Where do you look?

Hi there, new to the site and novice vixen. Where do you like to “look” for your bulls?
Dating sites can be a little tiresome especially when you have to explain the situation repeatedly.
Would love to hear your stories of who you found and where!
We use a well known swingers site in France. It is easy to find bulls there who are only looking for sex and understand our lifesytle with no confusion.
We've met a few guys through the web but not many.

Most have come through meeting them in clubs and letting things develop over time or meeting through mutual friends.

Becky started her first LTR with a guy over 20 years ago through answering an advert he'd placed, pre internet style. Started off with us having threesomes, then moved on to her seeing him solo. We're all still friends now even though she doesn't have sex with him anymore.

The last 5 years has seen a bit more activity via the web but then COVID hit.

It doesn't help that we travel extensively so keeping a regular boyfriend for her is not easy. Local hookups are ok as she enjoys having sex with a guy she met 30 minutes ago, but having a connection has a lot of advantages. Not least the element of trust. With a stranger, she'd be very unlikely go to his place immediately whereas with a trusted guy she will always spend the night alone with him given the chance.

It's been said many times before, for her to find the right guy to shag is not as easy as you'd think. And for us, there's no surefire way to find them...!
We have, and still do use swingers sites but you'd be amazed at the luck I have in a grocery store. The latest was a guy looking somewhat confused as he tried to find something. I offered to help him out, we got to talking and before you know it we were at my home and he was filling me up.
Good for you for seeing the opportunity and going with it. Some of the best fucks are the ones that aren't planned xx
When I was single I used a swinger dating site. I mostly gravitated towards couples because they were such very nice people.
They just seemed to be very good at his, and knew what to say. I can't tell you how many single guys would just say in their first comment: "hey slut"...... or "hey bitch"

Some guys were polished, but dang, it's a lot of work getting to them.
We've met a few guys through the web but not many.

Most have come through meeting them in clubs and letting things develop over time or meeting through mutual friends.

Becky started her first LTR with a guy over 20 years ago through answering an advert he'd placed, pre internet style. Started off with us having threesomes, then moved on to her seeing him solo. We're all still friends now even though she doesn't have sex with him anymore.

The last 5 years has seen a bit more activity via the web but then COVID hit.

It doesn't help that we travel extensively so keeping a regular boyfriend for her is not easy. Local hookups are ok as she enjoys having sex with a guy she met 30 minutes ago, but having a connection has a lot of advantages. Not least the element of trust. With a stranger, she'd be very unlikely go to his place immediately whereas with a trusted guy she will always spend the night alone with him given the chance.

It's been said many times before, for her to find the right guy to shag is not as easy as you'd think. And for us, there's no surefire way to find them...!
Love to get to know you both better her and see what we can do for fun
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I've always found pubs and hotel bars are the easiest places to pick up guys. And unlike apps and websites, you get to see and talk to the guy/guys in the flesh so you can tell if there is any chemistry and if there isn't, you just move on. But if there is, you can get laid that same evening.
We have used websites in the past but you can waste so much time going down that route and still draw a blank at the end. That's not to say websites don't work but it can be a lot of effort xx
Our experience with orchestrating meetings has been fraught with problems, and we no longer even consider "searching" for a guy. I know there are exceptions, so please, bulls reading this, don't take offense. But we did not encounter any such exceptions. The guys we met through dating sites, including places like Ashley Madison, were typically either weirded out by it, or flakes, or rude, or all of the above. They might ask a lot of questions out of curiosity, but would then disappear. Guys that would appear to be open to it would often progress very quickly or immediately to "what kind of sex do you like" type of questions. It was not uncommon for guys in this category to demand to know if there would be sex on the first meeting. Generally, the attitude was demeaning towards the wife.

One guy that she was ready to meet with for sex, without an agreement with her in advance, told her he had taken a room at a local hotel and to meet him there. A quick check of the address revealed that it was a very seedy hotel, and when she objected to such a venue, he was offended. He'd already paid for the room, and after all, they were only going to use it for sex so who cares? Yeah, um, ok. Bye! And of course he was highly pissed at that outcome.

Another guy she agreed to an initial meeting, and when he showed up, he was not the guy in his online photo. He explained that was a photo of a friend of his, and again, didn't seem to understand why this was a problem.

Others got right to, "Do you like anal?" "So, if we meet and things go well, do you promise that we'll have sex?" Good grief!

Others would meet, have a nice meeting and even some kissing, and then completely disappear. Flaking is the order of the day.

On reflection, I guess it shouldn't come as any big surprise.

What works? Organic meeting. Being flirtatious and approachable. Responding to flirtation in a friendly manner that encourages conversation, but not so overtly flirtatious as to be "too much" or to give the guy the feeling that she's just fooling around with the flirtation. Making eye contact that is sustained for just a few milliseconds longer than would be the case if she weren't really interested. Smiling. Looking back to check after he walks away, and smiling when she finds that he is doing the same. And most of all, patience. Guys will come, and the right ones will be interested and pursue her. They both know via the time-tested organic signals when there is mutual interest and attraction. YMMV
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