It actually means many different things to different cuckolds.
But let's start at the beginning: The truth vs. the Truth.
The Truth, or an absolute Truth, is actually unnamable, or rather it exists, but when you try to interpret it and put words to it, it becomes one of very many truths, as many truths as there are people. This, of course, applies to most of human experience, not just cuckoldry.
There are certain Truths though that are still difficult to express without making up stories or making meaning. We can start with the most basic statement of fact, and then illustrate how many interpretations we can make up. (While these concepts could apply to same sex couples, two men, or even two women, this will focus on a man and a woman.)
1)Penetration has two halves: The Penetrator and the Penetrated. There exists a certain energetic dynamic between a man, whose dick penetrates and a woman whose pussy is penetrated. This energy dynamic is asymmetrical.
2)Size does make a difference in this energy dynamic. Both the size of the dick and the size of the pussy will influence the energy dynamic.
3)Duration, forse, and cadence of penetration and thrusting have an impact on the quality and intensity of the energy dynamic.
4)The energy dynamic of penetration will differ with different combinations of dick and pussy. While much of this dynamic may be attributed to connection between partners that can be non-sexual (mind, spirit, heart, etc.), a certain portion of this dynamic is purely the physical combination of dick and pussy.
5)Love and sexual attraction are two real aspects of an energetic dynamic between two people. These are also some of the most unnamable real features of human existence.
6)It is possible to love without sexual attraction. It is possible to have sexual attraction without love. It is possible to have neither, it is possible to have both.
7)Therefore, it is possible to be completely in love with a partner, but lose sexual attraction.
8)This condition sometimes takes the form of a cuckold/hotwife pairing, where a man and woman are deeply devoted and in love, but sexual attraction diminishes or becomes limited (e.g. oral sex for woman only)
This is where the factual statements begin to diverge and the definition of cuckold and hot wife and the relationship that may be formed takes many different forms. It is important to realize that the examples which follow are by no means an exhaustive list. It is also important to realize that none of these forms are more right or more wrong, but are merely the descriptive stories that people make up to describe the relationship that fits them.
The Clueless Cuckold
A Cuckold with no idea. When you see him and his wife (or girlfriend, wife used for brevity), you wonder how he can be so clueless.
He has a smoking hot babe of a wife. She is amazingly sexual. And yet he does not question the fact that their love life is bland, but that she seems so very satisfied all of the time.
She is so obviously cheating on him, that even without any evidence, his friends give him the advice to check up on her. It just seems inconceivable that this relationship works. However, there is not zero chemistry. She does love having her pussy licked, and she does not mind if he jerks off.
It is so obvious, that often this type of cuckold does not stay clueless forever. He may become a different type of cuckold before too long.
The Reluctant Cuckold
This type of cuckold/hotwife arrangement is the gateway to consensual cuckoldry, yet is not quite there.
It should be distinguished from the man who refuses to be a cuckold outright because that either ends with a breakup, or a hotwife denying her needs and is thus not a type of cuckold/hotwife relationship.
A reluctant cuckold has not quite accepted that his wife has sex with other men, but does not want his relationship to end.
He does not stop her from going out on dates or being with her lover when he is away, but he does not embrace it either. There is a strong tendency for the reluctant cuckold to be in denial of some of the basic facts listed above.
He may remain in denial for some time. It may sort of "work" for some time. She is getting what she wants and he is turning a blind eye to it. This arrangement can come to a crisis where it will either end or necessarily evolve into something else.
Bargaining Cuckold
With some acceptance that his wife has sex with other men, some cuckolds will put out a huge effort to measure up.
They will try to improve their stamina, might try hardon pills, might try to learn some new moves. They will then ask their hotwives to give their approval, desperate for validation.
This is where cuckolds often run up against a very hard Truth: The physical dimensions of her pussy and his dick do make a difference in their energy dynamic during penetration. She cannot ignore the difference that her lover's dick makes inside her pussy. While it is easy to make light of this Truth, with jokes about 'Size Doesn't Matter', the Truth is closer to 'Size DOES Matter', and there is no denying this, either by the cuckold or the hotwife.
A bargaining cuckold, running up against a Truth he cannot overcome, will turn towards other means of improving the sexual energy dynamic between himself and his wife. Very commonly, he finds that giving her oral pleasure is still a way in which he can achieve this. She will often respond even more strongly to his tongue, for more than one reason. First, she often feels some guilt, so a chance to enjoy and validate her cuckold gives her relief. Secondly, a cuckold's performance with his tongue does not rely upon the size of his dick, thus cunnilingus can be his best bet to continue his sexual connection with his hotwife.
