When was the last time a man complimented your wife?

Many married woman get flustered. It throws them off - probably because they're no longer used to it. It happened yesterday. I was talking to a woman about her kids. At a lull in the conversation, I complimented her shoes. It completely threw her. She looked up at me and her eyes got wide. She blushed, looked away guiltily, and said "oh" very softly to herself. This all happened because I said something about her shoes! She probably would have completely lost her composure had I followed-up with "Oh...I've never seen your eyes sparkle like that." I don't know if she's a hotwife. Maybe some day. Maybe soon. But my point is...if you're hoping your wife will become a hotwife, look for and support opportunities for her to experience non-platonic interactions. Even small, harmless ones that lead to nothing. Especially small, harmless ones that lead to nothing. Help her rediscover the feeling of being desired by someone other than you.
Many married woman get flustered. It throws them off - probably because they're no longer used to it. It happened yesterday. I was talking to a woman about her kids. At a lull in the conversation, I complimented her shoes. It completely threw her. She looked up at me and her eyes got wide. She blushed, looked away guiltily, and said "oh" very softly to herself. This all happened because I said something about her shoes! She probably would have completely lost her composure had I followed-up with "Oh...I've never seen your eyes sparkle like that." I don't know if she's a hotwife. Maybe some day. Maybe soon. But my point is...if you're hoping your wife will become a hotwife, look for and support opportunities for her to experience non-platonic interactions. Even small, harmless ones that lead to nothing. Especially small, harmless ones that lead to nothing. Help her rediscover the feeling of being desired by someone other than you.
I love compliment wives
I really think this would be a huge thing for my wife. Im sure she has been hit on before but i think it is usually a more car call type thing. Getting serious compliments from men that she would take seriously would have to be a self esteem boost
I really think this would be a huge thing for my wife. Im sure she has been hit on before but i think it is usually a more car call type thing. Getting serious compliments from men that she would take seriously would have to be a self esteem boost
Next time your out with her, even at a store or a park or wherever, be on the look out for guys checking her out. Brief or extended look; doesn't matter. Then tell her about it and point out the guy. She may not believe you, but it will give her something to think about.
Next time your out with her, even at a store or a park or wherever, be on the look out for guys checking her out. Brief or extended look; doesn't matter. Then tell her about it and point out the guy. She may not believe you, but it will give her something to think about.
I have done this and she just shrugs it off and says yeah right. I still point it out in hopes that it helps anyway. Thanks for the response.
Just today actually, which is not out of the ordinary for her. We live in a small town and she is well known around here as the #1milf. We have a ...... in jr. high who absolutely hates it because his friends are always talking about her and calling her the queen milf. He wont even let his friends come over because he doesnt want them looking at her.
men constantly check my wife out and even hit on her, and I love it. one time we were having a drink and I pointed out a guy to her and to my shock she went over to him and picked him up. sadly it didn't go anywhere but it was hot.
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I agree with Howard about complimenting women. I told my wife to be aware of men complimenting her. She lloked at me like I was crazy. I said if a man thinks enough of you to say something nice adn you think he is attractive or someone we might want to hookup with Flirt back. You never know where it might lead
Last summer, my wife met up with an old classmate who she hadn’t seen for 30 years. She loved how he complimented her on how good she looked, her hair, her choice of dress, how little she’d changed.

As a result of that (and a couple of bottles of wine), later that afternoon he was complimenting her on her choice of underwear, how pert her naked breasts still are, and how good she looked bouncing up and down on top of him! lol
We were at a Mexican resort a few weeks back and one of the guys sitting at the swim up bar made a comment about my wife and how nice her tits looked in her bikini top. I don’t think she heard him (if she did she didn’t tell me) but it was hot to hear that from a complete stranger.