Who shaves or trims their wife?

Do you shave or trim your wifes pubic hair?

  • yes I love it

    Votes: 27 61.4%
  • yes but she makes me

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • No she shaves herself

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • No its professionally done.

    Votes: 2 4.5%
  • Her Bull shaves her

    Votes: 2 4.5%

  • Total voters

Wife asked me to trim it up for her last night
It was my idea for her to shave to begin with. As soon as guys started complimenting her on her smooth pussy it became a permanent thing. I typically shave her three times a week. I have even bought special things for the specific purpose of shaving her such as Coochy Plus shave cream and Burt's Bees lotion for a nice moisturizing afterwards to help keep everything primed and ready for enjoyment.
It was my idea for her to shave to begin with. As soon as guys started complimenting her on her smooth pussy it became a permanent thing. I typically shave her three times a week. I have even bought special things for the specific purpose of shaving her such as Coochy Plus shave cream and Burt's Bees lotion for a nice moisturizing afterwards to help keep everything primed and ready for enjoyment.
(To be clear, read my signature)

It became my job (read assignment) to keep my wife's pussy baby smooth.
And as with you, that was about two to three times a week.
While I was doing that job, she regularly asked me why she wanted me doing it.
There was really only one answer possible: ‘To give other men the pleasure of continuing to pamper your pussy with their mouths.’

When I finished my job, she always checked the whole area for stubble.
Sometimes adding that she did find it very horny that I was working so hard to give other men the pleasure.
This was more of a playful approach than intended humiliation.

It regularly happened that men complimented her on her smooth pussy.
She then told me. ‘And know what I tell him then? My husband there is responsible for that. Credit where credit is due.’
(To be clear, read my signature)

It became my job (read assignment) to keep my wife's pussy baby smooth.
And as with you, that was about two to three times a week.
While I was doing that job, she regularly asked me why she wanted me doing it.
There was really only one answer possible: ‘To give other men the pleasure of continuing to pamper your pussy with their mouths.’

When I finished my job, she always checked the whole area for stubble.
Sometimes adding that she did find it very horny that I was working so hard to give other men the pleasure.
This was more of a playful approach than intended humiliation.

It regularly happened that men complimented her on her smooth pussy.
She then told me. ‘And know what I tell him then? My husband there is responsible for that. Credit where credit is due.’
My wife changed after a few months of being a hotwife. First she wanted her pussy hairy trimmed a little. She liked the way i did it she told her dates would like how i made her pussy look good for.them ..Dye her hair for her, one day as i was finishing her hair she told me you have more hairto dyem I asked she told me that she needs not only a Red head but a Red haired pussy. This went on for a few months. Then she.wanted to.be completely. Shaved not only did i.have to shave her..I.had to keep.her pussy lips well lotioned so her pussy.lips would stay nice and soft I.was not allowed to penetrate her when i was applying lotion.or shaving her She reminded me that her very soft and smooth pussy and lips were not for me That my job was to.make sure he pussy was always ready for one of.her studs
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Reactions: Barry79
CONST65 wrote:
That my job was to make sure he pussy was always ready for one of her studs.☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

I did it with much pleasure because I liked to be sure her lovers were very satisfied.
Did you do it with the same enjoyment?