From very early on of our relationship, I told my now, ex fiancé Robin, that she had all the perfect makings to be a high-end ....... She had the looks, 5’7 120lbs, blonde hair, big blue eyes, a perfect body and most importantly.. The best looking, tasting and feeling pussy I had ever had. That was confirmed by every single guy she hooked up with too. We often visited a high end strip club and ended up getting to know several of the dancers on a personal level. We knew their real names and would even go back to where they lived, after the club closed and we’d party. They all absolutely adored Robin and tried to convince her to become a dancer, and that she would make a ton of money. I’ve shared stories on here about some of the things that had happened a few times while we were there. One night we met a couple there and ended up going back to their hotel room they had, and partied with them. Well we ended up getting the girl, Heather’s phone number. It wasn’t long before her and I were seeing each other on the side. She’s actually the girl that’s in my media file, using the dildo. As time went on and we were getting together quite often, Robin and I both started to question whether she was an ...... or not. After a month or two, she finally told me that she was in fact, an ....... Her and I fucked every chance we got, without Robin knowing. But she was also very interested in Robin, and she wanted her badly. Every time we three got together, Heather was always all over Robin, it was sooo awesome! Heather told us all about the business aspect and gave us all the details about being an ....... She and I both were trying to convince Robin into at least giving it a try, if only a one off. Heather was telling her about how much money she would easily make, and that the whole thing was handled through an agency, so she would be safe. I really wanted her to at least do it once. Then later on when I reconnected with an old HS buddy, which is the black guy I recorded and shared on here too, which was Robins first BBC. Well he was a ...... dealer and so he, like myself, had had a lot of pussy over the years, and he also told her just how amazing her pussy was. He always said that she was “Top Shelf” compared to any other girls, which only verified what I already knew. Now at this time, Robin was a charge nurse, or as I called her, the “Head” nurse, and said that #1. She didn’t know if she could ever really go through with it. And #2. That she was too afraid of anyone finding out, which she would lose her job. However I will say that I personally believe, that there were at least two different times, in which Heather was able to put Robin in compromising situations that she had “setup” without giving prior knowledge to Robin. So although I don’t know for a 100% certainty, I’m 95% convinced she did. I can share details about both times if anyone is interested and can give me your thoughts.