Who knows that you share your wife

When my wife was still fucking other guys for me, our regular was a friend of my brother's. I am pretty sure he told some of their mutual friends by the looks and comments we got. Not sure if he told my brother. Another time we were at a swingers club about 70 miles from our house. In walks a couple I knew from our city. The husband walked over to me and said, "We didn't see you, and you didn't see us."
My Wife the Bull & I. She never wanted anyone else to know. She made us switch Hotels when some staff got suspicious. I told her sister years later. Because her sister used to be in the Lifestyle. My Wife denied it, but I think I convinced her sister it was true. Another time I was talking with the bull & his friend when my Wife had not showed up yet. The bull introduced me & then proceeded to say, “I am fucking his Wife.” Kind of shocked me. Alls I could say was. “I guess that’s true.” The friend laughed. awkward.
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I tell no one. Wife told one of her close coworkers. Evidently the friend, our age mid 50s has had a side peice for about 2 years, younger black guy. Befor him she had a different bbc for quite a while. At least once a week. Hubby doesn't know.
None of our friends know, wife would die if any found out as would I.
We always do this at out place, he parks in front of our house. We leave the lights and tv on in the living room while we're up in our bedroom getting it on so neighbors don't suspect. There's been nights he leaves at 3am but usually around midnight.
If any of our friends are into this I don't want to know.
I tell no one. Wife told one of her close coworkers. Evidently the friend, our age mid 50s has had a side peice for about 2 years, younger black guy. Befor him she had a different bbc for quite a while. At least once a week. Hubby doesn't know.
None of our friends know, wife would die if any found out as would I.
We always do this at out place, he parks in front of our house. We leave the lights and tv on in the living room while we're up in our bedroom getting it on so neighbors don't suspect. There's been nights he leaves at 3am but usually around midnight.
If any of our friends are into this I don't want to know.
Are you kidding me, if any of my friends were into this, I would want to know. We just don’t want them to know about us!
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We are in the process of moving from swinging to sharing and have agreed Clare (my wife) is free to fuck whoever she wants. I don't have any problems with everybody knowing my wife is "available" or who she fucks. We don't have children and our families live 300 miles away.

We both work in the same hospital - different jobs but same boss. We have told our boss and a few co-workers who will gossip that we've agreed to move to an open relationship for simplicity. We've spoken to my friends who knew we were swinging to explain our new relationship. My friends were delighted with the news.

Everybody is still talking to us (and certainly behind our backs) and Clare has quickly become a favourite "secretary:

For the moment everything is good and just hoping it stays that way.
We both work in health. I (fem) hospital based (he) community. We have over the years met many others mainly nurses who are into the swinging life style. We are enthusiastic wife sharers and I have a Lovely circle of male lover.
I have shared my wife with many lovers over the years, one she would play with in the corridor of our local pub , they were caught lots of times by people that knew them,
Her ...... knew but she is now deceased
Our ...... knows, she asked her mum who she was always texting so she told her.
My mate knows, he has seen her playing naked in the meadow next to his smallholding.
My mate lives with his ...... and her family, one night when he had an infection in his bladder he was away with the fairies and was talking about my wife, his ...... has known her since birth, her partner also knows.
So in all I think most family and friends know plus most of the older generation in our small community , nobody seems to care and it has been going on for 40 years now , she's a very well serviced lady.
My husband Dave has only recently let me loose and started sharing. Dave's friends know for obvious reasons and initially I only told my sister. However rumours started and I thought "fuck it I don't care " and told my friends and the girls I worked with. Apart from a few worried WAGS at work who blanked me I didn't get any problems and I m now getting extra fucks from work.
Has any of your girlfriend seem extra protective of their husband since you came out and told them? Have you last any friends
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