be silent after reading your rampant rude way of talking at others Peace 👍
to be fair you seems pretty sus to me, probably you have a good source of pics about text and that so called "wife" and untill I will see your user verified you will always be sus no matter what, other than that with a good research skill I think it's possible to expose everything you post here as fake. Now I don't want to argue with anyone but I couldn't be silent after reading your rampant rude way of talking at others PeacExactly

to be fair you seems pretty sus to me, probably you have a good source of pics about text and that so called "wife" and untill I will see your user verified you will always be sus no matter what, other than that with a good research skill I think it's possible to expose everything you post here as fake. Now I don't want to argue with anyone but I couldn't be silent after reading your rampant rude way of talking at others Peace 👍
Exactly! We all know somebody like this fake, kook. I can't imagine how any member here with any interest in keeping the site fun and "drama free" would respond positively to him. A lonely soul, loud mouth and full of ....... We're tired of being subtle with him as well. But a guy like that is going to ******** all over the forums like an alley cat no matter what , it seems. I honestly don't know why the mods continue to allow this cancer to be a member and throw his insults at long standing members, or any other members for that matter.
Jesus Christ! Can we just enjoy the stories?
Bullshit or otherwise, thats what this site is all about.
Stop with the book reviews. Just delete them if you're not interested.
Obviously not. Mrs Hw made a respectful suggestion to him that he just stop this. But you know, she's probably fake too....🤣
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Obviously not. Mrs Hw made a respectful suggestion to him that he just stop this. But you know, she's probably fake too....🤣
The point is; what difference does it make?
No disrespect, but we're never gonna meet
these people.
If they have an...interesting & sexy "story"
to tell, hell, its free entertainment.
I enjoy it regardless of who, what or why
they took the time to write & grow this site.
I love the block feature. Makes it soooo much more fun here! I can’t understand why people would be like that or rude or use degrading comments. If you don’t like it, move on. Simple. We all don’t have to like the same stuff, how boring would that be?
I love the block feature. Makes it soooo much more fun here! I can’t understand why people would be like that or rude or use degrading comments. If you don’t like it, move on. Simple. We all don’t have to like the same stuff, how boring would that be?
we use it as well
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And you know that how???? Experts state that people that make unfounded accusations based upon nothing, as you have, are 'projecting'. It's most likely how you act here, on-line, is reflective of how you act off-line and is indicative of a very disturbed personality.

I wish you luck in all your endeavors and hope you can get your personalty disorder under control before you do severe damage to yourself and/or others.
Mental health professional here and you are absolutely correct. This person is projecting his own fear of being fake or appearing fake onto others, regardless of any evidence that they actually are fake. The thought process goes something like this: "I'm going to accuse everyone else of being fake before they can accuse me of being fake." I recommend counseling.
Mental health professional here and you are absolutely correct. This person is projecting his own fear of being fake or appearing fake onto others, regardless of any evidence that they actually are fake. The thought process goes something like this: "I'm going to accuse everyone else of being fake before they can accuse me of being fake." I recommend counseling.
Jesus...how to complicate s simple, good
thing. If jts good, what difference does it make if its "fake".
I trust many if us here are fake to some degree and for sine reason.
Can't we simply enjoy it, or delete it?
Jesus...how to complicate s simple, good
thing. If jts good, what difference does it make if its "fake".
I trust many if us here are fake to some degree and for sine reason.
Can't we simply enjoy it, or delete it?
I just read all the about posts. Jesus, you guys have it so wrong. My god this is hilarious. Yes, I do have a good source of pictures. I have thousands, of my wife lol

And again for people to understand where I’m coming from. I make sure that what I put here is real and I don’t bullshit or endorse it. I do agree about the verification process. That issue you have me on. But I doubt that my wife will want to be verified here. But let me assure you we are very real. My sore point is that I go out of my way to write the truth here, provide the txt messages to back up the stories. And people here continue to write bs and have no evidence to back their claims up. That is my issue. And if they are rude and disrespectful to me, I will return that. So if they pull their head in, I will too. Easy.
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You sure she didn't get rubbed raw and have to have her stomach pumped from the semen overload. You are so full of ....... And the fact that you must defend it over and over again while telling others they are full of ...... speaks volumes about you. Your full of it and have to desperately cling to your own fantasy to make it real. Glad you had one good night with a thai whore and took a ton of pictures.
Haha, dream on dickhead wannabe lol
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Also a lot of men, from my experience are infatuated with asian women. Plenty of my Navy buddies had one. yours looks like it was from multiple port visits overseas where you had to pay one. Keep dreaming she's your wife. Don't forget to wash your underwear tomorrow. Those Cheetos stains are a bitch to get out. Please don't wait for your mom to do it for you.
Hehe, salty as fuck lol
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A lot of people here are real. A lot are fake. A lot are somewhere in between. Who cares? Why spend so much time having an internet argument? I don't think many of us come here for that.
There will always be jealousy and hatred from people. Especially when you call the fakes out @Driller78 just spammed our page with hate speech. I have reported him for harassment.
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Everyone @Driller78 has called my wife a slut and a whore on our page. It was reported to the mods and it has been removed. Also other derogatory hate speech and harassment from him that was deleted also. Thanks to the moderators. Cheers.
I new picture of my wife at a beach resort about to have dinner. Then back to the older boyfriends condo to be fucked. I will post on our page. It will be interesting to see if she is pregnant with her young or older boyfriends baby this month. She will return home tomorrow.

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Amazing sight!
How about the older boyfriend's friends? Did they get to fill her pussy too? Looking forward to more updates on her vacation week!
Amazing sight!
How about the older boyfriend's friends? Did they get to fill her pussy too? Looking forward to more updates on her vacation week!
No, she ended up not wanting to go there. She was not attracted to them. There is one that she likes a lot . But if she gave sex to him, the others would want it. So the older boyfriend advised against it. If in the future that man comes out by himself my wife would jump at the chance. He’s a silver fox and handsome. Very wealthy and successful too. Like the old boyfriend is.