Weekly Play Time


Well-Known Member
Back when we had been in the lifestyle for a couple of years, we were mainly involving my best friend. After a while she started talking about
wanting to play with someone different. I was fine with it and told her so. We lived in a townhouse that consisted of two buildings. Mostly
other couples our age.

One of the couples were Penny and Brian who kind of started hanging out with. There was no doubt that Brian had a thing for my wife.
Penny was a nurse and got assigned to second shift four to midnight and Brian started hanging out with us more often and we would
sit out on the patio and drink beer and her and Brian would usually smoke some weed. One night a week I league bowled and was
gone from six to around ten and a lot of nights Brian would go and hang out with me.

One night he got to talking about with him getting up so early and Penny working till midnight their sex life sucked big time. We talked
a lot about it on the way home and he was asking me was our sex life good and I replied oh yea it is great. He then said please don't
take it wrong but your wife is a hottie and told me he was not going to lie to me, but he had jacked off many times thinking about her. I
told him it was all good and glad she could help him out in that department. I just kind of put it out there then that Penny would not be
home till after midnight and if he was interested that my wife normally had something sexy on when I came in from bowling and he
may get some nice glimpses if he wanted to come in with me. He quickly replied oh hell yeah.

We parked and he followed me in, and she was in the kitchen as we walked in and greeted me and had not yet saw Brian. She had on a
thigh length black gown that had lace panels all the way up both side and of course had on no panties or a bra. About that time, she saw
Brian and quickly went up the stairs. First thing Brian said was on dam man that was sexy as hell. He then said hope this did not get you
in trouble and I quickly reassured him that she just was not expecting him to come in with me and I would go check on him. When I walked
in the bedroom she had taken the gown off and was standing there naked and said I was not expecting Brain to be with you and apologized.
I let her know everything was okay and told her of mine and Brians conversation. She looked surprised and said really, he is jacking off to
thoughts of me and told me that was hot.

I told her to put the gown back on and come back down and her and Brain could smoke one. She told me she probably needed to at least
put some panties on with it and I told her no and that she was sexy as hell just like she was wearing it. She asked was I sure and I assured
her I was. She wanted to come back down no doubt about it and said okay but let me at least brush my hair and she would be down in a
few minutes. I went down and assured Brian all was good, and she would be down in a few minutes and asked did he have some smoke.
He told me yea he would have to run get it and went out the back and up the alleyway. While he was gone, she came down and immediately
asked where Brian went, and I told her he would be right back.

A few minutes later he came back in the sliding door and spoke to her, and she apologized for running off. He told her it was fine, and he was
sure, him coming in surprised her. As they talked Brain was looking her up and down and her nipples were now hard, and she laughed and spoke
don't you dare ever tell Penny you saw me dressed like this and he said no worries. He asked her did she want to smoke one and she quickly told
him yes so, we all went out on the patio. Me and Brian stood up and she got up and sat on the picnic table. No lights on but just from the lights
from inside the townhouse if she opened her legs a little, he was going to get a treat for sure. She kept them tightly closed and they started
smoking and passing it back and forth. When they finished with it I walked up to her and kissed her and put my hands on her knees and pushed
her legs apart. She smiled and asked what I was doing, and I replied just kissing you.

When I stepped back though she left her legs opened and smiled at Brian as he looked all the way up under the gown. He just mumbled oh man
and said to her you are killing me. She laughed and said I am sorry do you want me to not do this, and he quickly said oh no please don't stop. He
asked did she want to smoke one more and she again smiled and said I am not sure. He gave her a puzzled look and I spoke up and said pot makes
her horny. She kind of slapped at me and said I cannot believe you told Brian that. I looked at her and said Well it is the truth, and you tell me that all
the time. At this point Brain had another lit up and handing it to her. They passed it back and forth and as they finished, I again stepped up to her and
kissed her again and push them open even more. She did not protest but just said we need to go inside. We went back in, and she closed the curtains.

She talked to us a minute and then went to the kitchen to get her something to drink. Brain looked at me and said oh man you know what I am going
to have to do when I go in and I just laughed. She came back in and when she did, I pulled her to me and kissed her pretty hot and heavy. I had her back
to Brian so I took the bottom of the gown and pulled it up over her ass and completely exposing it to Brian. I glanced over her shoulder at him and he
was adjusting himself. I broke the kiss and put my mouth upby her ear and whispered to her asking did she want to let Brian fuck her and with no
hesitation she whispered back yes please. I motioned for Brian, and he came up behind her and put his hands on her hips. I could just kind of feel her
melt. I turned her around to face Brian and in a kind of pleading way she said to him that Penny could never know about this. He assured her that she
would never know.
Sorry lot of typing!
They started making out and Brian had his hands all over her, so I just sat back in a chair and watched. She managed to get her hands between them
was able to get Brians jeans unbuttoned and unzipped and get her hand into his undershorts. When they broke the kiss, she just kind of said mmmm you are very hard and then said to him lets go to the bedroom where we can be more comfortable. She also asked was he okay with me being in the
room and he replied that he had no problem with it. We followed her up the stairs into the bedroom and she said to Brain why didn't he get undressed
which he quickly did.

