While scrolling through some porn with my wife this past weekend we came across the infamous "pizza dare" video I commented that I think this is staged and very unlikely any of the videos were real. She disagreed with me. As we further discussed it, I asked her, would she do it? She said, "maybe, it could be fun." Now, I was speaking about the ladies actually either having sex with the pizza guy or giving a blowjob. She was talking about just flashing him as he delivered. Regardless, her answer was exciting. Tonight, while watching election results roll in, we decided to have some pizza delivered. I dared her. After the pizza was ordered, she decided to take a shower. Conveniently, when the door bell rang she quickly exited the bedroom and made a bee line to the door holding a towel in front of her naked body. The young man who was delivering looked shocked when she opened the door holding her purse in one hand and struggling to barely cover herself with the towel with the other hand. As she was fumbling with getting the money out of her wallet, the towel dropped to the floor exposing her naked body to him. She just said, "......, oh well," leaving the towel on the ground and calmly taking her time getting the money out for him. He was so nervous and at first tried not to look at her. But I could see his eyes quickly glimpsing at her then looking away trying not to be to obvious. He failed miserably. She gave him the money (plus a big tip), he handed over the pizza before quickly leaving. While this was not exactly what I had in mind, it was exciting and certainly gave this young man something to talk about with his friends.
Have any of you every tried the pizza dare and if so, to what degree?
Have any of you every tried the pizza dare and if so, to what degree?