Who was wifes 1st? How did it happen?

Who was 1st?

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Being the one railed from behind while licking the other wife, while the other wife is sucking cock.
Ah! My wife was sucking him , his wife was eating my wife, while I was fucking his wife from behind. Sorry if I confused things. It was such a fun night.
** as a edit, that was my wife's first bi experience, and she did not care for it. (sadly,
from my perspective - what a sight!, lol)
Ah! My wife was sucking him , his wife was eating my wife, while I was fucking his wife from behind. Sorry if I confused things. It was such a fun night.
** as a edit, that was my wife's first bi experience, and she did not care for it. (sadly,
from my perspective - what a sight!, lol)
Right, I remember reading she's not fond of any form of bisexuality, but said this was fun. I was pretty sure she wouldn't be into going down on another woman.

My wife could conceivably be much the same -- might be willing to accept head from another woman, might suck on a nipple and maybe, just maybe finger another woman, but I can't imagine her ever eating pussy.

Well, I can imagine it, but it's purely fantasy on my part.
We were in our early 40s and we had a friend who was early 50s. He was a widower and he used to chat with me about his sex life with his wife and how he missed their sexy fun. He told me he hadn't had sex with a woman since his wife passed away 3 years previously. He told me how lucky I was to have Lorna and how sexy she was. I suggested that maybe Lorna might help out by giving him a handjob when we next stayed with him. I packed some nice lingerie and hold ups for the next trip to see him and mentioned the situation to Lorna on the drive to his house, she said she would think about it That night we were all drinking and chatting about old times and Lorna went upstairs and got changed into her lingerie, came back down and sat next to him. Long story cut short, she gave him his handjob, which turned into a blowjob and after he came, he suggested we all go upstairs for more fun. We were all so horny, we spent all night in his bed and Lorna even agreed to photos. That was the start of our journey.
Right, I remember reading she's not fond of any form of bisexuality, but said this was fun. I was pretty sure she wouldn't be into going down on another woman.

My wife could conceivably be much the same -- might be willing to accept head from another woman, might suck on a nipple and maybe, just maybe finger another woman, but I can't imagine her ever eating pussy.

Well, I can imagine it, but it's purely fantasy on my part.
Correct - she's not at all bi. She has had two women eat her pussy, this time, was the first - also the first time we had sex with others. She has never - that I have seen - fondled, ate, another woman's pussy. Her comment of "this was fun, I want to do it again" referred to the whole experience, not the bi-sex part.
We were in our early 40s and we had a friend who was early 50s. He was a widower and he used to chat with me about his sex life with his wife and how he missed their sexy fun. He told me he hadn't had sex with a woman since his wife passed away 3 years previously. He told me how lucky I was to have Lorna and how sexy she was. I suggested that maybe Lorna might help out by giving him a handjob when we next stayed with him. I packed some nice lingerie and hold ups for the next trip to see him and mentioned the situation to Lorna on the drive to his house, she said she would think about it That night we were all drinking and chatting about old times and Lorna went upstairs and got changed into her lingerie, came back down and sat next to him. Long story cut short, she gave him his handjob, which turned into a blowjob and after he came, he suggested we all go upstairs for more fun. We were all so horny, we spent all night in his bed and Lorna even agreed to photos. That was the start of our journey.
This is SO hot. Please share the photos. DM if you prefer.
First time I know of was soon after we got together at university. She had a guy friend who was a bit of a bookworm and lived in another student house. I went round there to pick her up after she'd gone to visit him. I knocked on the door of the house and one of his housemates opened it. I told him I was there to pick her up and he looked at me with a bit of a smirk and told me she was in his room. I knocked on the door of his room and no answer. I knew they were in there because I could hear music so I knocked again. Eventually they sheepishly opened the door. They were both flushed and it was clear they'd both just pulled their clothes on quickly. He'd obviously had his dick deep in her when I arrived. I guess I should have been mad, especially as all his housemates clearly knew what was happening, but instead I was incredibly turned on.
The first guy the wife fuck was basically a stranger we met at a bar. I posted in another thread on here the full story but it was not planned or supposed to happen. me and the wife (still engaged actually) had just started to talk about the idea. We had began as seeking another couple but then discussed having a MFM threesome. We discussed all sorts of rules regarding it and one included how we would take out time and we both agree on the person. We were out with a bunch of work friends at a local bar and sitting next our table was a couple of guys by themselves. We were getting pretty loud and a little rowdy and they ended up joining our table as the evening went on. At some point the wife struck up a conversation with one of them and next thing I know she is telling me how she told this guy everything about us. I was a little pissed because she blew off our rules and talked to a guy neither of knew, told him about our lifestyle, and then invited him to join us. All without talking to me first.

