Why is it so hard to find a guy?

My wife is hot. She gets a lot of attention no matter where she goes (from both men and women). Plenty of folks show interest. But when it comes time to actually act on all the talk, we're currently looking at something like 90%+ drop-out rate.

We've already determined that a lot of men (in particular) don't seem to like me knowing about the fun (women seem less bothered whether I know or not), so my wife pretends I'm oblivious. That seems to keep them on the hook and little longer. However, when my wife finally gets to the point of "okay, enough dick pics, let's make this happen", they suddenly have all sorts of excuses, and eventually simply drop off the radar.

Is this typical? Or do I just live in an area with whimps?
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Don't feel like you are the only one that deals with this. The past 2 weekends we have been stood up the same way from single males that were all show and no go when the time came to meet. I suspect that that the presence of the husband is an intimidating factor for most.
Don't feel like you are the only one that deals with this. The past 2 weekends we have been stood up the same way from single males that were all show and no go when the time came to meet. I suspect that that the presence of the husband is an intimidating factor for most.

I agree the husband being present is undoubtedly a factor, but even if I'm not involved in any way (i.e. the male in question has no idea I know), they still bail out on my wife. Do they fear "the vengeful husband" scenario?
Me being 21 is nervous, sometimes it takes a woman to forse, being as ice always seen myself as a alpha, it's something new, I guess me personally being new to this, needs for a girl to take the ropes
My husband and I approach it almost like we are dating when we are looking for a new partner. We go out, meet someone, talk and see where it goes. Often we won't mention that we're married or the lifestyle we enjoy because then a lot of people become unsure of what they are getting into.
We have been stood up a couple of times, I figured we were better off being stood up than meeting a guy with no balls! Now days if we are setting something up in advance with a new guy the first meet is with me to have a drink & talk about rules & expectations. We have never had a "no show" with someone that got past that first meeting. That sure beats paying for a motel & waiting for someone that is not going to show up.
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Being a single older male, I can attest to a few things.....no guy with standards wants to be " the other guy" no matter how alpha, we don't want to be the reason for a break up... It's in the back of our minds....even if " hubby knows" it's there... As far as the men who don't know of the marriage...I can't say. And then Thier are guys like me, we don't have a conscious...lol!! Ok so we actually have, but can understand about these things cuz we feel the same way. Hope that helps, and remember, those are just my thoughts LOL !
YES! Finally! Wife went out last night, and finally got to play. For 5 hours! My darling wife came home exhausted! But with enough energy left for round 2 with her hubby while she spilled the beans on all the very juicy details 😉
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We have been stood up a couple of times, I figured we were better off being stood up than meeting a guy with no balls! Now days if we are setting something up in advance with a new guy the first meet is with me to have a drink & talk about rules & expectations. We have never had a "no show" with someone that got past that first meeting. That sure beats paying for a motel & waiting for someone that is not going to show up.[/QUOTE

Exactly. I do all the scheduling and finding new people (husband) and we've been stood up more times than we can count. So many guys are fake, married, jerk offs that only want to sit and jerk off while they lead you on.
I send only a couple of photos before I insist on a face photo. I don't give out phone numbers and will only meet in public the first time for a drink or to say hi and lay out the rules.
Once she says yes to the guy I invite him over to our house, no motel or hotel, our house so if he stands us up we aren't driving and waiting in a car for another phoney, that really hurts her feelings.
The rules are laid out and mine include photos and video and she prefers bareback with a steady bull. For that reason we insist on single or divorced men who want a steady date both in our home and outside.
After being stood up so many times by white guys who were married, cheating and lying, then freaking out over our bareback rule since they were afraid of taking a disease home to the oblivious wife they have hidden away, I go to great lengths to find honest, single or divorced men to play with her.
I make them provide proof photos including her name written on their cock and I provide the same. Before we meet I insist on a face photo, after all why would he hesitate to provide one if he's okay with me taking pictures or video while they fuck?
First time he stands us up is the last. I don't care what kind of excuse he has, if he doesn't show and later makes excuses I won't even reply any more.
Make it spontaneous instead of planned
We have met men in places like cafe's and even the mall. Hotels are better. Get a room for a night at a resort style place hang around the pool or the bar and sooner or later an interested gent will appear
After a little conversation we just say something like "We are planning to go upstairs and make love, would you care to join us?"
I cannot think of an instance where this has failed for us.
There are quite a few time wasters out there Maybe they just panic i really do not know build up a line of communication and no pressure take it nice and slow and do not forse anybody enjoy each-others company first and take it from their
I have been stood up twice but have more than made up for it by flirting with other females at the venue and making a night of it

my glass is always half full and remember its all about pleasure and mutual respect for each other How do you know the baby sitter did not let her down

Think positive and enjoy the experience and the juices will flow

Maybe its because I'm a British Black Male and you Americans expect everything to be just so i'm not sure I Live in the East Midlands United Kingdom and have travelled up and down the UK Pleasuring Woman and still love it Most of the time their husbands just want to watch which is fine with me.
I've seen a lot of posts like this, so I guess it's fairly common. Personally, I think it would be hotter with the husband watching(or helping please her). I can't imagine having the opportunity and bailing on it unless it was a life emergency. You're lucky enough to be chosen, then you don't show, wtf.

That said, I have been on the other end of this. A couple of times I was talking online and texting with couples and when it came down to it, they would chicken out and say they couldn't go through with it.
Surprisingly common. We figured offering a guy a night out on us (we pay for drinks, hotel, etc) and free sex would attract lots of guys. Many drop out last minute. Big talkers but no action. You'll get better at filtering. Try talking to them on the phone before the meet date. I find the serious guys will do it and you can make your expectations clear. Good luck!
Where are you guys at
I'm in the UK
And if we make a date its a date too many time wasters on here , But at the same time its no good trying to arrange something on the spur of the moment you stand much better chance planning it unless your lucky of course and it can happen