The Accepting Cuckold - Hidden Hotwife
Thus begins the more stable stages of cuckoldry. The Cuckold has accepted that his role in his Hot wives' sex life is not that of Penetrator, but that he has a valued position as Chief Pussy Licker. All of his demons have not been exercised, but this acceptance at this stage does provide some peace and some solid ground for the further acceptance that is to come.
At this stage, the Hot wife conducts her other life in relative secret. Her dates are out in the open, and her Cuckold will get to watch or even participate in her preparations, but he is denied any direct knowledge of her activities.
She has the freedom to explore for herself, to date around with various lovers, to find her own new normal sex life. She too has adjustments to make such as dating for sex, without the need to date for stability or being provided for. She has her loyal Cuckold at home for that.
But a change is looming on the horizon. One day, she will reach a critical point with one of her lovers. It may take time, or it may be the first date. One day she will want to be fucked bareback and allow her lover to cum inside of her. When this happens another absolute Truth will come to pass: Her lover will biologically leave a physical trace of himself. Even if she cleans the outside of herself off, inside that physical Truth will remain for several days. And this trace is detectable.
The Accepting Cuckold Challenged - Unseen but Detectable Bull
Even a previously well-adjusted Accepting Cuckold will face a Truth that is undeniable that will challenge him in that deep way that only a Truth can.
Even in the dark and blindfolded, on that day when a Hot wife returns from the date where the condoms were left off, and even with a careful cleanup, the change that took place will be deeply known to the Cuckold fulfilling his role with his Hotwife.
Even with no visible trace of semen, there will be an absence of the taste and odor of latex. Even without obvious cream, her fluids will be altered. The longer that she is Penetrated and Inseminated by her Bull bareback, the more her normal pussy aroma will be persistently transformed. She will cease to smell and taste like she did when she only used latex. She will begin to carry the pheromones of not only herself but those of her lover.
Facing this, the Accepting, but Challenged Cuckold may falter in his devotion, however, nature provides a positive feedback loop at the crucial moment. As she takes in semen, her baseline turn on will rise. As the Cuckold detects and ingests her Bull's pheromones, his urge to please his Hot wife will increase dramatically. He will lick her more and try to make up for what he lacks.
But let's start at the beginning: The truth vs. the Truth.
The Truth, or an absolute Truth, is actually unnamable, or rather it exists, but when you try to interpret it and put words to it, it becomes one of very many truths, as many truths as there are people. This, of course, applies to most of human experience, not just cuckoldry.
There are certain Truths though that are still difficult to express without making up stories or making meaning. We can start with the most basic statement of fact, and then illustrate how many interpretations we can make up. (While these concepts could apply to same sex couples, two men, or even two women, this will focus on a man and a woman.)
1)Penetration has two halves: The Penetrator and the Penetrated. There exists a certain energetic dynamic between a man, whose dick penetrates and a woman whose pussy is penetrated. This energy dynamic is asymmetrical.
2)Size does make a difference in this energy dynamic. Both the size of the dick and the size of the pussy will influence the energy dynamic.
3)Duration, forse, and cadence of penetration and thrusting have an impact on the quality and intensity of the energy dynamic.
4)The energy dynamic of penetration will differ with different combinations of dick and pussy. While much of this dynamic may be attributed to connection between partners that can be non-sexual (mind, spirit, heart, etc.), a certain portion of this dynamic is purely the physical combination of dick and pussy.
5)Love and sexual attraction are two real aspects of an energetic dynamic between two people. These are also some of the most unnamable real features of human existence.
6)It is possible to love without sexual attraction. It is possible to have sexual attraction without love. It is possible to have neither, it is possible to have both.
7)Therefore, it is possible to be completely in love with a partner, but lose sexual attraction.
8)This condition sometimes takes the form of a cuckold/hotwife pairing, where a man and woman are deeply devoted and in love, but sexual attraction diminishes or becomes limited (e.g. oral sex for woman only)
This is where the factual statements begin to diverge and the definition of cuckold and hot wife and the relationship that may be formed takes many different forms. It is important to realize that the examples which follow are by no means an exhaustive list. It is also important to realize that none of these forms are more right or more wrong, but are merely the descriptive stories that people make up to describe the relationship that fits them.
The Clueless Cuckold
A Cuckold with no idea. When you see him and his wife (or girlfriend, wife used for brevity), you wonder how he can be so clueless.