She stood there in front of him and took the gown off where she was now completely naked. Brain made a remark somewhere along the lines of she has no idea how long he has wondered what she looked like naked. She smiled and said now you know and added if he kept this between us that he
could see her naked a lot more often. They started back making out and Brians hands was all over her. She was very much into it. When they finally
slowed down on the kissing she sat back on the bed and pulled Brian to her and basically took most off of him in her mouth. She is great at oral and
the look on Brians face said he was loving it. Brian finally had to stop her because she was getting him close, and he wanted other things. He slid her further up on the bed and started going down on her (she later told me he was very good at that) There was no doubt that both of them wanted more
and she finally pulled Brain up between her legs and reached down and guided him in.

It was not long and drawn out as he was so worked up that he came pretty quick, but she quickly assured him that was fine and that she really enjoyed
it. I happened to look over at the clock and notice it was twelve ten and Penny would be home any minute, so he gathered his clothes and put them on and headed out the back door and into his place. She got cleaned up and got in bed and thanked me and told me she really enjoyed that and had to
tell me she wanted to be honest and that when she told me she wanted to try someone new that Brian was the first person that came to mind. Did not hear from him for a couple of days but on the third day there was a knock on the sliding door, and I let him in. You could tell he wanted to bring it up
but was not sure how too. So, she just said to him that she really enjoyed the other night, and this allowed him to be able to talk about it. He told her
how hot she was and beautiful and that she was a great kisser and said and was really good at other things. I laughed and said you can tell her she
gives great blowjobs Brian and we all laughed.

After a few minutes he said he had some smoke, and did she want to do one and she jumped on that. She had on shorts and a blouse so in front of
us she reached in and took her bra off. They smoked it and we came back in, and she just asked him did he want to and of course his answer was
yes. Lot less informal this time as we went starlight to the bedroom and the two of them got undressed and spend the next hour having sex and
being very comfortable with each other. Once finished we all went downstairs to talk, and I suggested to Brian instead of going to the bowling alley with me why didn't he come and spend that time with her. They both liked that idea, so it became a regular Thursday night thing. Most of the time
when I go in at ten, they were still going at it. And it got to the point that on most of the evenings that he came down they did something sexual. Penny got transferred to another job and came off second shift so that put an end to the playing. But it was fun while it lasted
Sorry lot of typing!
They started making out and Brian had his hands all over her, so I just sat back in a chair and watched. She managed to get her hands between them
was able to get Brians jeans unbuttoned and unzipped and get her hand into his undershorts. When they broke the kiss, she just kind of said mmmm you are very hard and then said to him lets go to the bedroom where we can be more comfortable. She also asked was he okay with me being in the
room and he replied that he had no problem with it. We followed her up the stairs into the bedroom and she said to Brain why didn't he get undressed
which he quickly did.

She stood there in front of him and took the gown off where she was now completely naked. Brain made a remark somewhere along the lines of she has no idea how long he has wondered what she looked like naked. She smiled and said now you know and added if he kept this between us that he
could see her naked a lot more often. They started back making out and Brians hands was all over her. She was very much into it. When they finally
slowed down on the kissing she sat back on the bed and pulled Brian to her and basically took most off of him in her mouth. She is great at oral and
the look on Brians face said he was loving it. Brian finally had to stop her because she was getting him close, and he wanted other things. He slid her further up on the bed and started going down on her (she later told me he was very good at that) There was no doubt that both of them wanted more
and she finally pulled Brain up between her legs and reached down and guided him in.

It was not long and drawn out as he was so worked up that he came pretty quick, but she quickly assured him that was fine and that she really enjoyed
it. I happened to look over at the clock and notice it was twelve ten and Penny would be home any minute, so he gathered his clothes and put them on and headed out the back door and into his place. She got cleaned up and got in bed and thanked me and told me she really enjoyed that and had to
tell me she wanted to be honest and that when she told me she wanted to try someone new that Brian was the first person that came to mind. Did not hear from him for a couple of days but on the third day there was a knock on the sliding door, and I let him in. You could tell he wanted to bring it up
but was not sure how too. So, she just said to him that she really enjoyed the other night, and this allowed him to be able to talk about it. He told her
how hot she was and beautiful and that she was a great kisser and said and was really good at other things. I laughed and said you can tell her she
gives great blowjobs Brian and we all laughed.

After a few minutes he said he had some smoke, and did she want to do one and she jumped on that. She had on shorts and a blouse so in front of
us she reached in and took her bra off. They smoked it and we came back in, and she just asked him did he want to and of course his answer was
yes. Lot less informal this time as we went starlight to the bedroom and the two of them got undressed and spend the next hour having sex and
being very comfortable with each other. Once finished we all went downstairs to talk, and I suggested to Brian instead of going to the bowling alley with me why didn't he come and spend that time with her. They both liked that idea, so it became a regular Thursday night thing. Most of the time
when I go in at ten, they were still going at it. And it got to the point that on most of the evenings that he came down they did something sexual. Penny got transferred to another job and came off second shift so that put an end to the playing. But it was fun while it lasted
A great story and well described. Some of the best times happen unexpectedly. It's a shame that it had to end but life changes and there's always a new experience to be had.
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