At a swing club we used to belong to there was this dating couple who decided to get married. About 3 months after their wedding they made a return to one of the parties. She wore a wedding dress they had found at thrift shop. He wore a tux.Arrrg...I will regret posting this I am sure. My taboo fantasy star well before we got married. I had already had a fantasy that my wife (future wife) would get fucked the day of our wedding in her wedding dress by another guy And that she would walk down the isle in her wedding dress with her pussy secretly full of cum. While we were courting I casually mentioned that I had this fantasy. I was of course a bit ...... at the time. I told my fiancée about it and she gave me that disapproving look that Asian woman can give. I said nothing more after that. As many of you know my wife was a bar girl at that time so she was very used to fucking a lot of different guys. When our wedding day came we were up in her province hav a big Catholic Church wedding. My wife had on a wedding dress we had made special fir her in Hong kong. It was beautiful. I was not allowed to be anywhere near her before the wedding, bad luck you know. I was standing at the alter waiting and I saw how beautiful she looked walking down the isle. She looked stunning in her dress. We did the entire ceremony and then got in the car to have the reception. At the reception I went to take off her garter so I could throw it as is the tradition. As I pulled up her dress I was very surprised to see that she was wearing a garter belt and stockings but no panties, and because I am a stupid idiot I had pulled her dress up a bit too far and exposed her well groomed hairy pussy to most of the guests. when I went to pull of the garter, I noticed it and the side of her leg were wet and somewhat sticky. I just looked into her eyes and she gave me a cute look. I could smell the unmistakable smell of sperm from under her dress. The next hours were agonizing because now I really wanted to get her into the room alone. When we finally did I took off her dres and the odor of sperm filled the room. I asked her and she told me that she remembered my fantasy so she had arranged for an ex boyfriend of hers to fuck her just before the wedding after she had put on her wedding dress. I suppo it was good I didn’t find out earlier because I probably would have skipped the reception.
Started with people kissing the bride and groom, a dollar dance that had all the guys feeling up the bride as the stuck dollars down her top or into her panties. The women were having their own fun with the groom and a few with the bride.
Soon they retreated to the room they had rented at the hotel where select invited guests had their way with the bride.