Who think that his wife is a whore?

Sadly it is just as likely to be other women who call a woman a slut.

Call my wife a whore and she will likely rip you a new one.

Call her the c word or refer to her lovely lady bits as the C word and that will not have a positive result for you (though she has in rare occasion, in the heat of the moment told me or another guy to "fuck her cunt" but that is her choice to make).

Now slut will depend on her mood and how it is used. She will playfully call herself a slut. She has a best friend who also plays with other men and they go out from time to time for "slut nights" or "slut patrols" as they call it. Usually they just say going out on the prowl. She has not minded partners calling her a slut sometimes depending on the way it is used and her mood.

Same with cock sucker. All depends on how it is used
This sounds exactly like my late wife.
i myself i am 66 and when i go back to my time women who did this were considered whores and there was no argument about that back then, Now at 66 i begin to wonder will we ever go back to a time where this would apply to so so many today. That is just a question. I know we think we have evolved and changed thinking today but some of the old timers long for those days when that applied. I am sure many still do harbor those sentiments even today.
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Didnt luis the 15th have a dozen children with his mistresses so why i a woman a whofd of slut if she has a few guys fuck her
Yes it is quite unfair men are denied this opportunity to feel like dirty sluts for their lascivious behavior. I guess at least I can enjoy a certain degree of satisfaction for having a reputation as a literal "......-fucker".

Really, the main reason I come to this site is my fascination and excitement at seeing / hearing about women, especially married women being sluts and I envy them. Something about giving in to wanton lust / woman being "naughty" has always turned me on. I think it is partially because for 8 years, beginning when I was 16, I dated a girl who was shy, reserved and never really expressed her sexuality. She'd do anything I wanted but she would never initiate anything. Then I met a girl who was always horny, always trying to tempt me into being bad and fooling around with her (she had a boyfriend too) and it really turned me on. It made me realize, that's the type of girl I wanted to be with.
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my wife is a slut,i think.She loves to show off her legs&cleavage&lingerie in public,at work,shopping etc,she can fuck anyone she wants,i love it when i see men,familymembers etc can,t take their eyes off her,even when she,s at work,she,s a teacher,i know she got stockings on under her skirt,but what i want to say finally is calling a woman a slut or whore ,you don,t loose respect for women,in the past to many women were used by men thinking they were sluts for their own pleasure,without respect and sometimes use violence and machomen who are disrespectfull to women is a thing i hate,the same as racism
if she wants to become a goos naughty slut she must begin with wearing everyday lingerie and a blouse that shows her tits,and i mean everywhere ,at work,shopping,even when there,s family around,with family she must be in fact even more slutty dressed,but i must say she looks allready as a sexy whore in her nice pics,please more or chat with her?
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my wife is a slut,i think.She loves to show off her legs&cleavage&lingerie in public,at work,shopping etc,she can fuck anyone she wants,i love it when i see men,familymembers etc can,t take their eyes off her,even when she,s at work,she,s a teacher,i know she got stockings on under her skirt,but what i want to say finally is calling a woman a slut or whore ,you don,t loose respect for women,in the past to many women were used by men thinking they were sluts for their own pleasure,without respect and sometimes use violence and machomen who are disrespectfull to women is a thing i hate,the same as racism
I respect slut women more than average ones. I respect the courage to do whatever they want. If they are wives, it is better. A slut wife is the pinnacle of women!
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I was actually a paid whore for several guys when I was BBC exclusive for 3 years, LOVED it too!! It started out sharing me with friends, and found out they were PAYING to have sex with ME!!! WOW!!! Then when we went to after hours clubs, I would either go up to the DJ Booth or to a private room, and have sex with anyone that wanted me. Never knew how much they paid, only that we never paid for drinks, food, or door fee's once I started. I never got any of the $$ either.

One Lover that I got REALLY involved with would call me at work and tell me where I needed to go and when, and I would leave work and go to my appointment, then come back to work afterwards still dripping sperm!! He told me he was going to "put me on the street" which I found extremely exciting, and would have done that for him but he got busted for ...... and sent to prison before that happened.......

Probably a good thing, as my life would likely be VERY different from what it is. I was dabbling with his ...... (hubby's HARD no rule) and doing EVERYTHING he asked me to do sexually and LOVING it!! We are still in contact by email and phone, and he wants me to come for a "conjugal visit" with him and then he will arrange for other guys to lay him for me to do the same with them.......COVID ended any consideration of that, and I haven't worked up the nerve to go to prison to have sex with guys......but it certainly is an exciting consideration.

J (the wife)
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