She set it up for him to come over to our house the next weekend and I was able to get a video camera for what was supposed to be him going down on her and then her giving him a handjob but that was not the way it went down. As I stood there with the video camera I watched her break rules we agreed to like, no kissing, only certain positions, and condom only. She broke all those rules that night and I at the time I was pretty pissed and overwhelmed with emotions. Thankfully I got a hold of my ego and jealousy and learned to appreciate my hot wife. Below is old and not so great quality pics from that night but you can see how it went.

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WOW he sunk some big bare naked cock up in her as far yearning married pussy, hot story and great exciting pictures,, TY for posting
My wife’s first (and only to this point) is a man who had been her coworker/friend who had left town for a couple years and then returned to our town at a different job. He had reached out with my wife to reconnect as former colleagues and at first were completely platonic.

They bonded over watching notre dame football games in the fall of 2021. My wife eventually realized that she had become interested in seeing if there could be a more physical/intimate component to their friendship. He was fairly surprised when my wife brought up the idea, and he eventually talked to me to make sure I was comfortable with it.

They did plan for their first time together physically after he and I had spoken about it. They’ve been seeing each other regularly ever since (and still watch ND football games together every weekend in the fall).
After we agreed to our sex pact (she would get extra cock, while I remained 100% faithful to her, but I could fuck her anytime I wanted), we talked about who would contribute the first new cock. Her suggestion amazed me: an old boyfriend of sorts, her second lover, whom she had sex with only once. He had been her TA in a math class she had in college. One day, they had run into each other in the supermarket, and she ended going to his place to make dinner together. She also ended up spending the night him, but things didn’t go smoothly, as she had just met the fellow who was to become her new boyfriend, her third lover, and she wanted to pursue him, not the math TA. She was sure that the TA believed that she was disappointed in his performance (he came very quickly she told me) or that she might have disliked him, because of the poor sex and her worried attitude (the guilt she felt for being with him when she actually desired the other fellow). So, she wanted to make it up to him this way, letting him fuck her again, almost two years after the fact. A sexual do-over. Amazing.

We ended up tracking him down, which was not easy, as he had finished his master’s degree in math and had moved. Actually, I tracked him down; if kinky sex hadn't be the goal, I would have given up early on. The college refused to give me his address and phone number, in spite of my claiming to be his former roommate. I told the belligerent bureaucrat that if he ever returned, to tell him that I was sorry to have given his expensive scuba gear to Goodwill, but that I had to move and could not take it with me. She gave me his phone number.

What a strange phone call she had with him. He played the big brother and he implored, begged, and, finally, ordered her to return to college to finish her math degree, while she tried to keep it light and fun. I got bored after 10 minutes and I left to read a book. Fortunately, I returned just in time to hear her talking about sex with him. She had already apologized for the time before and was now telling him that my birthday was coming up and she wanted to make my ultimate fantasy come true: me watching her being fucked by another man. She didn’t say “fuck,” probably she said “making love,” but she meant fuck and he heard fuck. Convincing him that it was actually okay with me took some doing, but I ended up watching him fuck her twice in the hotel room we were staying at in his hometown (he was then living with his parents, while looking for a job).