What turns you on?

Come home to him unexpectedly freshly fucked. Kiss him and ask him if he can taste it. Push his face into your pussy and insist that he lick it, again asking him if he can taste the cum, rubbing your count all over his face and holding it between your legs. Tell him details about his the guy fucked you and how you're going to do it again.
I want some new ideas of things I could do to drive him crazy! What's your thoughts?
Give her a double pussie penetration and feel your friend pulsating inside her pussie with your cock . Its exhilarating
I have done that a number of times, but only could feel the other guy throbbing one time. And it was exhilerating. But with three people all moving around a little, and sliding in and out, everything has to be in perfect alignment for my penis to feel the other guy pulsating as he cums. Not easy to feel him throbbing, but of course he tenses up, pushes in deep, so I know he is cumming anyway.
Have his friend dildo fuck you with hubby watching while your telling him his friend fucks you better with the dildo then he ever has with his inferior cock little cock
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Have hubby's friend eat you while you tell hubby how good it feels to be eaten by a real man
..and have him kiss your feet and inner thighs..working up to kiss your lips and have him tell you how lucky he is to have a sexy beautiful women like you for his wife.
Call him from your friend's place, unexpectedly, and tell him he's been fingering you and you've been playing with his dick, and you just wanted to let him know that you're about to fuck him. Maybe "forget" to disconnect, so he can hear everything. and hear you telling your lover how much you love his dick and his fuck.

When you get home, go straight to the bed and pull off your cum-soaked panties, pull you husband to you and then before you let him fuck you, push his head down and "forse" him to lick the cum out of you. Ask him if he can taste it, and if he knows what it is, and tell him in detail how he fucked you and all the things you did, Details are important here. Tell him how much you loved it and how you are going to do it again. Just don't be surprised if he cums before he even gets it in you.