Why mostly Asian wives hairy and whites are shaved?

well can't resist the comment, my wife does not grow hair on her legs or pubic area, so she is clean as a newborn, but agree Asian women do not normally shave their pussy unless Americanized. I am very lucky to have an Asian wife who has never grown hair on her legs or pussy so no razor stubble to deal with just nice soft silky thighs to enjoy. good question or comment though. I think things are changing in America today though, many women today not shaving anything, even underarms. Go to nude beach or nudist resorts lots of hair on the younger ones. seems only the swinging ones are hairless.
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Sometimes I shave but typically keep my bush. I do keep it trimmed. I get more compliments with my hair than when I shave.
You are so right sometimes my hotwife grows outba small.budh shes a dyed redhead. She will.tell me thst shed going to.let it grow out a little I k ow when she says thatvshe wants her pussy ti match her Red hair..She tells me her guys like to.kiss a redhead top.and bottom
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Asian is too broad a category to generalise. Japanese and Chinese women, in my experience, do not shave. You can find some gloriously thick growth on a Jap pussy. Filipinas on the other hand often shave, as do Thais. They have given various reasons. Hygiene is common. So too is comfort. But they have often told me also because they know men prefer it. Here, however, is my Filipina wife in a rare hairy period


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