He has a smoking hot babe of a wife. She is amazingly sexual. And yet he does not question the fact that their love life is bland, but that she seems so very satisfied all of the time.
She is so obviously cheating on him, that even without any evidence, his friends give him the advice to check up on her. It just seems inconceivable that this relationship works. However, there is not zero chemistry. She does love having her pussy licked, and she does not mind if he jerks off.
It is so obvious, that often this type of cuckold does not stay clueless forever. He may become a different type of cuckold before too long.
The Reluctant Cuckold
This type of cuckold/hotwife arrangement is the gateway to consensual cuckoldry, yet is not quite there.
It should be distinguished from the man who refuses to be a cuckold outright because that either ends with a breakup, or a hotwife denying her needs and is thus not a type of cuckold/hotwife relationship.
A reluctant cuckold has not quite accepted that his wife has sex with other men, but does not want his relationship to end.
He does not stop her from going out on dates or being with her lover when he is away, but he does not embrace it either. There is a strong tendency for the reluctant cuckold to be in denial of some of the basic facts listed above.
He may remain in denial for some time. It may sort of "work" for some time. She is getting what she wants and he is turning a blind eye to it. This arrangement can come to a crisis where it will either end or necessarily evolve into something else.
Bargaining Cuckold
With some acceptance that his wife has sex with other men, some cuckolds will put out a huge effort to measure up.
They will try to improve their stamina, might try hardon pills, might try to learn some new moves. They will then ask their hotwives to give their approval, desperate for validation.
This is where cuckolds often run up against a very hard Truth: The physical dimensions of her pussy and his dick do make a difference in their energy dynamic during penetration. She cannot ignore the difference that her lover's dick makes inside her pussy. While it is easy to make light of this Truth, with jokes about 'Size Doesn't Matter', the Truth is closer to 'Size DOES Matter', and there is no denying this, either by the cuckold or the hotwife.
A bargaining cuckold, running up against a Truth he cannot overcome, will turn towards other means of improving the sexual energy dynamic between himself and his wife. Very commonly, he finds that giving her oral pleasure is still a way in which he can achieve this. She will often respond even more strongly to his tongue, for more than one reason. First, she often feels some guilt, so a chance to enjoy and validate her cuckold gives her relief. Secondly, a cuckold's performance with his tongue does not rely upon the size of his dick, thus cunnilingus can be his best bet to continue his sexual connection with his hotwife.
The Accepting Cuckold - Hidden Hotwife
Thus begins the more stable stages of cuckoldry. The Cuckold has accepted that his role in his Hot wives' sex life is not that of Penetrator, but that he has a valued position as Chief Pussy Licker. All of his demons have not been exercised, but this acceptance at this stage does provide some peace and some solid ground for the further acceptance that is to come.
At this stage, the Hot wife conducts her other life in relative secret. Her dates are out in the open, and her Cuckold will get to watch or even participate in her preparations, but he is denied any direct knowledge of her activities.
She has the freedom to explore for herself, to date around with various lovers, to find her own new normal sex life. She too has adjustments to make such as dating for sex, without the need to date for stability or being provided for. She has her loyal Cuckold at home for that.
But a change is looming on the horizon. One day, she will reach a critical point with one of her lovers. It may take time, or it may be the first date. One day she will want to be fucked bareback and allow her lover to cum inside of her. When this happens another absolute Truth will come to pass: Her lover will biologically leave a physical trace of himself. Even if she cleans the outside of herself off, inside that physical Truth will remain for several days. And this trace is detectable.
The Accepting Cuckold Challenged - Unseen but Detectable Bull
Even a previously well-adjusted Accepting Cuckold will face a Truth that is undeniable that will challenge him in that deep way that only a Truth can.
Even in the dark and blindfolded, on that day when a Hot wife returns from the date where the condoms were left off, and even with a careful cleanup, the change that took place will be deeply known to the Cuckold fulfilling his role with his Hotwife.
Even with no visible trace of semen, there will be an absence of the taste and odor of latex. Even without obvious cream, her fluids will be altered. The longer that she is Penetrated and Inseminated by her Bull bareback, the more her normal pussy aroma will be persistently transformed. She will cease to smell and taste like she did when she only used latex. She will begin to carry the pheromones of not only herself but those of her lover.
Facing this, the Accepting, but Challenged Cuckold may falter in his devotion, however, nature provides a positive feedback loop at the crucial moment. As she takes in semen, her baseline turn on will rise. As the Cuckold detects and ingests her Bull's pheromones, his urge to please his Hot wife will increase dramatically. He will lick her more and try to make up for what he lacks.