Who has seen you wife naked that shouldn't have?

Who has seen your wife/girlfriend naked or semi naked but shouldn't have? Like maybe neighbors, boss, family members? How did she and you feel about it?
Room full of people once the morning after a note of clubbing...wife was sitting legs spread on a chair with a clear shot of her pussy. One other time at a friend's anniversary party at their house. She got ...... and was laying on the couch with her tits half out of her bra. By far the ultimate was one day in the park while I was fucking her against a tree and a jogger rolled up on us.
My ex fiancé’s own sons!! When I had first met her and was getting to know her, I couldn’t help but question some stuff based on things she had said. I didn’t know if I was just misunderstanding what she was saying, or if she just had an unusual relationship with her sons. I get it that she was a single (divorced) mom that raised them on her own. I also was aware that there were a lot of single mothers raising boys since they were babies or toddlers. I was surprised at how many mothers simply failed to realize that as the years went by, those babies and young toddlers were getting older and growing up, but they still thought of them as her little babies. One time her and I were looking at some of her old pictures and came across some “glamour” shots she had taken years before. I had made a comment about how sexy it would be if she went to a photographer and had some taken of her a little more on the, “risqué side. She said she’s thought about it and asked me what I thought about it. I told her I would absolutely love for her to get some pictures like that, or even better. Lol. She started digging through the pics and I remember hoping and praying that she had already done it. She gathered some pictures up and looked at me. She had a slightly hesitant and worried expression on her face, but also a sly smile. She asked me if I was sure I wouldn’t think different, or less of her if she showed me some other pictures. I made it perfectly clear that I would be thrilled and would actually think more of her! She started handing me one picture at a time, pretty tame at first. Basically like the Glamour pics, which I think are posted somewhere on here. Little by little they started to get a little more sexy and more revealing. I was loving them and was both surprised and impressed that she actually had these taken. It went from head shots, to showing more cleavage, to topless with nipples barely covered. Then on to lingerie shots, mostly see throughs, to swim wear, very sexy, tiny and quite revealing. I absolutely loved all of them! Then unexpectedly, she was nude, but cleverly posed. You could tell by looking at the pictures she was nude, but was teasingly covered. There was one where she was naked and lying on her stomach and laying on a super furry rug or blanket. She was facing the camera with a very sexy smile on her face. She was propped up on her elbows making sure to show plenty of cleavage, and allowing her tits to hang freely, just enough to see a glimpse of her hard nipples. The rest of her body was naked with the exception of a pair of black high heeled shoes. Her legs were bent at the knees and her ankles crossed pointing upwards and forward. You could see part of her lower back and her exposed bare hips, but her ass was mostly covered by her feet and shoes. You could also tell that her legs and thighs were spread apart. The only available view was from the reflection provided from a floor mirror located behind her, but was just ever so slightly too far over to the right, denying , almost in a teasingly manner, what would have been a great view! At this point I’m so turned on from the pictures, and even more excited, knowing she has an exhibitionist side to her! I would have never thought she’d be the type to allow a photographer, especially someone she didn’t even know, take these kind of pics! So naturally I compliment her on how sexy she looks in the pictures, and ask her if she would please go to a photographer that specializes in adult photography. The kind I’ve heard a lot about where wives/gfs, go to have “extra special” pictures taken for their husbands/bfs, as a gift for a special occasion. She replied that she might consider it sometime, and then continued to tell me about what 2-3 of her friends, that I also knew, that had done it for their men, and the stories that followed. This is when I started asking more questions. I didn’t quite understand why she would even hesitate for a second, being that she’s already done it before. As I pressed her for more answers, she finally stopped me and after a short moment of silence, she looked at me, smiled slightly and giggled a little. She told me that she didn’t actually have a photographer take all those pictures, only the ones that have the trademark on them. As for all the other pictures, she told me that her oldest ...... Michael was the one that actually took them!! WTF??!! More to come...

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