Where do i start on this one,
We have been married since she was 18, i was an inexperienced lover and she had and has an very kinky mind she likes occasionally to explore, she turned me into her cuck husband when she was 20. We are both very dominant characters in real life, but time has shown me with are both sexually submissives too, she to her lovers and me to her. I have over the years watched what i wanted to of her plays with her men including in our marital bed.
Things she has done with her lover BUT not me.
She sinks to her knees as they arrive and sucks them till they are hard,
Has been fucked in our bath by several men over the years,
She likes anal with some of her lovers and to be rimmed,
tied to hotel beds or our marital bed, legs wide open and with electrobes inserted in both holes then wanked to multiple violent orgasms,
tied to a board, strapped down in a leather ...... sack, hooded, sometimes with a breathing hood, so he controls her breathing, as she has electrobes and involuntary violent orgasms, induced by this or a magic wand as she drifts in and out of unconsciousness, Risky stuff one mistake....
He had years of experience in this i will add..
Naked wax dripped over her, she likes this, if messy afterwards,
Nipple clamps fixed firmly, electrical clips on her pussy and tongue,
restrained and spanked hard, that makes her cum so much,
coming back to me fitted with a locked heavy BDSM style collar to wear for a week, saying XXX owns my body whilst i wear this, it didnt happen often it was too heavy and big to hide from the kids and work colleagues.
That is just a few.
Outside in public,
She has been taken onto a quiet beach, led on a collar and chain, stripped and fucked,
sat in a jacuzzi at a night club, sat between two men, wanking one off as she was fingered by the other, i sat opposite caged and collared,
shockingly led into a crowded pub on a chain, full of mainly men watching football, wearing a skin tight dress and collar the chain then hanging down the outside of her dress,
being fucked in her lovers car at a dogging spot me watching, joined by a bloke i didnt know, he got his dick out, i couldnt i was caged.
So what has she done to me?
Early in our marriage i knew i was not her lover of choice especially when i saw her being seduced by my best friend, i do watch her with her lovers, she insists i am involved in someway. I also like being absent.
Many years since as she lay on our marital bed with her lover she removed her knickers and asked me to put them on, this was something id never though of or thought id like, but i did, so did she. She said from now on i would only ever wear female knickers, she liked my ass in them, what followed....,
I have been allocated my knickers everyday since by my cuckoldress.
she painted my toe nails, pink, has ever since, various colours,
i was presented with a cage, i actually liked the feel of it, she liked it too, a caged husband, our unspoken acknowledgement that i didnt need to be physically involved now, she had other men to sort her "itch".
when we meet up afterwards If she has sticky knickers, she asks to swop them with mine, so his cum sticks around my balls,
I first wore suspenders at her request, still do as a treat,
she bought me tight female jeans and liked my ass in them for indoor wear only, that rule didnt last long, i have two pairs of mens jeans rarely worn, other pairs of female jeans arrived for me now my daily wear is female jeans,
female brightly coloured shorts,
silky pink PJs a pair for us both, more have followed,
Pairs of bikini bottoms matching hers the bottoms were for me.
We share stockings,
This weekend gone, taking a picture she said i looked pale, so she put on a bit of blusher and lipstick, just before some friends arrived for tea is this a new advancement?
As she is a jeans wearing tomboy i know i will never be asked to wear a skirt etc, she dresses me the same as she does herself.
We ceased having sex years since i am her permanently semi feminised collared and caged cuck husband she views me now as more of a semi sister than a lover. I have come to realise i actually like a bit of sexual humiliation.