What is the sluttiest thing your wife has done (or you as the wife have done)

Another contender even less actually naughty...

Early twenties, well I was late twenties, and we were both still at university. Somewhat bizzarely some of her course people independently knew some of my research group's people. One of the parties we went to she went in a really short dress - not a dress but a slinky nightdress which at that age she had a bit of a habit of wearing as dresses sometimes. I believe it came down to maybe 1" below her crotch/arse cheeks. She didn't wear knickers.

She wouldn't let me feel her up on the stairs of the house in case someone came into the hall and saw. However, in the living room she was quite happy to slow dance with me while one of the chaps from a couple of labs down from mine sat back on the sofa with head at or maybe slightly below crotch height watching.
Looking at the pictures, you posted of her ass, I don’t blame that guy for watching
Taking wife to black nightclub
seriously tina!! you lucky bitch!! where is that club and whose gonna bring me there?? Someone pm me Im ..over ready!! crissy
