Why mostly Asian wives hairy and whites are shaved?

well can't resist the comment, my wife does not grow hair on her legs or pubic area, so she is clean as a newborn, but agree Asian women do not normally shave their pussy unless Americanized. I am very lucky to have an Asian wife who has never grown hair on her legs or pussy so no razor stubble to deal with just nice soft silky thighs to enjoy. good question or comment though. I think things are changing in America today though, many women today not shaving anything, even underarms. Go to nude beach or nudist resorts lots of hair on the younger ones. seems only the swinging ones are hairless.
They will learn in time that one the hair around the pussy is too long and it gets trapped between the lips and the cock and tried to be pulled in to the pussy on the in strokes
Asian is too broad a category to generalise. Japanese and Chinese women, in my experience, do not shave. You can find some gloriously thick growth on a Jap pussy. Filipinas on the other hand often shave, as do Thais. They have given various reasons. Hygiene is common. So too is comfort. But they have often told me also because they know men prefer it. Here, however, is my Filipina wife in a rare hairy period
That is some sweet pinay pussy, my wife is hairless but her pussy is hot n sweet
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I had more than my fair share of Asian women in my younger years. Earlier in my Navy career, I spent quite a bit of time on the West Coast that has an abundance of beautiful Asians. Mostly Filipina and Japanese. Not once did I come across one that shaved her pussy. Granted, this was in the early to mid 90's when shaved pussies weren't exactly the mainstream. But still, they all had natural, neatly trimmed bushes (my personal favorite).
First 2 are of my exgf (a Filipina). One shaved and the second is her with a full bush. The last photo is of my wife (also a Filipina). She always has it shaved


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One Japanese ex told me they don't shave because - as East Asians are not very hairy - it's somewhere they can actually grow it, but it varies from one woman to the next. Another ex used to like me shaving her. However, the closer you get to the tropics, the more likely they are to shave or keep it well manicured. It's a hygiene thing. In a hot, humid environment you really need to bathe and groom regularly or you'll pick up any number of skin infections. No one wants crotch rot, man or woman...
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